《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 18


"So, tell me... How did you and Luke meet?" Zarah asked.

"We met in Greece a couple of years ago. We ran into each other, and he wouldn't stop until I agreed to accompany him to lunch," I said.

Zarah chuckled.

"How about you and Jason?"

I see so much of myself in Zarah. She was obviously smitten and so much in love with Jason.

It still boggles my mind. Jason is such a ladies man. But I can tell that he was just as smitten and as in love as Zarah is with him.

I can already tell that they're perfect for each other.

"We met over a year ago at my brother's wedding..." She started off, and told me the rest of their story.

"Wow. You guys have been through so much. I'm so glad that Jason's okay now," I said, as I wiped my tears away, after hearing Zarah and Jason's story.

"Me too," she sniffed. "I was so scared you know, but then I just knew. I knew that Jason was the one for me, and I wasn't about to let his illness win. Our love is stronger," she said.

My heart squeezed painfully, as I soaked in her words.

"Our love is stronger," she said. If only it was the same for me and Lucas.

"Hey, are you okay?" Zarah asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I forced out a smile.

"Jason told me some of what happened..." she trailed off and I stiffened.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything, it's just that..."

"What?" I asked, too curious to let it go.

"I just... I don't think you're the type of person who could do that," she said, and it was all it took for me not to break down.

But it was too late. My tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Oh, Liv, I didn't mean to make you cry," she said.

How can someone who just met me have so much faith in me? She doesn't even know me, and yet, she seemed quite sure that I'm not the type or person who could ever cheat on someone they love.


"Shh... It's okay," she said as she hugged me. "Men are just so damn stupid sometimes," she muttered, causing me to chuckle.

I pulled back. "He never even listened to my explanation. He believed him over me."

"I knew it!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled softly.

"Sorry," she mumbled. "Anyways, why don't you tell him now?" She asked.

"I tried. But he still won't listen. And I'm done. I'm tired of begging him to listen."

"I'm sorry."

I shrugged.

"I can see that you're not ready to talk about it and what really happened, but I want you to know that when you're ready, I'm here," she said and I smiled at her gratefully.

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

"How can you be with him?" She asked. "You must really love him."

I looked at her in surprise.

"I do. And I love my boys. They deserve to have both parents."

She nodded. "I understand. You'd like my sister... Well she's actually my sister in-law. She's one of the most amazing woman I have ever met. She too had a rough start with my brother, but thankfully, my brother stopped being stupid and went after Ara. Now she has my brother wrapped around her finger."

I chuckled. "You seem to have Jason wrapped around your finger too."

Zarah laughed. "Oh I do, and he loves it," she said.

I laughed at that.

"You know, we all have something in common. You, me, my sister Ellie, and Ara. Our men were all an idiot at one point in time," she said, and I laughed.

"Please don't act any different around Lucas."

She smiled in understanding. "I won't. Us girls have to stick together," she winked.

Nick?" I said.

"Nick?" I said again.

"Nick!" I said

"What's going on, Nick? What are you doing?" I asked.

"I've been waiting for this, Olivia," he said.

"Been waiting for what? Nick what are you talking about?"

"I want you, Olivia," he said as he moved towards me.


"Nick. Stop this. I'm with Lucas. I love him. He's your best friend. You shouldn't be saying these things to me!"

"Luke. It's always Luke. What does he have that I don't?" He slurred a little.

"Nick, you probably just had too much too drink."

He laughed. "I only had a couple of beers...," he said with a shrug.

"Nick, I think you should go," I said.

"I don't think so," he said.

"I'm going to call, Lucas right now, if you don't leave," I said and unlocked my phone to call Lucas, when Nick lunged at me.

We fell to the ground, and he grabbed my phone from my hand.

"Nick, stop it. Get off of me," I screamed. "Get off!"

"Liv? Liv?" A voice called out to me, snapping me out of my memories.

"Where did you go just then? Are you okay? You look so pale?" Zarah asked.

I felt myself starting to panic.

I took a few deep breaths. "I...I'm fine," I stammered out.

I felt my forehead beading with sweat.

"Liv, are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine," I forced out a smile "Do you cook?" I asked wanting to change the subject and get my mind off of what happened in the past.

Zarah looked taken a back with the sudden change, but thankfully she didn't push. "I'm more of a baking person," she said. "I actually own a shop, down in First Avenue."

"Really? I'd love to go and check it out, sometime."

"I would love that. Come by anytime," she said.

I nodded. "Well, I want to cook something for dinner tonight, maybe you'd like to help?" I asked.

"I'd love to. Maybe, I can be in charge of dessert," she said.

"Sounds good to me," I said.

"What are you two ladies making?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"I almost forgot. It's their nap time," Livie said.

"They're down for their second nap. Don't worry," I smiled.

"So... What are you two ladies making?"

"I'm making this pie. Ara gave me the recipe. She made it when we came over last week."

"Yeah. What's in it?" I asked.

"Berries and chocolate. It's so good," Zarah gushed.

"I can't wait to taste it. Ara makes the best pies, I swear it."

"She does," Zarah said dreamily. "It's my first time trying to make it. I hope I do it justice."

"You're good at what you do, Zar. I'm sure it will taste delicious."

"Thanks," she beamed at me.

"How about you, babe?"

"I'm making roast lamb with cranberry sauce, and baked potatoes."

"That sounds delicious."

She gave me a small smile, but there something else in her eyes.

I frowned.

Something's wrong. But it would have to wait until later.

I don't really want to get into this in front of Zarah.

But for now, this will do, I said to myself.

I walked over to Livie, and hugged her from behind, as I nuzzled her hair.

She leaned back against me and sighed.

I kissed the top of her head and released her.

"I'm gonna make a couple of phone calls and I'll be back."

"Okay," Livie said.

I could tell that Lucas noticed that there was something wrong, but thankfully he didn't ask me... I'm sure he's waiting till we're alone to ask.

"I still think you should try to tell him, Liv. He seemed to be taken with you. I can see that he loves you," Zarah said from behind me.

Love? I almost snorted. Luke doesn't love me. Care, maybe... But love?

I doubt it.

"I can see the wheels turning in your head. You can deny it all you want, but that man loves you. And you obviously love him," Zarah said.

I simply stared back at her.

"I hope you guys work things out," she said.

"Me too," I said.

I sighed.

I really do hope, that we do...

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