《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 16


It was intense...

It was amazing... Incredible...

I came with a loud shriek, as I yelled out Lucas' name.

Everything inside me exploded.

Pleasure cursed throughout my body.

I panted as I came down from the high.

I found Lucas staring back at me, with heat and satisfaction burning in his eyes.

He raised himself up and covered my body with his.

I felt his erection against my mound.

"I've waited for this for so long," he said. "This is going to be quick, sweetheart. It's been too long," he said before thrusting inside me.

I cried out at his invasion.

He stilled. "You okay, sweetheart?"

I nodded. "Yes. Don't stop, Luke. Please don't stop."

"Not planning to," he replied and began moving inside of me.

It didn't take long before I was reaching another climax.

"Come for me, Livie... Come, sweetheart. Let me feel you come," he said and that's all it took to send me spiralling into another earth-shattering orgasm.

I was still coming, as he pounded in and out of me.

I held onto him.

"Lucas!" I screamed, as I continued to come.

We both let out a loud groan, as Lucas tilted my hips, causing him to thrust deeper inside of me.

"So good... So fucking good. I can't hold off, Livie. Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck," he growled as he found his own release.

I found my self coming again.

Oh god, how is that even possible.

It was too much...

It felt too good...

He buried his face in my neck.

We were both panting.

Lucas was still hard inside of me.

He pulled back and captured my mouth in a deep kiss.

He deepened the kiss, causing me to groan.

Our lovemaking has always been amazing, but this time, it was different.

Our need, want, hunger, and passion for each other, was so much stronger.

I had never seen Lucas spiral out of control so quickly.

"I want you again," he said when he pulled back.

He was still inside of me.

I bit my lip in anticipation.

I squealed in surprise, when Lucas turned us around, so he was on his back, and I was straddling him.

"You ride me, this time sweetheart," he said.

He urged me, while his hands were on my hips.

I moved up and down slowly on his shaft.

I groaned at the sensation.

"That's it sweetheart. Ride me," he coaxed.

Gaining more confidence, I moved up down his shaft faster and harder.

Lucas groaned and his eyes closed.

I moved again...

Harder this time, and Lucas cursed.

He shot up on the bed and wrapped his arms around me, so we were face to face as I rode him.

He thrusted his hips upward to meet my own thrust.

We both let out harsh sounds.

We moved faster, and faster...

Our love-making turning frantic.

He groaned and in one move, I was back on my back, and he was pounding me so hard.

"Come with me this time, Livie," he said.

"I'm close... So close," I said.

He thrust two more times, then we both came, while screaming each other's names.

We both laid there gasping for air. Our sweat slicked body in a tangled mess.

I wrapped my arms around him.

He moved to ease off of me, but I tightened my hold on him.

"Don't go. This feels good," I said.

"I'm too heavy for you, sweetheart," he said and twisted on his back, pulling me with him.

I tucked my head underneath his chin and took a deep breath and released it.


"That was beyond incredible, sweetheart."

"Hmmm," I said.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

For a while it felt so good to forget about everything that happened between us... The pain and anger.

If only this feeling could last forever.

I laid there, with Livie in my arms.

It felt so right... So good having her in my arms.

Our love making was even better than I had remembered.

It was always incredible between us, but this time it was was different. It was so much deeper.

It was so much more intense.

This was earth-shattering. All-consuming...

I traced my fingers up and down her arm.

I kissed the top of her head.

Then I remembered something. "Livie?"


"I didn't use a condom," I said.

I felt her stiffen.

"I'm clean if that's what you're worried about," she said.

"I'm not worried. I'm also clean. I haven't been with anyone since you," I said.

She pulled back and looked at me.

"It's true," I said.

She frowned and she didn't look convinced, but she didn't say anything.

"Well, it's the wrong time of the month," she said.

"Not worried about that either sweetheart. I'd like to be with you from the very beginning this time," I said.

"Lucas... I don't think having a baby right now will fix all our problems..."

"I know it won't. I'm just saying... We did have unprotected sex..." He pointed out.

She sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry..."

"No need to say sorry sweetheart," I said and kissed the top of her head.

"Your little swimmers hopefully don't find their way into my womb," she joked.

I threw my head back and laughed.

"I'm actually being serious," she said.

I chuckled then smiled. "We should shower before the twins wake up. I still need to meet Ethan for lunch," I said.

Livie sighed and nodded her head against me.


"Let's go, sweetheart," I said and led her to the bathroom to shower.

The shower lasted longer than planned.

I just can't seem to get enough of Livie.

I ended up making love to her against the wall.

The twins were awake and was sitting on their high chairs, eating by the time we got down stairs.

Gail looked at us knowingly.

I chuckled and Livie glared at me.

"Thanks for getting the boys ready," Livie said.

"My pleasure, dear," she said. "Why don't you two sit down and have some breakfast," she said.

"Not me," I said. "I'm going to come in to the office for a while before meeting up with Ethan," I said.

"Why don't you eat something first," Livie said.

I smiled and pulled her close to me and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm okay," I said, then leaned in close to her and whispered in her war, "I already had you for breakfast and dessert," I winked.

Colour rose to her cheeks, as she slapped me playfully on the chest.

I chuckled and kissed her quickly on the lips. "It's past 10am. I'm meeting Ethan at noon. I'll just grab a banana," I said.

I walked over to my sons and gave them a quick kiss.

They squealed in delight causing me to chuckle.

"Nana," they both said, pointing to the banana in my hand.

I laughed. "Yes. Banana. Daddy will be back soon. You boys be good for mommy, okay? Don't give her a hard time," I said.


"Nana. Nana. Nana," they both said again.

"Okay. Good enough," I said with a chuckle.

"I'll be back soon," I said to Livie.

