《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 30


Where is she?

I checked all the other rooms, and she wasn't there.

The staff doesn't know where she was either, only that she has asked Gail to watch over the boys.

I tried her cell, but she wasn't answering.

My chest was pounding, and fear gripped me.

Damn it. Where could she be?

Her car and her driver was gone, but this isn't like her. She wouldn't just leave like that. Besides, she knew I was coming home early. She sounded like she needed to talk to me about something important.

Is she leaving me? Is that what she wanted to talk to me about?

As I paced back and forth, until a folded note caught my eye, with my name sprawled on it.

I walked over to the end table and grabbed the note, and read it.


Don't be angry with the staff. They don't know anything... Don't worry about me either, I'm fine. I just needed some time to myself... to think... I needed to go to a place where I was at my happiest...


I frowned.

.... at my happiest, she said.

I tired to think... then in a heartbeat it came to me.

The lighthouse... She's at the lighthouse.

I quickly grabbed my keys and drove to the lighthouse... The place where I first realized that I was madly in love with Livie. The place where I asked her to come back to LA with me... The place where I offered her the world. Where I promised to be by her side... And promised to protect her... "Yeah, and what a great fucking job you did!" I said to myself.

"Look what you've done," I said. I betrayed her, said and did unforgivable things to her.

"It's only unforgivable, if she doesn't forgive you..." My brother Jason said.

That's the problem. She can't forgive me... I don't blame her. I can't even forgive myself... And I never will.

I arrived at the lighthouse and got out of the car, and found her driver, Peter sanding beside the car.

"Sir," he acknowledged me with a nod.

"She okay?" I asked.

"Yes, sir. She's been up there for a couple hours now. She asked me not to answer your calls. I'm sorry, sir. I was just following orders..."

"It's alright, Peter. I asked you to follow her orders and you did just that. You can head back," I said.

"Yes, sir," he said and got into his car and left.

I went up to the top of the lighthouse, and found Livie sitting behind the rails, her feet dangling down the edge.

"You found me," she said without turning around.

"I did. I got your note," I said. "I thought of the last time you were happy, and thought of this place," I said. This place holds so many happy memories for us. One of the happiest memories we had together, I thought solemnly.

I ruined everything. But I hope she can still forgive me.

I walked over to where she was and I helped her up. That's when I noticed the tears in her eyes and her flushed cheeks.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I looked into her eyes and saw the raw pain clearly written in her eyes.

My knees instantly weakened and I succumbed to the pain, dread, and agony I've been keeping inside of me.

I dropped to my knees in a sob.

"I'm so sorry..." I sobbed out.

"Livie..." I sobbed out. "I can never take back what I said and done. I was so angry. I've never been so angry. I was so blinded by my anger that I couldn't see anything past it. I sent you away, and accused you of betraying me, when I was the one who betrayed you," I forced through my own tears and pain. "There is not a single second that went by, since I've found out the truth, that I haven't blamed myself..."


"I can never take back what I said and done. There is not a single second that went by, since I've found out the truth, that I haven't blamed myself..." He said.

For the first time, I saw the dark circle under Lucas' eyes. The hollow look in his eyes. He hasn't been sleeping well, from what I can tell

He has lost some weight too...

The torment and guilt was evident in his eyes.

Oh god... I have been so blinded by my own pain, that I haven't seen the way Lucas was punishing himself... Now he's down on his knees, hugging my legs, as he cried...

"I wish I could take away your pain and make it my own, but I can't. I'm so sorry, baby. So fucking sorry," his voice cracked and more tears escaped the corners of his eyes. "I hate myself for hurting you, and putting that pain in your eyes... I miss the way you used to look at me..." he said painfully. "You used to look at me with awe and love... With tenderness... I'd give anything for you to look at me like that again," he sobbed out.

I felt my resolve melt away...

I fell on my knees in front of him, cupped his face, and wiped away his tears. "Shh..." I said through my own tears. I could feel Lucas' pain, and it was killing me inside, to see him so broken up. "I still remember the first time I saw you. You were the most handsome man, I have ever seen. But that's not what made me agree to have lunch with you that day," I said.

"Yeah? What did?"

"Your eyes."

"My eyes?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Your eyes."

"What about them?" He asked in a whisper.

"I looked into your eyes and I saw your heart," I said.

His expression sobered.

"I knew I could trust you..." I said softly. "I know that probably sounds crazy and there's no explanation, but I fell in love with you in that moment. I can't explain it. There was just something about your eyes that reached my soul."

"But I ruined everything... I didn't listen to you," he said and fresh tears filled his eyes. "I betrayed you. I... I've been a bastard to you. You were right... Nothing will compare to what I have done to you and how much I've hurt you. I loved you and yet, I hurt you," he sobbed out.

