《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 4


Married? "Married?" I squeaked. Did I hear him right?

"Yes. Married."

"Ésai trelós! You're crazy! I'm not marrying you!"

He gave me a sardonic laugh. "Don't think for one second that you have a choice in this, Livie. I can take them away from you in an instant," he threatened.

"But you just said..."

"I know what I said. What I meant is that I'd take custody of them and you'll be the weekend parent..."

"Over my dead body!"

"Then it's settled then. We're getting married," he said.


"Trust me I don't want this any more than you do, but this is the only solution I see fit. I want to be a part of my kids life. I want to be with them everyday and if marrying you is the way I will achieve that without separating them from their mother, then that's what I will do."

"But you don't even like me!"

"You're right. I don't. But this isn't about you and me. It's about them. I want the best for them and having both parents there for them is what's best, so I'm willing to make a sacrifice. The question is are you?" The arrogant bastard threw at me.

"Yes. of course. I will do anything for my sons."

"Our sons," he corrected.

"Why are you doing this? why can't you just leave me alone. I'll let you see the twins. Anytime you want. I did as you asked. I left you alone and got out of your life. Why can't you do the same for me?"

"You didn't give me a choice!"

I scoffed. "Choice? You were the one who made a choice!"

"You fucking slept with my best friend. How the fuck do I get past that?"

"You don't know what happened!

I looked at her in disbelief. "You're a fucking piece of work! Still playing the innocent victim, when you're the poisonous seductress."

She didn't say anything and her face turned hard.

"I loved you and I would have given you everything and anything. You only need to ask. But you had to ruin it and go behind my back and betray me in the worst way possible. But for the sake of our kids, I'm going to try my hardest to get past that and try to forgive you. I won't allow my kids to live with unpleasantness between us. They deserve better."


"Eísai af̱tós pou me pródo̱se!" You are the one who betrayed me!

Fury, pain, and hatred hit me all at the same time at Lucas' words. In this moment I loved and hated him at the same time.

My heart felt like it was being strangled, and I found it hard to breathe.

"Lucas!" I cried out. "Oh god," I said as I threw my self at him.

Lucas stood there frozen in place. His arms didn't wrap around me like he always does. I didn't feel the warmth of his embrace, and the comfort and safety it represents.

"Lucas?" I whispered, as I stood in front of him, bruised, devastated, and broken.

"Get the fuck out of my house and out of my life. I never want to see you again," he growled.


"You're nothing but a whore!"

Oh god. He knows. He knows. "Lucas. Please let me explain..." I pleaded.

"Enough! Get out. Get the fuck out and don't ever show your fucking face to me again!"

"Livie?" I heard someone call out to me.


"Damn it. Livie!"

I shook myself out of my thoughts.

"Where the hell did you go just now?"

"Nowhere," I said as I look at the only man I have ever loved. But he doesn't love me.

The look in his eyes told me that he doesn't love me.

"What did you say to me? You know I don't speak Greek..."

"I think that's the point Lucas," I snapped.

He glared at me and I glared back at him.

He didn't trust me.

He didn't have faith in me.

He's the one who betrayed me. Not the other way around. He turned his back on me, when I needed him the most.

He treated me like a whore. The way he threw the money at my feet, telling me to get out of his life.

Damn him! I will never forgive him for that.

I turned around and walked towards my room. I ignored him as he called out to me.

I walk over to the drawers where I kept all the money I saved up to pay Lucas back for every dime he spent on me. The money he gave me for the dance studio I wanted to open, but didn't have enough money to open. I sold the studio when I left and made sure to put away the money he gave me. Then of course, I calculated the amount he spent on everything else while we were together. I know that what I have now isn't nearly enough, but it will have to do. For now.


"Olivia," he said.

I turned around and walked towards him.

"Here," I said.

"What the hell is that?" He asked.

"That's some of the money I owe you," I said.

He frowned. "You don't owe me anything..."

"Yes I do," I said, interrupting him. "The check contains the money you gave me for the studio. I sold it and kept your half. The rest is for everything else. I know it's not nearly enough, but it will have to do for now. I'll pay you back once..."

"Enough! Stop this non sense!"

I glared at him.

"You have all of this money, and you choose to leave here in this dump? You had all these money all this time and you force my kids to live here, when you can afford a better place and environment for them? What kind of a mother are you?"

I slapped him across the face. "How dare you! I'm not perfect, but I make sure that I take care my babies. They are my life and I love them unconditionally! And that is not my money. It's yours!"

"This is not my money. I gave you the money for your studio because I wanted to!"

"I don't want anything from you! All I want is for you to leave and get out of our lives! Se misó! I hate you!"

"Don't push me, Olivia. You won't like what I will do. No judge in their right mind would give you the custody of the twins. You live in a dump, and you work all hours of everyday!"

"How dare you insult my home and I work so I can provide for them. I am their mother. I will not give them up. I'll fight you in every court!"

He laughed. Laughed. "Let's be honest here. You can't afford the constant and non stop legal battles!"

"You are a rotten bastard!"

"I'm not the bastard here, it's our twins!"

I gasped. "I can't believe you said that! Take that back!" I screamed at him.

"You made them that way! You deprived me of my rights as their father. But what's worst is you deprived our sons of their father, as well as a good and comfortable life I could provide for them!" He growled back.

"Money isn't everything. And you were still wrong to call them that!"

"Fine. You're right. I'm sorry. I let my anger get the better of me. But it still doesn't change the fact that I am their father and it's about time I get to be one. So make a damn choice, Olivia. Because when I leave, I will be leaving with the twins, and you'll have to settle with weekend visitation rights!"

"I hate you! I will never let you take my kids away from me!"

"What's your decision, Olivia?"

"What decision? You've given me no choice! Again!"

"Stop with the theatrics and just tell me. Yes or no?"

"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you," I screamed at him!

Once I had Olivia's decision, I gave her an half an hour to get everything she needs ready.

I glanced down at the check and the envelope filled with cash in my hands.

She could have easily bought a place with this check and lived comfortably, so why hasn't she?

Why did she choose to live in this place and work all hours of everyday?

There's only one answer coming to mind.


She probably felt guilty for betraying me and it was too much in her conscience to keep the money.

But she was right. She was a damn good mother. Everything the twins needs was here. They looked healthy and happy. Olivia in the other hand was another story. She was obviously not taking very good care of herself.

She barely has any food in her fridge. The cupboards were empty except for a cereal box and a couple of bowls, plates, and cups.

Well no more. I will be taking care of her and the twins from now on, whether she likes it or not.

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