《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Epilogue


We've been back in LA for about 4 months now, and tonight, our family and friends are over for our regular Sunday family dinner. Livie and the ladies actually came up with this idea. We rotate hosting our Sunday family dinners, and it's our turn to host for this week.

The ladies thought that it would be a great idea to do this regularly, so we can have some quality time as a family. And of course, we will pretty much do anything and everything just to make our women happy. They ask for so little, how can we not grant it?

Livie and I married in Greece, right before we moved back to LA. Our family and friends flew to Greece to attend our wedding.

It was a simple church wedding - held in the same church where her parents got married.

I will never forget that day... The moment when the doors opened and Livie walked in...

She was a fucking vision.

Our eyes met and and my nervousness disappeared. I stared at her in complete awe... Simply mesmerized by her beauty.

I remember how my eyes welled up with tears. I had to take a deep breath and swallow the lump that formed in my throat.

But there was something else... That feeling of knowingness... You just know that nothing else matters... That nothing else could go wrong as long as I had her beside me. I could lose everything... All the money, the cars, the houses... All the luxury, and it wouldn't matter to me, as long as I had my Livie and our kids.

My true wealth is my family. No amount of money or luxury could ever compare to the happiness my family brings to me.

As I look around the room now, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with the overflowing joy I feel inside. I never thought I could be this happy again after what happened with Livie and I three years ago.

I made a lot of mistakes and until now, I feel so lucky and blessed to be forgiven by the woman I love with everything I am. I still struggle everyday with learning to forgive myself for believing the worst about Livie, and for abandoning her when she needed me most; but just like what Livie said, as long as we're together, we can can get through anything.

Now, looking at my wife, who's pregnant with our little princess, I can't help but get choked up. Just thinking about the life growing inside of her, and how grateful I am to be with her this time around... nothing can ever compare to that feeling. I missed out on her pregnancy with the twins, and I will always regret that, but now that we're complete, I promise never to miss another important moment in my family's lives.


I used to tease Jason and our friends, Mass and Marco, about how overprotective they're being with their wife when they were pregnant; but now I understand. I understand the feeling of helplessness, every time your wife is in pain or uncomfortable. I understand the feeling of wanting your wife and your unborn baby to always be safe and healthy.... I swear, I think I lose ten years of my life every time Livie is feeling any discomfort - especially now that she's due to give birth next week.

"Hey man, stop sweating. she's done this before. She'll let you know if she's in labour," Marco said.

"Yeah, I know. I can't help it."

Marco chuckled. "I know the feeling, man," he said then nodded towards Jason who's busy cooing at his 4 month old twins, Jake and Mia. "Look at him... Look at us," he said in a chuckle. "Who would have thought we'd be dad's at our age. Before Ellie, I swore to myself that I wouldn't think about getting married at least until I'm in my mid-thirties, and now look, I'm not even thirty, and I'm married with a kid."

"I know," I agreed. "But If I hadn't been a stupid fool, I wouldn't have lost time with Livie and our boys."

"Hey, that's over man. I know it's hard, but you have to stop beating yourself up about it. Your family is complete now, and your about to meet your little princess soon."

That brought a smile to my face. "Thanks, man."

"Anytime," he said as he clapped me on my back. "Anyways, I heard you're in talks with Adam Murray of El Sueño."

"We were both interested in acquiring La Mezza Hotels, he found some dirt on the Mezza's and he wanted to inform me. We both withdrew our bid."

"Murray did that?"

I nodded. "Yeah. He's a great guy. I've known him personally for almost a year now."

Marco snorted. "Don't let Massimo hear you say that, or even hear you say Murray's name."


"According to Mass, Murray tried to steal Ara away from him. He calls him the 'asshole.'"

I laughed. "I'm guessing that was a long time ago, because he's now happily married with a baby on the way. Just like him, he got his second chance with his heart's desire."


"Good to know," Marco said.

I was about to open my mouth to say something when I heard a piercing scream that nearly killed me.


It was Livie.

I ran towards where she was standing.

"What's wrong?"

"My water broke... we're having a baby!" She groaned in pain.


"She's so beautiful... Our little Miracle," I said.

I kissed Livie at the top of her head, then her lips. "I'm so damm proud of you, Livie. You were amazing. Thank you for giving me our sons, and now, Mira..."

She looked at me tearfully. "You're welcome Lukey," she winked.

I laughed.

"I'm so happy," she whispered.

I smiled. "Me too, sweetheart... me too... I love you so much, Livie."

"I love you too," she said. "Why don't you bring her outside to meet our family," she said. "I'm sure their excited to meet our little Mira."

I nodded. "I'll be back soon," I said and kissed her one last time.

I walked out of the delivery room, with Mira in my arms.

Once they saw me, they all stood up to get a peek of our little Miracle.

"My goodness, she's beautiful," the ladies cooed.

"Damn, man. She's going to be a heartbreaker!" Marco said.

"If she's half as beautiful as her mother, there will be no doubt about it," I said proudly, but when I started thinking about the boys who will be after my little princess, I scowled at Marco. "She won't be dating until she's thirty," I grunted, and everyone laughed.

"How's Livie?" Ethan asked.

"She's great. Tired, but extremely happy," I said. "She was amazing... The whole thing was incredible. I don't know how you can't fall deeper in love with your wife after seeing that," I said.

All the men agreed, while I noticed Ethan shift uncomfortably, while still keeping the smile on his face.

I've really got to talk to my brother. But it can wait... So for now... "I better get back inside. I only came out for a couple of minutes to let you meet Mira."

"Tell Livie to get some rest. We'll be back in the morning to visit her," Zarah said.

"Will do. Thanks again for being here."

"We wouldn't miss this for the world. And don't worry about the boys, we'll stay at your place tonight. I don't want to wake them up by taking them home with us," Zarah said.

I nodded. "Thanks again, Zar."

"No problem. We'll bring them back tomorrow with us, I'm sure they're excited to meet their baby sister."

I nodded and thanked our family once again before heading back to Livie.

I walked in and saw that she has fallen asleep.

I smiled. "Your mom's tired. You're one lucky baby to have a mom like her. She's amazing and she loves you so very much," I cooed at Mira. "Thanks for keeping your promise and not giving your mommy too hard a time. I promise to keep my end, and love you, your mommy, and your brothers with all my heart forever," I said before kissing the top of her head.

"You're the one who's amazing..."

I turned to find Livie fully awake now with tears in her eyes.

I smiled at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too," she said.

Thinking about our boys, while looking at the bundle of joy nestled in the crook of my arms, and my wife, I feel like the luckiest man in the world.

Thank god, for second chances.


"A person who loves, trusts." - Olivia

"Second chances are not given to make things right. But are given to prove that we could be better even after we fall." - anonymous

"I am tired of people saying that poor character is the only reason people do wrong things. Actually, circumstances cause people to act a certain way. It's from those circumstances that a person's attitude is affected followed by weakening of character. Not the reverse. If we had no faults of our own, we should not take so much pleasure in noticing those in others and judging their lives as either black or white, good or bad. We all live our lives in shades of gray."

― Shannon L. Alder

"If your love is strong, you can overcome your pain and anger, and be brave enough to not let your second chance at happiness pass you by..."

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