《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》4.2


Masters of the Mystic Arts

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"Let's just go over it one more time. You want to teach me everything you know about the multi-verse and the Mystic Arts because you fear something is coming and that I could be an asset to help you fight off this threat?"

Ancient One smiled at Ana's babbling in amusement. Her new apprentice was sat on the floor in front of her feet, crosslegged and dressed in black and red robes similar to Mordo's. Tina had braided her hair in a complicated fashion and it kept her brown locks from hitting her face.

"You seem to understand," Ancient One chuckled before holding up her pointer finger, "Except I will not teach you everything until I know you're ready. Some things are too powerful for beginner sorcerers and are best kept unlearnt."

Ana glanced at the Celtic woman. She ran the word sorcerer through her mind, feeling unsure if this was what she wanted. Ana was no longer an Avenger. She didn't have the job of protecting others anymore. Without that, she felt lost. The Ancient One rose a brow, having read her mind.

"Second thoughts?"

"I'll cut it to you short and sweet." Ana began, "I'm out of work, no longer having the title of an Avenger. I can't get it back without signing away my freedom and even then it won't feel the same. I'd be working with the government, not my team."

"And you feel lost without them. Without protecting your world." Ancient One added, understanding where Ana was coming from.

Ana nodded, lowering her eyes. "I have the abilities. They go to waste if I don't use them. And helping people, it's what always gave me hope and strength during a fight. Because they're your motivation to keep going."

Her voice died down and there was a soft silence in the room. Ancient One analysed Ana further, a smile on her face at the thought of another successful student using the ways of the Mystic Arts for good. Lately she had begun to sense some disloyalty to their cause among the older recruits. Many have been questioning her, underestimating her, thinking she was hiding valuable knowledge from them. And she did so with reasons they wouldn't comprehend.

"Forgive me, Ancient One, for intruding."

Baron bowed his head in greeting and walked further into the room after his master nodded for him to. Ana sent him wave when he flashed her a smile. He seemed excited and Ancient One knew exactly why.

She reached out for Ana to take her hand and pulled her up with ease. "It looks like Master Mordo has everything in place for your first lesson."

"Lesson?" Ana repeated, "On what?"

Mordo threw her a weapon without any heads up. She caught it anyway and turned the heavy gold object in her hands, scoffing lightly. She held it up, the sharp end of the curved blade facing away from her face.

"I know how to use an Egyptian scimitar."

"Not against magic you don't."

- - -

"I like to train a beginner by throwing them into the deep end."

Ana stood up straight in the middle of the court. Baron was walking around her, circling her with his hands clasped behind his back. She hugged the scimitar to her chest, feeling nervous for what was coming next. She had no idea how to fight against magic. Wanda's power wasn't at all similar to the magic she had seen from her first week of staying in the Kamar-Taj. It looked more complex and specific, like there were certain spells and advances used in different situations.


"How many beginners have you trained?" Ana asked.

"Just one. He died in battle."

"Oh." Ana mumbled.

"But that was because he was arrogant," He picked up a similar sword to her own and twirled it around in his hand, "Overconfident. A showoff." He did a series of flips and jabs with the weapon followed by golden blasts a few feet in front of Ana.

Ana smirked, "I see where he learnt that."

Baron's lips twitched and without warning he attacked. Ana widened her eyes, quickly bringing her scimitar to block the blade coming for her head. They clashed with a sharp chime and she pushed him back with her strength, making him stumble briefly before he caught his feet.

"Strong. You have good reflexes." He praised. She spread her feet apart and kept her torso low, holding her blade in her left hand. She was used to holding two of the same blades in both hands but Baron had the other.

He watched as she placed herself in an attack position. "And you have good stances."

"I've been surrounded by amazing, diverse fighters all my life. I picked up a thing or two." Ana replied.

"They called you the Warrior." He copied her stance, but added his own magical twist. "Show me why."

Ana paused for a second. "Do I hold back?"

Baron's answer was running forward and leaping into the air. Ana held back an eye roll and decided to sidestep away from his energy blast, spinning and sending her boot hard into his stomach. He stumbled and she aimed to remove his scimitar by kicking it out of his hand. An energy shield prevented her from doing so and it exploded when the tip of her boot went through it, causing her to fly away.

She landed on her back with a groan and her scimitar had ended up out of her reach, scratching against the pavement. She tipped her head up. Baron formed golden circles underneath his boots, the Vaulting Boots of Valtor, which allowed him to step up into the air. He leaped forward, holding his scimitar over his head.

Ana abandoned her weapon and rolled out just before the blade hit her head. She formed fists and went to sent a hard hit to his rib cage. He made a shield that block her hit and it zapped her back. She shook her hands, trying to get rid of the sting.