She nodded.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," I said when I saw the worried look on her face.

"I wish I could be as optimistic as you," she said.

I smiled and hugged her close to me.

"It's going to be okay, Livie. You'll see. Don't worry too much," I said and kissed her softly on the lips.

She gave me a small smile and wrapped her arms around me. "What time are you coming home?" She asked.

"I'll be home around three, at the latest. Sooner if I can help it," I said.

She pulled back and nodded. "Okay."

"See you later."

"See you," she said with a real smile this time.

"Bye you little munchkins," I waved to the boys.

"Bah, bah," they both said.

I chuckled. "Bye. Love you two, daddy will be back soon," I said.

I turned to Livie and kissed her one last time before leaving.

After making a stop at the office, I went to Jerry's to meet up with my brother for lunch.

Ethan was already there when I arrived.

"Hey big bro," Ethan greeted me as I approached him.

"Hey," I said.

"You want a beer?" He asked.


He motioned for the waiter to come.

"What can I get for you sir?"

"I'll have what he's having," I said. "But bring it out along with a cheese burger and fries."

"I'll have the same," Ethan said.

"Is that everything?" The waiter asked.

"Yeah, thanks."

"I'll be right back with your order," the waiter said befor leaving.

"So why did you want to meet up?" Ethan asked.

"I have to tell you something," I said.

"Okay... Sounds serious. What's up?"

"I found Livie," I blurted out.

Ethan stiffened and chick crossed his face. "What? You found Livie?"

I glared at him.

"Okay. Okay. Geez. I mean Olivia," he corrected. "You were looking for her? Or you found her by accident?" He asked.

"I was looking for her."

"What? Why the fuck would you do that? What for?"

"I needed to make sure she was okay."

"That's bullshit! You still fucking love her after everything she's done!"

"Look, Ethan. Whatever is going on between Olivia and I, is between us."

"Yeah but she fucking cheated on you!"

"It's in the past. We're trying to move forward."

"I can't believe this," he exclaimed while shaking his head.

"There's more," I said.

"Oh god, don't tell me you're marrying her?"

"Not yet..."

"Jesus, Luke. You're serious?" He asked in outrage.

"Yes. But that's not what I was going to say."

"I doubt anything you say can be any worse," he muttered.

"I'm a dad to two sixteen month old twins, which makes you an Uncle."

His jaw dropped, but there was something else in his eyes, and I can't quite put it.

I stared right back at him.

"My god, you're serious... You had twins with Olivia? Wait... Did you have a paternity test done? Are you even sure they're yours?"

"They're mine!" I snapped.

"So you had a paternity test done?"

"There's no need for that. They're mine."

"Fuck, Luke! How can you be so sure? For all you know Nick father those babies!"

"Don't ever mention that fucker's name to me again. Especially not in front of Livie. And yes, I'm damn sure they're mine," I said and pulled out my phone. I unlocked my screen and accessed my photos.

"There, have a look," I said, handing him my phone.

He took the phone and looked at the picture. "Holy shit! They look exactly like you, it's fucking creepy!"

"See what I mean?"

"Okay. Yeah. Fine. So they look like you and they're obviously yours. They have Livie... I mean Olivia's smile though," he said.

"You noticed that too?" I said with a chuckle.

"They're good looking kids," Ethan said.

"Thanks," I said.

"Fuck! I'm an Uncle. Does Jason know?"


"Since when?"

"A couple days ago. He called while I was in Louisiana. That's where I found Livie."

"She was sti... I mean she was over there?" He said as he shifted uncomfortably.

I frowned at his reaction. "Yeah. Oh and I plan on marrying her."

Ethan shook his head. "Fuck. You're marrying her because of the twins. She's a cheat and a gold digger..."

"That's enough! We both know she is not a gold digger. If she wanted money she would have come to me sooner and told me she was pregnant. Demanded child support. Hell, it took me threatening her to get her to agree to come back here with me."

"Still. Make her sign a prenup," he said.

"I have the family lawyer drawing up the papers as we speak," I said.


"Look, Ethan, I don't expect you to go back to liking Livie, but I expect you to respect her as the mother of my children, and as my soon-to-be-wife."

"Luke, I loved her as my own sister. You weren't the only one who felt betrayed with what she did. It's not going to be easy for me to just welcome her back into the family," he said.

"I know. But please try. No side comments. No nothing. I will not tolerate any disrespect towards her. And you better promise me right now that you won't ever bring up Nick's name and the past. Especially not to Livie."

He sighed. "Fine. I won't mention that fuckers name. And I'll try my best to show her respect."


"So... When can I meet the little chunky-monkeys?" He asked.

My heart immediately softened at the mention of my sons.

We spent the next hour talking about the twins, and a little bit about our business.

A half hour later, I was ready to call it a day, and go back home to Livie and the twins.

"I should get back home," I said.

Ethan smirked. "Already has you on a leash, I see..."

I scoffed. "Unlike you, I have a woman, and kids to get home to," I said, then immediately regretted it when I saw the change in Ethan's expression.



"Don't worry about it, big bro. I'm good. It's not like I'm running out of women," he said.

I shook my head. "Maybe you should look for her too," I suggested.

"Nah," he said as he waved his hand dismissively. "She's probably married with kids by now. Besides, she'll probably run her car over me, when she sees me."

"You'll never know. Second chances do exist. Look at me?"

"It doesn't happen to everyone. We all know that Luke."

"It doesn't happen to those who doesn't do anything for it to happen. You do know you actually have to get off of your ass and find her, and say you're sorry, right?"

"No need. I've moved on."

"Yeah... Sure, little bro. Keep telling yourself that," I said.

I tossed some cash on the table and left. "See you later, and come by anytime to see the twins."

"Will do."


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