"Lucas..." I reached for him again, and my heart twisted at the torment, pain, fear, and desperation in his eyes.

This is it... What Zarah, Ellie, and Ara has been telling me... Take a leap of faith... Take a chance... Risk it all... Together...

"I love you so much," I said brokenly. "I'm so sorry for being so blind. For not seeing how much you're hurting too. For only seeing my own pain. I'm sorry..."

"No. Don't. You have nothing to be sorry for..." I held my finger up to his lips.

"I do. Please, listen," I said and he nodded against my finger.

"I've spent so long being angry, because being angry is better than being sad, and feeling hurt. But I don't want to be angry anymore. I want us to stop beating ourselves up over the things that we can't change. I want what you want. I want to be happy. I want to be with you," I sobbed out.

"Oh god, Livie..." He said in a pain-filled voiced and pulled me into his arms and kissed me.


"I forgive you..." I whispered tearfully.

"I don't deserve it. I will never forget what I did to you... Never," he said. "But I love you. All I can think about is that I love you so fucking much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want to live without you... I can't."

"Oh Lucas..."

"I'll never forgive myself..." He said brokenly.

"Lucas, agape mou, you have to..."

"I can't. I'm going to spend my life knowing what I have done to you, and what I almost lost. I will never forget all the pain that I caused you. I will never forgive myself," he said again.

"Lucas, no. I won't let you do that to yourself. Lucas I don't want the past to taint our present, and our future... the life that we're going to live together. I want you to forgive yourself, like I've forgiven you and myself for all the mistakes we did. We'll do it together... Face the future together... We'll heal together."

He nodded. "Together."

I smiled. "I know that it's not gonna be easy. But as long as I have you beside me, holding my hand, I know we can get through this and anything else that will come our way, because this time... I'm letting go of all the anger and resentment."

He smiled back at me.

"Now it's my turn to ask you something," I said.

"Anything," he said.

"Will you forgive me?"

He frowned. "You don't need my forgiveness. I'm the one who..."

I placed my finger against his lips as I shook my head. "I was hurt and then angry. So angry that I just gave up. I should have tried harder to reach you and to explain... I guess I just reached the point where it hurt too much and I was scared... scared you wouldn't believe me no matter what I said. That night... when you wouldn't listen, I just couldn't get the words out. I couldn't believe what happened, I was so confused and ashamed and scared... I couldn't think straight and I made a mess of it. I should have tried again, but my fear won. And then I found out about the twins, and I just wanted to forget it ever happened. I just went into auto-pilot and survival mode. I couldn't afford to dwell on what happened to me. I had two babies inside of me that needed me. I pushed it behind me and convinced myself that it never happened," I tried to explain as best I could. "Then when you found me... I just," I shook my head.

"Was actually ared that I wouldn't listen and believe you..." he continued.

I nodded. "Since you found me I had a few chances, but the first time I ever tried again, we ended up arguing and my fears won out. I just couldn't go through that again."

"I made it hard for you to tell me the truth. You aren't to blame. I didn't make you feel safe to talk to me and that's on me."

"But I'm also sorry about the twins. I didn't intend to keep that from you and I can tell you so many reasons why I didn't but none of them matters. I shouldn't have allowed them to stop me from telling you about the twins."

"Thank you for that sweetheart," he said as he wiped my tears away.

"God, I love you so much."

I smiled through my tears. "S'agapó, agapí mou," I said.

"I thought I'd never hear you call me that again," he said.

I smiled. "Agapí mou. My love." I said again, as I caressed his cheek with my hand.

He hugged me to him and said, "I love you, so much. I'll spend the rest of our lives making you happy. You and the twins are my life."

I pulled away and smiled at him. "Do you think you could make room for one more in that big heart of yours?" I asked.

Confusion crossed his face.

I smiled at him with tear-filled eyes.

I reached for his hand and brought it against my, still-flat stomach.

I watched his face, as realization dawned on him.

His shock turned into great joy and pleasure.

"I'm going to be a dad again?" He asked. "But the accident... They asked me if you could be pregnant, and I said yes, so they took a test, but it was negative... I don't understand..."

I nodded. "We made her that night.... Well, I've been trying to figure out if it was during the shower or..." I teased, causing him to throw his head back and laugh. I giggled, in return. "Think it's a sign?" I asked, as I rested my forehead against his.

He shook his head. "He or she is our miracle... Our second chance," he whispered huskily.

"I like that... Miracle..." I said testing it out.

He raised his eyebrows in question.

"Let's name her Miracle Grace," I said.

"What makes you so sure, our baby is going to be a girl?" He asked.

