《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 29


The next two months went by like a blur. We've been back in Greece for a month now.

Luke insisted that the boys and I stay in the house he bought, while he offered to stay in the penthouse of his hotel. After a long debate, I finally agreed, but I insisted that he stay in the house since it was big enough for the two of us.

Gail and Rose made the move with us to help me with the twins. Lucas hired a few more staff around the house, and a driver for me.

I also teach a dance class now at a dance studio. I was afraid it was going to bring back traumatic memories, but the therapy and counselling sessions I've been going to, twice a month, has really helped me a lot.

The twins are blossoming as well. They seem to have adjusted well to the changes because of the move.

Lucas and I are still in the same place we were before we left LA. Though Lucas has been doing his best to show me how much he regrets what he had done. I can't help but get hurt every time I see the look in his eyes. I can see the guilt in his eyes. But there's more... There's agony, pain and sorrow...

There's so much regret.

I know that he's hurting, but I just don't know if I'm strong enough and if I'm ready to trust him again. I'm just starting build my life back again. I'm starting to finally start to heal from the trauma and the pain that Nick has caused me.

The doctor was right. Dealing with what happened to me is the best way to start healing. Ignoring it or pretending that it never happened just deepens the wound and the pain. Hence, the emotional breakdown that I experienced the night of the accident.

We've also talked about Lucas and how I feel. She said that only I can decide when I'm ready. She said that I can't force things, nor can I force myself to forgive and trust him again. But it's hard not to want those things because God knows how much I love Lucas. He's been proving a lot these past couple of months. He has been there for the twins and I whenever we needed him. He was caring, and friendly towards me, without being pushy.

And because of everything he has been doing, here I am, once again... I find myself in battle with myself. And now things are going to get even more complicated, as I sit here waiting for the doctor.

A couple minutes later, the doctor came back in to the room.

"Eínai óla entáxei? Is everything okay?" I asked.

The doctor nodded. "Naí. Yes. There's nothing to worry about, Ms. Lazos. Congratulations, you're pregnant," she said.

My eyes widened in shock. "Pre...pre-gnant?" I stuttered.

The doctor nodded again.

How is this possible?

"I don't understand... How can I be..."

The accident?

How can the doctors not see this during the accident? I must have been pregnant when the accident happened. I couldn't just have gotten pregnant, Lucas and I...

Damn it, how could I not know?

I shook my head.

How... Then it hit me... We must have conceived the baby the night of the accident... Right before we got ready for the dinner get together Lucas organized.

Oh god...

The accident... The pain medications... The... Oh god the baby...

"I can see that this is a shock to you..."


"I... I had an accident. I... I don't know... I..."

"You are two months pregnant, I see on your file that you had your accident somewhere around the date of your conception. Is it possible that you may have conceived on the day of the accident?" She asked

I nodded.

"That explains it," she said.

"But they gave me pain medications and the baby, I'm worried that..."

"That the medications have affected the baby?"

I nodded.

Oh god, please. Please let my baby be okay.

And Lucas... I have to tell Lucas...

Oh god... I have to tell him...

"We can have an ultrasound done, and see how the baby is doing. I'm looking at the medications that were prescribed to you, and they were safe for the baby, so you have nothing to worry about. But we'll have an ultrasound done, to make sure," she said.

When she said the word ultrasound, I immediately thought of Lucas and how much I know he would love to be here. He missed out on a lot with the twins, and I know that he would want to be here this time. And to be honest, I want him with me too.

"Can... Can I come back for that, I want my..."

"Of course. I'm sure you'd want your husband to be there with you. Let's set you up for a next appointment, and we'll do an ultrasound then."

I nodded and didn't bother correcting her that Luke isn't my husband. "Thank you."

I wrapped my hand around my middle on the drive back home.

I feel so much better knowing that the medications I have taken during my recovery, were all safe for the baby. I don't know if I could ever forgive myself, if our baby was harmed in anyway because of me.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Lucas' number.

He answered on the first. "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yes. Everything's okay. I just called to ask what time you'll be home tonight?" I asked.

He was quiet for a second before he said, "I'll be home whenever you need me to be, Livie."

"Do you have a meeting tonight?"

"It's not important," he said.

"No. It's okay. You go to your meeting. We can talk when you get home..."

"No. I'll cancel and I'll be home before 5pm," he said. "Unless you need me now?"

"Well no, but..."

"Sweetheart the meeting isn't important. I'll be home before 5. Kiss the twins for me."




He remained silent.


"I love you," he said painfully.


"I know," he said. "You don't want to hear that, but I need you to. I won't stop telling you how I feel. Nothing has changed. I still want us to be together. I'll wait as long as I have to, until you're ready to give me another chance."

"And if that never happens?"

"Then I guess I'll be spending the rest of my life pining for you."

"Luke, why don't you give this up. I..."

"I won't. You don't have to love me back. Just let me love you. I'll love you the way you deserve."

"Luke, this really isn't the time to be discussing this..."

I heard him sigh on the ther end of the line. "Take care, Livie, and I'll see you later," he said and ended the call.


I looked at the phone in my hand.

Tears pricked my eyes.

"What do I do?" I whispered to myself.

I sat there in silence, while I wonder if I was doing the right thing.

