《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 11


I locked the door behind Lacey, and went back to my office to finish up some paperwork, while I wait for Lucas.

After a few minutes when I seem to be getting nowhere with the paper works. I put them aside and reached inside my bag to grab my surprise for Lucas.

I stared at the pregnancy test in my hand, with joy threatening to burst out of me. I can't wait to tell Lucas that he's going to be a daddy.

We haven't really talked about kids or taking our relationship to a whole new level, but I just know that Lucas will be just as thrilled as I am about our baby. We haven't been together long but our love for each other is true and strong.

I smiled. "Your daddy's going to be here soon," I said to the baby inside of me, as I rubbed my belly.

My phone suddenly rings, interrupting my thoughts.

I smiled and put the pregnancy test back in my bag.

It's probably Lucas.

I reached for my phone and I didn't bother looking at the caller.

"Hey," I said believing it was Lucas.


I frowned. It's not Lucas. It's Nick.

"Nick?" I responded.

"Yeah. Hey listen, have you talked to Lucas yet?" He asked.

"No. He's probably on his way to pick me up," I said.

"Right. About that. He's running late and asked me to come and get you."

"He did? Why didn't he call me?" I asked.

"Oh... Right... Well... umm... I was on the phone with him, and he just asked me to call you instead. But hey, listen. I'm outside your studio. Could you open the door for me?" Nick asked.

I frowned. "Oh... Uhh... Okay. Give me a second," I said.

I walked to the door with the phone in my hand.

I unlocked the door and let Nick in.

Unease crept inside of me. Something was off...

Something wasn't right...

Why would Lucas send Nick and not call me himself to let me know?

I can also smell alcohol on him.

"I should call Lucas and..."

"You won't reach him, I tried. His phone seem to be out of service."

"I just can't believe he didn't call me," I said, as I try hard not to let him see how nervous or uncomfortable I am. "We have plans and he insisted on having..." I frowned. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Nick?" I said.

"Nick?" I said again.

"Nick!" I said.

"Stop. Don't!" I screamed.

"Livie? Livie? Hey it's me."


Lucas. Oh god. Thank god, it's Lucas.

"Livie, are you okay? You were having a bad dream," he said softly.

I haven't dreamt of that night in a long time.

Oh god...

"Livie, you're scaring me. Are you alright," Lucas asked again and he cupped my face.

I pulled away from him. "I'm...fine," I forced out. "I just need to go to the washroom," I said, and unbuckled my seatbelt.

I closed the door on the washroom and let the my tears fall.

I hugged myself as I cried.

I shook my head.

I jumped at the knock on the door.


"I'm fine Lucas. I'm going to lay down for awhile.


"Luke, please," I pleaded.


I waited for a few seconds before stepping out of the washroom.

I then walked over to the jet's private room.

I checked on the twins who are still sleeping soundly, before I lay on the bed.

I lay on the bed, feeling numb. I have worked so hard to put the painful memories behind me and never think of it again.

But is it really possible to forget that I was betrayed by the one person I trusted the most? By the person who said he loved me?

I shook my head.

Nick played a big part to why Lucas didn't give me a chance to explain, not would he listen to what I was telling him.

Nick made damn sure that Lucas didn't believe me, and he hadn't.

Could I blame Lucas though? Nick was, after all his best friend, almost like a brother. Lucas would obviously find it hard to believe Nick would lie to him.

I scoffed. That was the same thoughts I had at the beginning. When I was still hoping that Lucas would change his mind, and come after me.

I stayed in LA for another two weeks. I stayed hoping that Lucas would realize that he made a mistake and come after me, and let me explain.

But he didn't.

I still remember that last night before I finally decided that it was truly over between Lucas and I.

I'll just talk to him one last time.

Two weeks is more than enough time to cool off isn't it? Besides, he needs to know about our baby.

"Please wait twenty minutes. If I'm not back, you can leave me here," I told the taxi driver while I handed him some money.

