《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 2


I left the reception last night before it ended after giving my brother and Zarah my best wishes and my gift for them. I didn't bother telling my brother that I had found Livie. I lied and told them that I was just tired and still had an early business meeting to attend to.

By the time I had gotten home, it was almost midnight. I spent the next fifteen minutes packing a few things just in case I had to stay longer than necessary.

After packing, I spent the rest of the night lying down and thinking about Livie. Before I knew it my alarm was going off and it was time for me to get ready, and now here I am sitting on my private jet, restless and anxious. Thinking if I'm making a mistake.

Too late now, as the stewardess came up to me to tell me that we were preparing for landing and to put my seatbelt on.

It was raining when we landed. A private car was already waiting for me at the platform to take me to Livie's workplace.

According to my investigator, Livie works from five to twelve noon at the coffee shop and then works six to twelve in the evening at a diner nearby.

I groaned. She must be exhausted working at odd hours like that.

When does she find the time to sleep?

Why do you care? I scolded myself.

A little over half an hour later, the car pulls up and parks across the coffee shop.

I looked at the place and groaned. The place was old and in need of a major renovation. The sign was lopsided and looks like it could fall any second, if the wind blows in the wrong direction. The paint on the outside was chipped.

I can't imagine Olivia working at a place like this. What happened to her dancing? I wondered.

I blew out a big breath. "Wait here," I told the driver before I opened my door and climbed out of the car.

I look over to my left and right and ran across the street, ignoring the rain that was drenching me. I dashed over to the entrance and tried to shake off some of the rain off of me before I walked inside.

Once I was inside I looked around and found a booth at the far side of the coffee shop. I tried to look and spot Olivia but I don't see her anywhere.

I frowned. According to my investigator she should be working her shift today.

Did she phone in sick today?

A woman wearing a pink apron walked over to me, with a menu in hand.

"Your server will be right with you, sir," she said.

I nodded. "Thanks."

Then she walked away leaving me. I looked up just in time to see the back of another waitress who was serving another table.


My stomach clenched. The hairs at the back of my neck stood up in recognition.

It was her.

I knew it was her.

It was Livie.

I frowned. She was significantly thinner and her hair is longer, but it was still the same colour. Dark golden brown.

I frowned. She was thin. Too thin. A fact I didn't like. Not one bit.

"Olivia, customer at table 7," the woman who brought me the menu said.

"I'll be right there," she said. She hasn't noticed me yet.

It was definitely her. Her voice surrounded me. It was still the same sweet, soft, silvery sound, and my body quickened in response.

After all this time, she can still affect me like no other woman has.

Then she turned and presented her profile. She was looking at something inside her apron as she was walking towards me.

I kept my eyes on her.

Then she found what she was looking for just as she stopped in front of me, pen and a pad of paper in her hands.

She looked up and our eyes meet. She gasped and her golden brown eyes widened in shock as recognition dawned on her. But then how could she forget me, anymore than I could forget her?

I saw the blood drain on her face, as she dropped the pen and paper in her hands.

She almost doubled over and I shot out of my seat to catch her just in time.

"Livie. Are you okay?"

The other woman rushed towards us.

"Olivia? Are you okay?"

"We're fine. I've got this. Just give us a moment," I said and waved her off. "We know each other," I said when she made no move to leave.

"Olivia?" She asked turning to Livie.

"It's... It's fine," she croaked out.

"Alright. If you're sure?"

I clenched my jaw to stop myself from snapping at the woman.

Livie simply nodded.

Then with one last look at Livie and then me, she turned around and left us.

I helped Livie sit on the chair.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

This has definitely not gone as I thought it would. But honestly I don't really know what I expected. But I definitely didn't expect her to nearly faint at the sight of me.

"What?... How?..."

"That's not important," I said.

I was crunched down in front of her and being this close to her, I could see the exhaustion marring her face. Her eyes were tired and sad. It looks like she barely gets any sleep at all. She was still beautiful, but far from the Livie I once knew.

The Livie I met and knew was lively and always had a smile on her face. This Livie in front of me now looked so drained and exhausted.

I found myself reaching my hand up to her face.


