《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 3


Damn it.

What do I do?

Ignore him. He'll go away eventually. He won't stay there all day.

But how the hell did he get in the building?

"Who is it dear?" Clair asked and I turned around raised my index finger to my lips.

"Livie, I'm not leaving until I talk to you," Lucas said through the door.

"Go away. We have nothing to talk about. Leave me alone Lucas. Please."

"No. We need to talk."

"If you don't leave, I'm going to call the police," I threatened.

"Go right ahead, sweetheart," he said. "I'm still not leaving."

Damn it. "Damn you, Lucas. Why won't you leave me alone?"

"I already told you. We need to talk and the sooner you talk to me the sooner I'll go away," Lucas said.

"Fine, but we can't talk here. I'll meet you somewhere," I said.

"No. We'll talk now. If you don't open this door I'm going to kick this door open."

Knowing Lucas, I have no doubt he'll do exactly as he says.

I shifted nervously.

The twins. Damn it. He can't find out. Not like this.

"Give me a minute," I called out through the door.

"One minute, not a second more," the arrogant excuse of a man said.

I walk over to the twins. "Can you guys be quiet for mommy?" I told them.

"What's going on?" Claire's asked in a whisper.

"I can't explain it right now, but can you just please take the twins to their room?"

She nodded. "Is he the father?"

I swallowed hard and decided to tell the truth. I nodded, "Please, just take them to their room and try not to make any noise," I said, though I doubt how well that will go over with twin boys in the room. I just hope for the best.

Once Claire disappeared inside the room with the twins and their toys, I quickly look around to see if there's anything else I needed to hide.

Once I was satisfied I walk back quickly to open the door.

There he was. Filling the doorway, looking furious and unstoppable.

Lucas doesn't even wait for me to invite him in. He simply walked past me and inside my apartment.

I gritted my teeth at his arrogance.

"How did you find out where I live?"

"It doesn't matter," he said as he looked around my apartment.

I stood my ground and folded my arms across my chest.

Yes. My apartment is small and not as fancy or big and beautiful as his home in the city, but it's my home!

"Will you stop that!" I snapped.

He looked at me. "Stop what?"

"That! You're looking around like you're..."

"Look," he said cutting me off. "I came here because I wanted to put everything behind us..."

I laughed. "Lucas, it's been behind us for the past two years. So I don't know what you're doing here. Conscience and guilt keeping you up at night Lucas?" I spat at him.

"I should be asking you that question," he retorted.

"I don't have anything to feel guilty for," I said.


"Yeah? So sleeping with your boyfriend's best friend isn't something you should feel guilty of?" He tossed at me.

I flinched, but held my ground and tilted my chin up in defiance.

"Nothing to say?"

"You weren't interested in what I had to say two years ago. What's the point of saying anything now?"

"I came here because I want to know why? Why did you do it?"

I frowned and clenched my jaw. "I didn't do anything. And if you came all the way here after two years just for that, then that's your problem. It's your problem you can't move on."

"Damn it! Livie, you betrayed me in the worst way possible."

I snorted. "You don't know what you're talking about. Do us both a favour Lucas and leave. Go back where you came from. Don't come back and don't ever bother me again!"

Then a noise.

Damn it.

The twins.

Lucas was about to say something and he stopped.

He turned towards where the noise was coming from.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing. It's just the TV in the room," I said.

Then there was a noise again. A banging this time and laughter.

"That was not the TV," Lucas said.

"Is that a baby laughing?"

"No," I denied vehemently as I shook my head.

The the twins started calling for me. "Mum... Mum..."

Oh crap!

"Damn it, Livie, It's coming from the room," Lucas said and before I could deny it and stop him he ran towards the noise.

"Lucas, wait," I called out to him. Lucas!"

But it was too late. He already opened the door and stopped on his tracks.

I ran to the room where the noise was coming from.

I opened the door, and the sight that greeted me stopped me on my tracks.


A baby.


Two babies.


I found myself staring at two sets of eyes. The same eyes I see when I look in the mirror.

My brain was racing with too many thoughts to sort out at once.

Looking at the twins there was no need to ask if they were mine. They look so much like me.

Hell, they are the exact replica of me!

Anger built inside of me and if I don't get a hold of myself I might just explode.

Livie was pregnant with my babies and she didn't fucking tell me.

"Lucas..." I heard her soft whisper from behind me.

"Olivia, dear. Is everything alright?" The older woman asked.

"Claire, I think it would be best if you give us some time," Livie said.

The older woman looked at me, then back at Livie.

She nodded in understanding and excused herself.

Once I heard the door shut, I turned to Livie.


"How dare you!"

"How dare me?"

"Yes. How dare you! How can you keep this from me!"

She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"They are mine," I said in a matter of fact, rather than a question.