"I'll wait, Miss," he said.

I took a deep breath and stepped out of the cab.

I was about to open the door when Lucas' car pulled into his drive way.


My heart was pounding, and my palms was sweating.

I'm so nervous.

You can do this, Olivia! I told myself.

Yes, I can!

I took another deep breath and reached for the door handle, but then stopped when I noticed Lucas get out of the car, and held his hand out to someone inside the car.

Who is he with?

A lady stepped out, and I felt my heart clench.

She could be anyone, I tried to tell myself. But when the Lady reached up and placed a kiss on Lucas lips, while wrapping her arms around him, I knew. I knew then that Lucas has moved on and has forgotten all about me.

That's when I knew he never really loved me.

Two weeks... Two short weeks was all it took for him to replace me.

I swallowed the sob that rose from my throat.

"Never mind," I told the driver. "Please take me to the greyhound bus station."

I placed my hands in my belly protectively. "We're going to be okay. We don't need him. It will just be the two of us against the world. I'll take good care of you. I love you, moró mou.

I wipe my tears away.

I still can't believe I was that stupid.

And I still can't believe I'm still crying over this...

It still hurts...

Move forward, not back...

I snorted. "How is that working out for you?"

What just happened?

She just needs some space. Just give her some space, I told myself.

I settled back on my sit, and pulled out my computer to try to get some work done.

I still can't shake the feeling about Livie's dream and her reaction afterwards. She looked really upset and freaked out.

What did she dream about?

That's not even the least of my concern.

It seems like every time we take two steps forward, we take twenty steps back.

Livie seemed to be hot and cold... Battling with herself...

But why?

What right does she have to deny me? To turn away from what I was offering?

The reason we're in this situation is because of her own doing. I'm giving her a second chance for the sake of our boys. I'm the one who's willing to leave the past behind, and yet she's the one who needs time to think about it? She's the one hesitating?

I sighed in frustration.

I finally gave up on trying to do some work... I'm not getting anywhere. All I can think about is my situation with Livie.

I closed the laptop in front of me and sighed.

I got on my feet to go check on Livie.

I walked into the room and found Livie lying on her side in a fetal position, sleeping.

She looked so damn beautiful it made my chest ache.

I stood there and watched her sleeping. I watched the soft rise and fall of her chest.

She's already looking so much better than when I first saw her.

Sleep has already done her some good.

I looked at the time.

We still have a couple more hours to go before we land.

I decided to climb in beside her.

I pulled off my shoes, and watch, and quietly settled beside her, careful not to wake her.

I lay on my side facing her.

I reached my hand up and stroked her cheek.

She sighed in moved closer to me. I was forced to lay on my back, as she snuggled close to me and wrapped her arms around me.

I relaxed and wrapped my free arm around her, pulling her even closer.

It's not going to be easy to forget about the past. If only I could erase it from my memories... But I have to let go of Livie's betrayal in the past. Now that we have kids together, we have to do what's best for the twins.

I kissed the top of Livie's head, and ignored the lump that formed in my throat, and settled for some sleep.

I came awake slowly, and blinked a few times.

I woke up feeling a warm body against me.

I looked up to see, Lucas lying down beside me, sleeping.

Lucas shifted and jolted awake.

He blinked a few times.

He saw me awake and watching him, and he smiled warmly at me.

"When did you come back here?" I asked.

"I came to check on you, and found you asleep. I decided to take a nap too, not too long ago."


"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No. But the twins are still sleeping, nodding my head towards their play pen. Maybe I should..." The words died in my mouth as Lucas pulled my head down and captured my lips.

After my initial shock, I found myself responding to his kiss as I always do, and with the same enthusiasm, want, and need as Lucas.

Lucas pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"I missed you, Livie. I missed you so much," he said. And before I could say something, he kissed me again. Showing me exactly just how much he missed me.



Moró mou - my baby

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