《His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)》Chapter 1


"Does all of this make you want to tie the knot too, older brother?" Ethan teased as he gestured to our brother's second wedding to his wife Zarah.

My brother first married Zarah at the hospital chapel the night before his brain surgery.

His death scare took a toll on all of us, but thankfully Jason's surgery was a success and now he's healthy and the happiest I have ever seen him. Thanks to my new sister, Zarah.

They opted for a church wedding this time. According to Jason, he wanted to marry Zarah in front of God in thanks to him for blessing him with a second chance at life and giving him his angel - his wife Zarah.

My younger brother has definitely turned his back on his playboy lifestyle and totally embraced his new role as a devoted husband and soon-to-be father.

Zarah was glowing, and the baby bump she now sports, added to her beauty.

Jason and Zarah are onto their umpteenth dance for tonight. They just couldn't get enough of each other. They stood in the middle of the dance floor, Zarah tucked into Jason's embrace as they swayed to the music.

They were so enthralled with each other and I have no doubt that they are in their own little world, completely oblivious to everyone else around them.

"They are so disgustingly happy," Ethan said next to me. "God, all these lovey dovey couples surrounding me is making me sick," he said , but he's not fooling me. I know he's just as happy as I am for our brother.

I chuckled. "You better be careful little brother. You might be the next one to get bitten by the love bug," I teased.

He snorted. "Not going to happen. I love my single life too much to want to give it up."

I scoffed and shook my head.

I look around and found Jason's best friends, Marco and Massimo with their wife happily dancing to the music as well, as they looked into each other's eyes.

A sudden pang of envy hit me. I thought I had this once. Well, almost had it.

I immediately push the thought at the back of my head.

"Damn. Hottie at two o'clock," Ethan said.

I turned to look, and nothing. Yes. Sure. She was attractive. Some would even call her gorgeous, but... I don't want her.

She's not... For fuck's sake, stop it Henderson!

"She's alright," I said.

"Alright? Are you kidding me? Don't tell me you're still pining for that girl..."

I turned to my brother and glared at him. "Don't even fucking go there. I'm not thinking about her. I'm over her," I growled.


He chuckled. "Yeah. Sure you are. Is that why you haven't been with anyone since..."

"Ethan, I'm this close to slugging you so you better shut the fuck up. And since when do you take interest in my sex life?"

He put his hands up in surrender. "Geez, man. Look, I'm just worried about you. Ever since that woman who we don't mention happened, you haven't been completely yourself. It's been two years Luke."

"I'm fine. I'm busy with the hotel and resort. Don't worry about me."

"If you say so."

"I'm fine," I said again, although I don't know who I was trying to convince. My brother? Or myself?

As much as I want to deny it, Ethan was right. Olivia still haunts me everyday. Her betrayal cut me deeper than I could have ever imagined. Her betrayal still bothers me, and I just... I can't seem to let it go. I can't believe I trusted her. How fucking stupid could I be?

I thought she was the one for me. The love of my life.

I was going to fucking propose to her, then she goes and sleeps with my so-called best friend while I away on business.

How fucking screwed up is that?


Here I am two years later and I'm still thinking about her.

Is she okay?

Why do you care? I asked myself. You shouldn't care, damn it. I should forget about her.

Is she as miserable as I am?

God I hope so!

"Hey man," my brother Jason said as he clapped my back.

"Did your wife finally get sick of you?" I teased.

He laughed. "Nah. She wanted me to see how you're doing. She's worried about you sitting here all by yourself. She thinks your lonely."

"Tell that new sister of mine not to worry her pretty little face about me and and enjoy your special day."

Jason smiled as his gaze found Zarah. "God, you're whipped, brother!"

He laughed. "I am and I'm loving every second of it. I'd do anything for her."

I smiled and nodded. I know the feeling. I felt that way once...

Don't go there, Henderson! I scolded myself.

"I'm worried about you too you know," he said. "I can't believe you're looking for her."

I groaned. See this is why I don't tell my brothers this kinds of things.

