《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 19


"Thompson, is everything ready?" I asked my lawyer.

"Everything is ready. When do you want me to bring the papers to you?" He asked.

"Tomorrow. In my office. Ten in the morning."

"Alright. Sounds good."

"Thanks again," I said.

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow," he said before ending the call.

I sat on my office chair with a nagging feeling creeping inside of me.

I shook my head.

A prenup is necessary, I told myself.

I have to be sure.

A made a couple more phone calls and answered some emails.

I heard a fuzz over the baby monitor.

I look over to the monitor and found the twins awake.

I smiled and logged out of my email and the computer, and left to get the twins.

I walk inside the room, and the twins immediately squealed in delight when they saw me.

"Dada..." Jarred said.

My eyes widened in surprise.

Wait... Did I hear him right?

"Dada," Jaydan copied.

"Dada. Dada," they both said as they raised their arms up.

"Oh my god! You guys said Dada," I exclaimed happily, a moronic grin spreading across my face.

I quickly lifted them up into my arms and headed downstairs.

"Livie! Livie," I called out as I quickly walked towards the kitchen.

"Mum. Mum," the twins said when they saw Livie.

"What's wrong?" Livie asked

"They said dada. They called me dada, when I walked into their room to get them!" I said excitedly.

"They did?" Livie asked in delight.

"Yeah. It was amazing. It felt amazing." I turn to the twins. "Say, dada," I coaxed them.

"Dada," they both said as they clapped their hands happily.

"That's right my babies. That's dada. You two are so smart. That's so great my babies," Livie cooed at the twins, and kissed their chubby cheeks.

"Congrats Lukey!" Zarah said with a big smile.

"Thanks," I said proudly. "Wait till Uncle Jason hears about this. He's gonna be so jealous," I smirked.

Livie and Zarah chuckled.

"I swear no words can describe this feeling! It's the best feeling in the world to hear your kids call you dada for the first time!"

"I know how you feel. I cried the first they called me mum," Livie said.

"I can't wait to hear my own twins call me mom too, and Jason dada," Zarah said. "My sisters and brother have their own now and they're always sharing baby stories. Now, I have pregnancy stories to share. I'm so excited and I can't wait to meet my angels."


"I'm excited for you too. It's hard and tiring, but it's worth it," Livie said. "But you'll have Jason with you, and I'm sure he's going to be a good father."

Zarah's face brightened to a whole new level.

"Yes. He's just so wonderful."

"He is. I'm thankful that I have Lucas now. The twins love him, and he's the best dad I could ever ask for," Livie said as she looked at me and smiled.

My heart swelled with emotions at Livie's words.

"I'm glad I'm a part of their lives now too... And yours," I said.

"Aww, you guys are making me cry," Zarah sniffed.

I felt the blood drain on my face. Shit, I know how Jason gets when it comes to Zarah.

"Oh Lukey, wipe that look off of your face. It's hormones. I can't help it. I always get emotional. It drives Jason crazy," she sniffed again.

"Let's keep this to ourselves. I know how Jason gets. I don't want to see my little brother turn to a wuss because of your tears," I half-joked.

Zarah stuck her tongue out at me, while Livie reprimanded me for my remark. "Lucas!"

"What? It's not a bad word?"

Livie looked at me sternly. "It's not a nice thing to say!"

"Fine," I grumbled. "Sorry boys. You didn't hear that, okay?" I said to the boys, and they just giggled.

Zarah laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You," she said. "You have it just as bad, Lukey," she teased, as she nodded towards Livie.

I snickered in response.

"Well, I'm going to the playroom with the boys and listen to them say dada over and over again. Maybe I'll even get them to say daddy, by the time you two finish cooking dinner," I said.

Livie laughed. "While you're at it maybe you can teach them more words too?" She teased. "You know... Other than dada?"

"Sure, I would," I winked.

"He's so happy," Zarah said once Lucas was gone.