When I got home, the twins were down for their morning nap.

I went into my room, when my phone rang.

I pulled it out and checked the caller ID

It was Zarah.

"Hey," I answered. "How come you're still awake?" I asked.

"I can't sleep," she grumbled.

"Where's Jason?"

"Sleeping in the bedroom."

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm in athe kitchen," she said.

I snickered.

"Hey, don't judge me!"

I chuckled. "I wasn't sweetie."

"So-ooo, anything new?" She asked.

"I just came back from the doctor's," I said.

"Why? Are you sick?"

"No, but according to the doctor, I'm pregnant."

"What?" She screeched.


"Oh my god. Let me conference in, Ara and Ellie," she said.

A few moments later, they answered.

"Hey girls, Liv's here," Zarah said.

"Hey, Liv," both girls greeted.

"Hey," I said and told them the same news, I just told Zarah.

"Wow..." Ellie said. "I'm happy for you. But are you okay about this? I mean I know that things are still shaky between you and Luke..."

"I'm happy about the baby, and I know that Luke will be too, it's

just that Luke and I are still, like you said, shaky, and I don't know how to do this with him... Do I make sense?"

"Yes," they all said.

"It's been over two months," Ellie said. "How long are you going to punish him?"

"Ellie!" Ara gasped.

"What?" Ellie responded.

"It's okay," I said. "It's not my intention to punish him," I said softly.

"We know that, sweetie, but... Hell, I'm not really good at this. Ara, why don't you take this one," Ellie said.

Zarah giggled then stopped abruptly. "Sorry... I didn't mean to laugh."

"I think, what Ellie is trying to say, Liv is that, we know that you were hurt and Luke played a big part in that. But now that Luke knows the truth, I'm sure that he has been beating himself up, every single day for what he has done. I know that nothing he say or do now will change that, but that's just it. The past already happened. There is no changing it, and punishing both yourself and Luke is only hurting you even more," Ara said.

Tears filled my eyes at the truth in Ara's words.

"I have gotten to know Luke really well these past couple of years, and trust me when I say that Luke will probably live with what he has done to you for the rest of his life. You may forgive him, but I know that he will never forgive himself. He loves you. He made a mistake. A terrible one. One that he's going to punish himself for, everyday, whether you get back with him or not."

"What do I do?" I whispered tearfully.

"You can share the pain and help each other heal. Or you can walk away from the happiness you already know is there right in front of you... All you have to do is take a leap of faith. Take a chance again."

"But what if I get hurt again?"

"I'd like to believe that Luke is not the kind of man who repeats his mistakes," Ara pointed out.

"I believe that love is worth the pain and heartbreak in the world. Don't let the pain and fear scare you away from happiness. If you think Luke is worth it, then take a chance and risk it all. You two deserve the chance to find happiness again," she said. "You're a lot stronger than you think, Liv. You don't give yourself enough credit," Ara said.

"I'm scared..." I admitted.

"We all were at one point, but if we didn't take a chance, then we wouldn't find the happiness we have now," Ellie said.

"Ellie and Ara are right. I was scared too, and do you know what Jason told me? He said that he was scared too. So, 'let's be scared together.' It may sound cheesy, but those words held so much meaning. He meant that we can face anything together."

"I'll tell you again what I said before, Liv. We all make mistakes. We shouldn't be judged or defined by the way we screw up. We should be judged by the way we make amends. That's the true measure of who we are," Ara said.

They were right. They were all right. But... "He's sorry, and I see that. But he'll get tired of waiting eventually and..."

"Is that what you're waiting for? You're waiting for him to fail you again?" Ara asked.

"No... Yes... No... I don't know!" All I know is that I don't trust him not break my heart again.

"We can't tell you what to do, Liv," Ara said. "It's still up to you. But I know you love him in spite of everything - That should tell you something. Give him a chance."

"I don't think I can... I can't risk it again... I just don't know if I can trust him."

"I think that the person you don't trust is yourself," Ellie pointed out.

"What? That's ridiculous!"

"Is it?" She retorted.

"You're wrong!" I denied.

"Am I? You don't trust yourself, Liv. You're scared of giving your heart to him, because if he hurts you again, you may not survive it. You think that you're not strong enough, so you're taking the safe way out. You're afraid of trying... You're depriving yourself at the chance at happiness. Can't you see? You love him. He's your kids' father. He will never go away. He'll always be there. You'll see him everyday. You really don't have a choice when it comes to Luke, because he's going to be in your life, whether you like it or not. Don't walk away... Don't quit now, or you're going to spend the rest of your life with regrets."

"You're not a quitter, and you're not a coward," Zarah said.

"You're strong, Liv. It's about time you start seeing that," Ara said. "You lived through the pain and trauma of what Nick did to you, gave birth and raised two wonderful boys on your own. Now you're back doing what you love... Teaching dance to others who share the same love and passion for dancing. You were able to overcome your fears. You should be proud of yourself."

Tears were continuously falling like a waterfall down my cheeks. "I love you guys, so much."

"We love you too," Zarah sniffed.

"If you think that Luke doesn't deserve a chance, then think about yourself instead. He may not deserve it, but you do, Liv," Ara said.

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