《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》Kiba's Wedding


I cursed and thanked Naruto about a million times. He gave me the push I needed to ask Hinata to marry me. My mouth was dry and my palms sweating. Akamaru was my best man. Ino and Sakura were flower girls. Naruto, recently made Sannin and an accomplished seal master, was performing the ceremony.

There were violets in huge vases around the room. Hinata's favorite flower. The organ was playing, and the doors opened. When she came in, my heart about stopped. She was beautiful, a lace train held by Sayura, Choji and Ino's daughter, and Shiki, Shikimaru and Kankuro's adopted daughter.

The train trailed ten feet, and her veil was held in place by a tiara with an opal teardrop. Her face was flushed, and she had a bright grin. She came to a stop in front of me, and I marveled at the fact that in a few short minutes she would be mine.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and canines," Naruto started. "We are gathered here today for the union of Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Hyuuga. If anyone has a reason that these two not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

If anyone spoke I'd rip them apart. I have no doubt all of the Great Nine and their spouses would help. We stopped being rookies when Naruto finally ranked up. He said he didn't want to be stuck in an office until his 30's.

"Then let us begin. Do you, Kiba Inuzuka, take Hinata Hyuuga to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?" I swallowed. "I do." I said.

"And do you, Hinata Hyuuga, take Kiba Inuzuka to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?" Hinata spoke out, without a stutter, as confident as could be. "I do." My heartbeat started racing faster. "You may kiss the bride." Neither of us could wait. She was in my arms the moment he was finished speaking. Applause and laughter rang out.

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