Jason overheard me talking to my PI so I had no choice but to tell him what I was planning.

"I just need to do this alright? I just want to..."

"See if she's as miserable as you are?" Jason continued for me.


Damn it, I hate it when my brother knows exactly what I'm thinking. "Something like that. I guess I'm wondering what she was after me for? I mean money seems like the best bet, but she never asked me for a single penny. And that dance studio of hers, she wouldn't even take my money unless I allow her to pay me back. She also didn't even take the money I threw on her face that night."

Jason snorted. "After what she did? It would have been stupid to take anything from you. I wouldn't show my face either. Ever again."

"True," I admitted, but I just can't shake the feeling that there was something more. I also can't help but feel like, I need to find her. There's just something in my gut telling me that I need to look for her.


"She may not have been after your money, but she betrayed you in the worst way possible. She fucking cheated on you!"

I clenched my jaw.

"Look, I just hope you know what you're doing. She did a number on you. I'd hate to see you get hurt again. She's not worth it."

"She can't hurt me. I'd have to care about her for her to hurt me. And trust me brother, I feel nothing for her. I just want some answers." Liar, I told myself.

Jason snorted. "You wouldn't be this hung up on her if you didn't care."

"I want answers. That's all," I insisted.

Jason didn't look like he believed me, but thankfully he didn't push the issue, and simply nodded. "Well. I'm going to go dance with my wife again."

I forced out a smile and nodded. "Go ahead."

Damn it!

Why can't I stop thinking about her? She haunts me. For the past two years, I lain awake at night cursing her, remembering the feel of her in my arms, wondering if she was okay. I hate that I care. I tried so many times I convince myself that it was simply because she's new to LA, and that it would be on my conscience if anything were to happen to her.

Suddenly my phone rings interrupting my thoughts.

I looked at the caller ID.

It's Templeton.

"Henderson," I answered.

"I found her," my hired investigator said.

I was suddenly all ears and on alert. "Where? Where is she?"

"She's in Louisiana working at a small coffee shop."

"Are you sure it's her?" I asked.

"Positive. I'll send a couple of my men to check it out and tail her..."

"No. I want the address of the coffee shop she's working at and her home address. I'll go there myself."

"Yes, sir. I'll send you all the information you need by email. Do you want me to dig deeper. I only got as far as her home address."

"No. I'll take it from here. Good work Templeton."

"Thank you, sir," he said. "I'll send you the email right now."

"Alright," I said ending the call.

I've found her.

What the hell am I going to do once I see her?

What the hell am I doing again? And why?

My phone alert pings.

I opened the email Templeton sent me containing the address of the coffee shop she works at and her home address.

This is fucking stupid and pointless. Why do I even want to go and see her again? I asked myself. The reason suddenly blurred.

"Hey, are you okay man?" Marco asked me.

I turned to him. "Yeah. I'm good," I said.

He chuckled. "I know that look," he muttered.

"What look?"

"That look," he said pointing to my face with the tilt of his head. "That's the look of a man bothered by a woman."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I denied.

"Dude, you forget, I used to be in your place," he said motioning to his wife, Ellie.

"That's different," I said.

"There's no use denying or fighting it. Trust me man. You're just wasting time. You're wasting time being alone, instead of admitting to yourself what you want and what will make you happy."

"Mine is different. The girl I thought I could trust betrayed me in the worst way possible. There is no getting around it or even moving on from it," I said.

He nodded. "I get it man. You have your reason, but if you're still hung up on the girl after all this time, shouldn't that tell you something?" And with that parting words, he clapped my back and walked away.

I watched him walk over to where his wife was and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple.

Damn it.

I pulled out my phone and dialled my secretary's number.


"Gina, it's me. Have the jet ready by morning at 6. Tell the pilot to be ready to fly to Louisiana. Oh and clear my schedule for the next few days," I said.

"Yes. Sir. Is that all?"

"Yes. Oh and thank you," I said before ending the call.

We are going to settle this Olivia. Once and for all. After tomorrow, I'm finally going to be able to move on from you.

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