《What Am I {J.J.K. FF}(#wattys2018)》OFFICIAL STATEMENT


Vela speaking here! Hi hii!!

So first of all, it's been hella longgg since i've wrote something down here. Last time i logged in here is just to give you guys constant updates about not continuing the book, and giving you guys false hopes.

I'm truly sorry for that.

So now, it's official that i'm going to write the season 2 of this book!

And i know, some of y'all must've left this dust-covered online book kept in your full shelf, with the plots that are just confusing and hella weird.

Soo! The Season 2 will be kinda related, but i will shorten the Season 1 plot and include that into this new book, so that you all who really doesn't want to read 'Who Am I' from the start again doesn't have to!

The story is going to be portrayed a lottt more mature, whereas the season 1 is too much controlled by emotions, season 2 is going to be fully-thought actions and logics.

Few changes i would make is this :

° Baram - > Y/n

*I found some difficulties with the naming because time have changed, giving name to the reader's character is not necessary anymore. Alsooo, few of you guys gave me tips that it's better to change the name Baram become y/n.

° The storyline!

The storyline in season 2 will take place 10 years later and most of the chapters will be flashbacks of y/n's and jungkook's journey.

° The shortened plot of season 1 in the season 2 book.

3 years of absence into this wattpad world is a big change for me. As an author, i also want to portray a much more better version of the characters. So few little changes will occur throughout the season 2, but will be the same, big picture that's intended from the start.


That's it!

Sooooo! When will the first chapter will be uploaded?

📣 17th April 2021! 📣

The same day that Bighit-i mean HYBE, is going to hold BangBangCon! So, i hope you like it!

- Luv, Author -

Official Title : Grey Areas

Sub-Title : The Grey Areas where I Stood

Prolog Release Date : 16 April 2021

Release Date : 17 April 2021

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