《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》Ugh. You people. Here's your wedding then.


"Nervous?" Kurama asked me. "I'm about to get married. I'm petrified! What if I trip? I've never exactly worn a traditional kimono before! I just know I'm gonna mess up!" I panicked. "Breath, Naruto. It'll be fine." Tsunade told me. "You look lovely and Kurama will be there to give you away. We're here, so relax." She continued. "Alright." I said, slightly calming down. It's true though. I do look alright. The kimono is a deep red silk with gold embroidery. I had on gold sandles with red flowers on one side. I was still nervous, but I was determined to get through this. "That's my cue." A blue flowerfox said. The two foxes, one blue and one red, left to sprinkle the petals. My time was coming. I walked up to the doors and Kurama came to my side. As the doors opened, he smiled, and I started walking down the aisle. At the end I could see Kakashi, and my breath caught. He was wearing a blue kimono with black embroidery, and black sandles. There were people filling the stands, and a large stained glass window depicting the signing of the treaty between the Uchiha and the Senju behind the alter. As I walked up to my soon-to-be husband, the scents of roses, honeysuckle, and gardenia drifted up, mingling with the scent of the white orchids I held in my hands. I stared at Kakashi, not even listening to the words that would bind us together forever. All I could see was him. I watched as he opened his mouth, still hidden by his mask. "I do." I could hear ringing in my ears. I vaguely heard someone asking me the same question. "I do." I managed to speak around the lump in my throat. Kakashi turned his back to the assembly, pulled down his mask, and kissed me. And kept kissing me for about five minutes until Kiba butted in. "Get a room!" We stopped kissing and I glared at him. Then I smirked. I caught a glimpse of a nervous expression as I spun around, and without looking, threw my bouquet right into Kiba's unsuspecting hands. He flushed bright red as Kakashi lifted me up and sped away. We had plenty of time to see our friends mortified, but we only got one honeymoon!

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