《Y/N you are MINE (Ayano x fem! Reader) [Yandere Simulator]》Chapter twentysix - your safe


•Ayano's POV:•

I had tortured the nurse like hell and she's already broken. I wake up at 5. An hour earlier than I usually wake up. Got dressed and went to the kitchen, picking out a small knife and put it in my bra. I then went downstairs to the basement.

"I'm nothing. I'm worthless." I heard her mutter repeatedly. Just how I liked it.

"Make yourself useful and do this first task: make your way to the school and wait for me at the gate you useless sloth." I pointed out towards the door and set her free. She slowly stood up and did my direction.

I went back to the kitchen and browsed through my phone while thinking. Drinking some coffee as I did so.

'I could make Muja go after Taro. He seems to like Y/N a little too well for my opinion.' I thought. I clicked on Y/N's page and scrolled down to her latest photo. It was her posing with her little cousin since she was babysitting. I smiled and scrolled through the comments.

People saying her cousin is cute. She's a great babysitter. Until I came across Osoro's comment.

"Heh cute kid like you" I worded her comment in shock. My eye twitched as I drank the last of my coffee.

"Osoro you've made the biggest mistake of your life. And unfortunately.. it'll be the last mistake of your life." I growled grabbing my bag and slammed out the door. I sighed to calm myself down before running towards Y/N who was already near the gate.

"Hey Ayano." Y/N smiled, oh that precious smile I'll always adore. "Just saying before I go to class I'm going toilet so can you wait for me?" She asked. I nodded.

"Hey, and sure I don't mind." I smiled. She nodded and quickly ran inside.


I stopped in my tracks and turned to look back towards the gate wall, there sitting was Muja. I smirked and walked towards her.

"Muja." I said. She silently looked up with her broken eyes, I handed her the knife that was hid in my pocket. "Go kill Osoro Shidesu. Then kill your self you waste of oxygen." I said. She stood up and muttered more words. I quickly ran inside as I waited for Y/N.

After a few seconds she came out. "We still have a few minutes left Y/N wanna hang out at the fountain." I asked. She nodded and we began to go.

Y/N is sadly gonna have to see something brutal but it's for her own good.

We walked towards the social butterflies and Y/N waves at them they waved back and went back to their original conversation.

"So anything good happen at home-" Y/N was interrupted when Osoro was heard screaming, we all turn and saw Muja throw herself at Osoro and began to stab her and then killed herself. Everyone screamed and even though I wasn't fazed I acted as if I was.

Y/N threw herself onto me for comfort and I held onto her. Her scent was amazing. The smell of flowers.

"A-Ayano. I'm scared." I heard Y/N whimper. I sighed and cupped her red puffy cheeks, tears falling down them. "Your Safe now." I whispered.

"You're safe."

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