"Yeah," I smiled. "I probably look just like that when I first heard the twins call me mum," I snickered. "Who am I kidding? I still get that look every time the twins accomplish something new. It's amazing to watch your kids grow. It's funny how quickly they change right before your eyes. I mean... I still can't believe that their sixteen months old now. It feels like it was just yesterday when I pregnant with them."


"I definitely agree with how time goes by so fast. I mean, over a year ago I was heartbroken, look at me now... I'm deliriously happy," Zarah grinned and I chuckled.

"I agree," I said.

We spent the next hour finishing up in the kitchen.

"Wow, that looks and smells so good," I gushed at Zarah's baked pie.

"I just hope it tastes as good too," Zarah said.

"I'm sure it will taste amazing."


Then her cellphone pinged.

"That's probably Jason," she said and pulled out her cell.

"He's leaving the office and he said he'll be here in twenty minutes," Zarah said.

"That's all he said?" I narrowed my eyes at her, and nodded towards her flushed face.

She giggled.

"Oh...." I said with a chuckle.

"Olivia, dear. Shall I set the table now?" Gail asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yes, please. Thanks."

"This looks amazing," Jason said, as we sat around the table.

"I agree. This looks great," I said as I lifted Livie's hands to my lips.

We spent dinner talking and enjoying the delicious meal that Livie and Zarah has prepared.

During dinner, I saw how comfortable Livie was with Zarah. It was as if they have been friends for a long time. Livie was also more relaxed with Jason than I originally thought.

I sent Jason a thankful glance.

I'm glad that Jason is understanding and accepting of the situation. I hope Ethan is the same. I know that he said that he'll try to be civil with Livie, but I know him. He can be stubborn. I also know it's going to difficult for him to accept Livie again. But as long as he doesn't do anything to disrespect, Livie or do anything to upset her, then I can wait and be patient with Ethan.

"Are you okay?" Livie asked interrupting my thoughts.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'm good."

We had tea and Zarah's baked pie, and continued our conversation in the patio, enjoying the night breeze.

I don't know how much time has passed when Jason finally called it a night.

"We should go, Angel. You need to rest and have a good night's sleep."

"Stop being a mother hen, honey. Me and the babies are fine," Zarah said as she caressed her husband's cheek lovingly.

I wrapped my hand around Livie's and lifted her hand to my lips and dropped tender kiss on her knuckles.

"I just want you both healthy and well rested, Angel."

"I know..." She said and yawned.

"See you're tired. We'll come back some other time."

"Fine," Zarah grumbled. "Oh and Liv, don't forget our spa date tomorrow."

"I'll be there," Livie said.

"Oohh, I can't wait," she exclaimed and clapped her hands together excitedly. "I'm so excited. I can't wait for you to meet Ellie and Ara. Her full name is Arabella, but only my brother calls her that."

Livie chuckled.

"No. I'm serious. Mass is just like Lucas... And Jason for that matter. They get all pissy when other people call us by the name they call us," Zarah said.

We all chuckled.

"Well angel. We really should go. You're starting to babble."

Zarah pouted.

"She babbles when she's tired and sleepy," Jason said to us.

"Do not," Zarah argued.

"Do too, angel," Jason said and kissed her nose.

Zarah stuck her tongue out.

Jason merely chuckled and shook her head.

"Let's just go sleeping beauty," Jason said.

We hugged each other and said our goodbyes.

"Zarah is amazing. You're brother's lucky to have her."

"She is, and he is."

"It was a lovely evening," she said as she mugged closer to my embrace, as we watched Jason's car drive off.

I kissed the top of her head. "Yes, it was."

She looked up at me and smiled.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you smile again, Livie," I said. "You look even more beautiful when you smile. Your eyes light up and your whole face brightens. You're just so damn beautiful, Livie."

She blushed.

"I want you like this... Always. I want you to be happy. I'll do everything to make you happy, Livie."

With Lucas' words, I felt my hurt and anger subside a little.

In this moment, and for the first time, I start to feel confident that maybe...just maybe things could really work for us. That we can move past everything and be happy again.

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