She gasped at the contact and moved away from my touch.

She stood up forcing me to stand back up on my feet with her.

She cleared her throat and straightened her clothes. "I don't know what you're doing here, but if you came here to boast or insult me or throw more money on my face, then you've wasted your time, because I don't care what you think anymore and for the umpteenth time, I do not want your money."

"I didn't come here for that."

"Then why did you come here? I gave you what you want. I stayed away from you. I never bothered you again," she said.

"I came here to talk to you and to see how you were doing."

"Well as you can see I'm okay. Still alive and breathing. If that's all you can leave now," she said and with that, she turned around and stalked toward the swinging doors - which I'm guessing leads to the kitchen.

What the hell?

I swallowed hard.

I burst into the kitchen and walked out the back.

My whole body was trembling from the initial shock.

He's here.

Lucas is here.

I found it hard to breathe. My heart was pounding in my chest.

What is he doing here?

How did he find me?

What does he want?

Oh god... Does he know? Did he find out?

I shook my head.

No. No he doesn't know. He said he came to see how I was doing. If he knew then he would have demanded to see them... Or maybe he thinks Nick...

No do not go there. Do not think about that bastard!

But damn it. Why is he here now? I've spent the last two years trying to forget about him and start a new. I left the city in hopes that I'll find peace living in this small town, where my mother grew up.

So what does he want now? After two years, what does he want from me?

"Olivia, is everything okay?" Vera asked.

I turned around to face the other waitress standing by the door. Her face filled with concern.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Is the man gone?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes. He just left, but he said to tell you that he'll be back and it isn't over between the two of you."

Oh god.

"Who is he Olivia? Did he hurt you?"

Yes! But not in the way you think. "No. He's just someone I know from way back and it just surprised me to see him after all these years."

"Look, I have to go. Can you just tell Frank, I had to leave?"

Vera shifted uncomfortably. "I don't know... You know he won't like this. You'll lose your job if you leave," she said.

"I know. But this is an emergency. Just tell him I had to go home because I wasn't feeling well. If he has a problem, I'm sure he'll call me."

"If you're sure?"

I nodded. "Oh and if that man comes back, don't tell him anything. Tell him you don't know anything about me."

"Are you sure you're not in trouble?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm not. I promise. It's not what you think. He's just someone I'd rather not see or talk to again."

"Okay. I'll take care of it and don't worry. I won't tell him anything," Vera said with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you so much."

She nodded. "I'll do my best with Frank."

"Thanks again, Vera."

"No problem. You go on ahead and I'll see you tomorrow."

I walk back inside behind Vera to grab my things.

I waved goodbye to Rafe, the cook before leaving.

I decided to talk the longer way to my place in case Lucas was still out there waiting for me.

Damn it. I feel like I'm a criminal on the loose.

Damn him.

I quickly walk inside my apartment building and up the two flights of stairs to my apartment.

I unlocked the door and walked inside to the living room.

"Oh hello dear. You're early," Claire said in surprise.

I smiled at her.

"Look little darlings. Mommy's home," she cooed at my twin boys.

Claire is my fifty five year old neighbour who watches the twins while I'm at work.

"Hi my babies," I said. My twin boys smiled and ran towards me. At sixteen months old, they are both rambunctious and energetic. Jarred is the leader and full of mischief, while his younger twin, Jaydan seem to be content with simply following and copying his older twin brother.

Out of the two, Jarred is the adventurous one. He doesn't like to be held too long. He always wants to be on the floor getting into things or running around, or hiding under the table, chairs, and pretty much anything he can hide in. On the other hand, Jaydan is more observant. He picks up easily on a person's mood and always tries to be comforting. He knows when someone is upset and gets easily upset too. But he's also got some mischief underneath all that sweetness.

"Mum, mum," they both said at the same time. The twins are just starting to talk, and they are learning new words everyday, much to my delight.

I put them back down and they want back to playing.

"Is everything alright dear?" Claire asked and before I could answer the knock on the door interrupted us.

I frowned.

I walk over to the door and looked through the peephole.

Oh god.

How did he...?

"Olivia, I know you're in there. Open the door. We need to talk."


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