I shrugged. "You're the one who called her our miracle..." I said with a big smile.

He laughed. "Miracle Grace..." He said, testing the name out in his lips. "I love it," he said.

"Grace, after your mom," I said.

Tears filled his eyes anew. "I love you... She would have loved you..."

"She's here... With us," I said, as I covered his hand, resting on my belly.

He kissed me... His kiss full of promise of a long and happy life together...

"Marry me," he said.

"Are you asking or telling?" I asked in a teasing tone.

He chuckled. "Both?"

I laughed.

He smiled, then he took my hand in his.

He gazed into my eyes with so much love and sincerity, that when he spoke his next words, there was no doubt in my mind that he meant it with everything in him.

"You are the very best part of me and my world. You're my life. My life is empty without you. I know what you're saying about having to forgive my self, but nothing can change the fact, that what I did to you was unforgivable. But Jason was also right. It's only unforgivable if one won't forgive..."

"Smart advice," I said with a smile.

He let out a shaky laugh. "Yes it is..."

"I failed you, but never again, Livie. I swear it. I will never fail you again. I will work my ass off at being the man you need and deserve. You want and need a man who will protect and love you beyond reason. Someone who will never doubt you and your love, and see you for who you truly are. But you don't have to look very far to find him, because I'm right here in front you, with my heart in my hands. I'm the man you need, Livie. No one will ever love you the way that I do."

Tears continued to flow. I stood there as the pain and resentment slipped away, leaving only my love for this man.

"I'm the luckiest man alive. Thank you for forgiving me. For giving birth to our sons, and now you carry our little miracle in your womb. You amaze me. I am in awe of you... I admire your strength, Livie," he said. "You're the strongest person I know. I know that you once thought that my love for you was not strong enough because of my lack of trust. So here I am, in front of you... I offer my self to you today and for the rest of our lives. Take my heart from my hands. Feel and hear it beat for you... Only you," he swore. "I don't ever want you to think that I don't love you enough or that I never loved you, because that's not true. I love you more than anything in this world, and I will spend my entire life showing you exactly how much."

I smiled at him tearfully. I was a mess. My tears were unstoppable.

Lucas wiped and kissed my tears away.

"I hope that as you are looking in my eyes right now, you see how much I mean every word I just said. I love you, so very much... I know that we still have a lot of things to work out, but like you said we'll do it together. And if you say no to marrying me now, then that's okay too. I'll just ask you everyday, until you say yes."

I laughed. "Everyday?"

"More than once, everyday."

"That's a lot of asking. Will you be down on one knee, every time?"

"Gladly... If that's what it takes. I want to be the man for you... But above all, I want to be the man that you love."

I sobered, and tears just keep falling from my eyes. "Every time I look into your eyes, I fall in love with you over and over again that it takes my breath away," I said through my tears. "There's no other answer, but yes. Yes, I'll marry you. Ask me again tomorrow, and my answer will be the same... It doesn't matter when, where, or how you ask me, my answer will always be yes," I said and threw myself at him. "S'agapó, agapí mou. I love you."

His smile was blinding and infectious.

He whooped, lifted me off my feet, and twirled me around.

I squealed and giggled at the same time.

He settled me back on my feet and pulled something out of his pocket. "Here," he said.

"It's my ring," I said, as I look down at my engagement ring. The ring.

He smiled. "I loved you then, Livie. I hope you know that," he said.

I nodded. "I do," I said, even though my pain caused me to believe otherwise. But that's in the past. Now that I think about it and I have let go of my pain and anger, I realize now that it was silly of me to even think for one second that he never loved me. One look in his eyes, and I know. I see his love for me, shining in his eyes.

"I also got you a new one," he said.

"Why? I love this one. You had it designed just for me."

He smiled. "I know. But I also wanted to get you a new one to symbolize our new beginning. You can wear this one on your right hand if you want. Or around your neck," he suggested.

I smiled. "You thought of everything..."

"I wanted to show you that I really do love you..."

I smiled at him tenderly. "I already know. I see it in your eyes. I listen beyond your words, and I hear your heart. You hold me in your arms, and I feel your soul touching mine... I feel your love for me in every way."

He smiled, his eyes misting. "I love you, forever sweetheart."

"I love you too."

For the longest time, we sat down snuggled against each other, looking over the ocean, as we watched the sunset.

My heart was over-flowing with so much joy and happiness... And love... Love for the incredible woman in my arms.

I closed my eyes, and savoured the feel of Livie in my arms.

There's only one thing left missing for this moment to be perfect...

"What do you say? How about we go home to our sons? I need you all in my arms," I said.

"Nothing would make me happier than being surrounded by the most important men in my life, agapí mou," she said with a smile that lights up my whole world.

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