She raised her eyesbrows in surprise. Then, Livie nodded grudgingly.


"Lucas! Not in front of the twins. You're going to upset them," she said, but it was too late cause one of them wailed and cried out.


Livie walked past me and bent down to pick up the little boy.

I watched as Livie comforted him and tried to stop his cries.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Jaydan," she said.

"And the other baby?"


Jaydan and Jarred.

My kids...

Kids that Olivia kept from me.

"Get them settled and then you and I need to talk," I gritted my teeth to keep myself from barking at her.

I look back at the baby in her arms who was now quietly sobbing as he peered up at me.

I reached my hand to wipe his tears and at first I thought he might let out a wail again, but instead he leaned into me and raised his arms up to me, wanting me to take him.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

I move to get him.

"I don't think..."

I shot Livie a look that silenced her, and proceeded to take Jaydan from her arms.

"Hey little man, I'm your daddy," I said.

Jaydan grinned up at me and slapped his hands on my cheeks and my heart swelled with warmth and love.

It didn't matter that I just found out about them. The moment I looked into their eyes, I fell in love with them.

I look over at Jarred who was looking at us and grinned up at me as well, as he bobbed up and down, raising his arms up to me.

I chuckled as I looked at my son's mischievous face. There was a sparkle in the boy's eyes that promised trouble. I know because I have the same look whenever I am planning something against my brothers when we were younger.

I walked over to him and bent down, and lifted him up in my arms.

I caught Livie staring at us as she tried to blink back her tears.

I ignored her and carried on to holding my sons for the first time.

Right now, I'm so fucking pissed at Livie, if I so much as look at her, I'll probably lose it.

About twenty minutes later, the twins started getting fuzzy.

"It's their nap time," Livie said.

She walked over and bent down to reach the twins who immediately went to her.

"I want to help," I said.

She looked at me.

"Err... Well you can put Jarred down in his crib. Just lay him down and he'll be fine," she said. "Here," handing me a bottle. "Just give it to him."

I did as she said. Jarred immediately took the bottle and put in his mouth and sucked hungrily, causing me to let out a chuckle.

I look over to Jaydan and found him doing the same thing, as his eyes slowly fluttered close.

Livie turned the nightlight on, and the monitor, and motioned for us to leave.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yes. They'll be asleep in no time. They'll sleep for the next hour or so."

I nodded and followed her out the door.

When we were back in the living room, I turned to her, "You cheated me, Livie!" I grounded out.

"Cheated you?" I let out a bitter laugh. "You kicked me out, remember? You cheated yourself, Lucas."

For a man who willingly believed I have betrayed him in the worst way possibly by cheating on him and sleeping with his best friend, it seemed pretty damn ironic that now, he easily believed that the twins are his and I had cheated him out of their lives.

"You know where I was. You know how to get a hold of me, you could have easily told me!"

"Yeah. What for? So you can throw more money on my face and deny that you're the father?"

"Who would believe you after sleeping with my ex best friend?" He countered.

"Get out. Get out of my house!"


"I hate you!

"Right back at you!"

He glared at me and I glared back at him.

"But you are right. You're lucky the twins look a lot like me or else, I would assume that bastard friend of mine fathered them, or someone else, who knows who!"

I flinched at his words, but damn it all to hell if I will allow him the satisfaction of seeing me hurt.

I was trembling with anger.

"I don't need you. We don't need you!" I hissed.

"Those boys in there are mine. They are my son, and I will be in their lives from now on. You already took away nearly two years of their lives from me. I will not let you take a second more."

"You will not take then from me. I won't let you!"

"You can't keep them from me!"

"You'll just confuse them"

"Confuse them? What in the hell are you talking about? They're my kids. I'm going to be there for them everyday for the rest of my and their lives!"

"Keep your voice down. You'll wake them," I hissed.

"Then stop talking non sense! You are nothing but a manipulative, calculating bitch! You are a cheat and a liar. Damn you for keeping my kids from me and I'll be damn if let you keep them from me a second longer!"

"Get out! Get the hell out of my house!"

"Trust me, Olivia. You won't want me to leave. Because when I leave, I leave with my sons!"

"You wouldn't!"

"Wouldn't I?" He threw back at me.

He would... He really would.

Livie sighed.

I heard the tiredness in her sigh and saw it as her shoulders slumped in defeat. I saw it in her eyes, and the pale colour of her skin.

She bent her head down and when she raised them up, my heart squeezed.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Please. Please don't take them away from me," she sobbed. "They're all I have," she whispered.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I won't take them away from you, Livie. At least not in the way you're thinking. You really think I'm that cruel and heartless? They need you. You're their mother, but they also need me. So you see. There's only one solution to get what we both want."

She looked at me with questions and confusion in her eyes.

"What's that?" She asked.

"We're going to get married," I said.

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