《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》19


Kakashi and I headed out to meet the others. For once I agreed to leave 3 hours late. I really really wanted to sleep in. Sakura shouted when we got there. "You're both late!" I sighed. "Kashi is it too late to go back to sleep?" I whined. He just pet my ears. "We'll give them the exam slips. Then you can wander off for an hour. And once I've finished complaining to the Hokage we can go get barbecue alright?" I brightened. "Yep. Barbecue is yummy so that is acceptable." I leapt onto the railing of the bridge and started swinging my feet. "Chunnin exams are coming and I've nominated all three of you. Turn the slips Naruto will hand you in to room 401 at the academy before Friday." Kakashi left and I handed them the slips. Before I left however Sasuke said something shocking. "Could you help me train? Kakashi Sensei did say you had an hour until your date." I stared. And stared. And stared. "Who are you and what have you done with the egotistical duckbutt brat with the brother complex?" Sasuke flushed. "I do not have a brother complex." He mumbled. I smiled a bit. "I'm just going to run into town to get some ink. I'll be happy to help you train after that." Sasuke gave a faint smile. I idly wondered if I was dead. "I'll go with you. I don't really have anything better to do." Sasuke said. "I'll go too." This from Sakura. I still haven't forgiven her for the time I was working on developing one of my own seals. She shoved all of my materials on the floor, saying I took up too much space. While I was using a lot of room, there were plenty of empty desks. I grabbed onto Sasuke. I released the limiter seal I put in place that regulates my speed, strength, and chakra. Then I took off. I moved almost as fast as the Hiraishin without my limiter in place. In a short time we were outside the store. Sasuke was gasping for breath. "Sorry. I forget that my speed knocks the breath out of anyone not used to it." After I purchased the ink, Sasuke and I went to training ground 5. "Sasuke I'm going to have you activate you're sharingan so you can see my chakra flow. I temporarily deactivated the seal that blocks your eyes. I'm going to show you a somewhat different technique. It isn't a jutsu, but it will end up being very useful to you." Sasuke nodded to show he was listening. "You will watch what I do." I coated my hands with a layer of chakra. I then grabbed Sasuke's shoulder, taking some of his chakra. "Do you understand how that works?" I asked. "I get the fact that you use your chakra to somehow pull mine into your body" I smiled. "It's like a reverse of the chakra that coats your palms. A lot of Kumo nin know this technique, and probably many others as well." I stayed to watch him train for a bit then went to meet up with Kashi. On the way I heard yelling. A Suna nin was holding Konahamaru by his scarf. Konahamaru is like a little brother so you can imagine that I was pissed. I broke one if the guys fingers before he was aware of my presence. And I kept breaking them for each point I had to make. "That was for laying a hand on one of my precious people. That was for attacking the Hokage's grandson and nearly bringing about an annoying war. That was for having the nerve to pick on anyone less than half your size. That is for making me late for my date with Kakashi. And that is because just looking at you is starting to piss me off." The blonde that was with the guy looked scared but I paid her no mind. "And you in the tree. Keep a tighter leash on your teammates. Or I will make you wish the whispering of the one tail was all you had to worry about." The guy with teal eyes came down. "What is your name?" He seemed dismissive of his teammates broken hand. "Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, nine tails jinchurichi. Although it's common courtesy to give your name first, Gaara Subaku." The red head said something but I wasn't listening. "Konahamaru are you hurt? How many fingers am I holding up? Can you see me at all?" I panicked. "I'm fine Naruto nii-san." I hugged him. "Thank goodness." He squirmed a little, obviously embarrassed, but I wasn't ready to let him go just yet. "I'm sure Kashi won't mind if you come and get some barbecue with us." Konahamaru gave me a big goofy grin.

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