《Kakanaru: The pain behind Naruto's mask》7


The week dragged by slowly. We did the babysitting mission, and Sasuke got really annoyed as a result, but other then him holding a screaming kid upside down by the ankle nothing really happened. Finally it was time for my date. I got dressed in my everyday outfit, since ninja tend to be attacked anytime we go outside the village. I told Kura what time I'd be back and went to the gate. Kakashi was on time and waiting for me. "Ready?" He asked. "As I'll ever be," I said. We both left.

Arriving in Ash, we saw lanterns everywhere. There were stalls where you could buy maps that use the stars as a guide, places where you could have your fortunes told, and dozens of food stalls. There was a clearing we could go to when the meteor shower started. Kakashi took my hand. I blushed, but I didn't let go. He led me to a section of the festival that was all games. We played a game where we dunked a guy in glitter. He looked terrified that he'd be dumped in. A group of little kids weren't having much luck, so I decided to help. The kids were laughing so hard they were crying, and the glitter monster glared at me. Kakashi laughed. It seemed like in that moment time stood still. It was like listening to honey sliding off of a spoon. After the dunk booth Kakashi said, "Wait here and close your eyes." I was really curious, but I did what I was told. After a moment I sensed Kakashi coming back. I felt something cool against my neck, slipping just under my head band. I reached down and lifted it up. My eyes widened. It was a necklace with a star pendant. The pendant was a red ruby, set in gold, with an onyx star encased by the ruby. The star was a small stellated dodecahedron. I looked at Kakashi. He saw my expression and his nervous look turned into a full blown grin. "Let's go to the clearing." I nodded and we made our way over there. The meteors started falling a few minutes later. I looked at them, but after a short time I found my gaze being drawn to Kakashi. After so many years of feeling hurt and alone, I knew I would never forget this night. Turning his head from the celestial gift, Kakashi looked back at me. And when he did, my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest. Almost without realizing, my lips turned up in a smile. Kakashi looked shocked, and then his eyes changed and he moved closer. Before my mind really registered what happened, he pulled down his mask and his lips were on mine. His lips were firm, and I couldn't help but give in. I placed my hands on his shoulders. Impatiently, I twisted to try to get my body as close to his as possible. His tongue licked my bottom lip, seeking entrance that I gladly gave. It felt like I was losing control, and the last thing I wanted was to regain it. When we finally pulled apart, I was out of breath and blushing. I leaned my head against his chest. With his arm around my waist, it felt like I was truly in heaven. I licked my lips, still tasting him. "Naruto?" I looked up at Kakashi. "Yes?" I said. "Let's do this again sometime." I nodded happily. Kakashi smiled at me, and without hesitating I smiled back.


When we arrived back at the village, I went home and told Kurama everything that happened, except for the kiss. I think he guessed though, since he reminded me to use protection until I was married. I blushed and looked away. "I'm going to tell him a bit about the tailed beasts and what that means for him and I soon." I said. "I hope things work out well with you two," Kurama said. "I really want you to be happy." I was glad that Kurama supported whatever I did. When things didn't work out, he was always there to provide comfort and wipe away my tears. "Let's hit the hay. You were out rather late." Kurama chastised me. "Alright, let me just get changed into my pajamas." I said. After getting changed, I curled up in bed with Kura snuggled up beside me. Yawning, I let my eyes drift shut.

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