"This isn't a fair fight."

"It will be when you make it one."

A couple of the other sorcerers in training walked out of the library opposite the fighting pair and watched in shock when the brunette landed an unexpected blow on Baron, sending him up in the air. He landed at their feet on the stone steps. He didn't expect her to send an uppercut his way, and with the speed behind the attack, he knew she would pick up their combat styles with ease.

Ana used her good hand to cover her other stinging fist, wincing. She heard a couple of cheers and looked up, widening her eyes when she saw the others. Daniel was with Wong when they made their way to the training court and observed the scene.

"She managed to win on her first day." Daniel nodded, impressed.

Wong kept a blank face and watched as Ana walked over to Baron, holding her hand out. He smiled, taking it and standing up. "She looks like a body of muscles to me. Let's just wait and see how she'll handle the practices."


Daniel suppressed an eye roll and they continued on their way to the library. He had to return to his duty to protect the New York Sanctum Sanctorum.

"I think you'll do much better than my last trainee." Baron admitted, shaking his head with a light smile.

Ana grinned. "Oh, I know."

- - -

A single line of smog from a candle swirled its way between the novice and her master, letting off a relaxing scent to calm the mind and spirit. The women were opposite each other, eyes open and legs crossed. It was Ana's introduction into a new way of training, for it will be what she would be practising for a long while. She was well rested and eager to begin.

"The Mystic Arts takes great discipline — in body as well as in mind. And as such, it takes a great toll on the spirit." Ancient One began softly, lifting her palms and delicately outlining a circle. A golden form appeared in front of Ana's eyes and she observed the intricate designs with awe. "So as such with everything in existence, it is about balance."

Ancient One stood and motioned for Ana to do the same.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been protecting Earth?" Ana murmured as Ancient One began to perform slow and precise movements. She lifted her right leg and lowered her torso, raising her left hand that held onto the golden circle over her head while stretching out her other so it was in line with her shoulders.

Ancient One smirked, sending Ana a wink. "I don't like to share my age. However, it says it all in the name I suppose. Ancient One is a title passed down from one Sorcerer Supreme to the next. It is a duty that would rest heavy on one's shoulders for as long as they live. The bearer would make sure their most successful student is ready for the title before their time has come to an end." She explained.

Ana nodded. She mirrored Ancient One's movements, noticing the impressed glimmer in her eyes when she copied her stance. She controlled her breathing and emptied her mind. Balance, it was a requirement needed to successfully excel in these Arts. One who struggled could take months or years to find their balance. Luckily, Ana was taught at a young age.

Ancient One hummed, "Well done, my apprentice."

Ana smiled slightly and swapped her foot, swaying her hands — one behind her back and one bent horizontally in front of her. "Do you have a successor yet?" She asked. Surely one of her students would be the lead runner to become the next Ancient One. Daniel, Tina, Baron, Kaecilius, Wong, Hamir, and the many other Masters of the Mystic Arts were strong in their practise.

"Believe it or not, I think there is one other out there. My students are diverse, and I say that as a watcher. Some are loyal and true — they're on the straight and narrow path, the good path. But a mere handful I fear are departing from the real reason they were taught, to protect something greater." Ancient One answered thoughtfully.

"They lose their balance. They lose their way." Ana added.

"Exactly." Ancient One agreed. She formed another golden circle on her other hand and stood with her back straight. "Sometimes I need to be reminded to maintain balance within myself as well. It used to come so easily to me. But with time, this too has become yet another chore. As if harmony can be achieved with just a few steps."

Ana furrowed her eyebrows, "Do you find it difficult every time? One would think doing this over and over again only to find that it creates confusion a little exasperating."

"But it is here that I'm able to at least approach a sense of peace." Ancient One said. She smiled along with Ana and began to move into another complicated form with her body.

Ana kept her smile, knowing in her heart this was a good thing. She made a good choice. Just as she followed Ancient One into her form, Baron entered the room, a troubled look on his face.

Ancient One dropped her hands, the golden circles disappearing as she faced her student. "If only for a moment." She whispered to Ana, sighing.

"Forgive me." Baron breathed out, "I've received some disturbing news. A group of bandits in Guizhou have uncovered the Arrow of Apollon. Worse, they have also found its bow."

Ancient One had a thoughtful look on her face as Ana had one of pure puzzlement. She mouthed what Baron had just said, before letting realisation show. Magical stuff. It goes missing all the time here apparently.

"Normally I wouldn't bother you with something like this, but given the arrow's inherent power-"

"No." Ancient One interrupted, "You were right to bring this to me."

Ana clicked her tongue, "Do you guys need a hand or...? I mean, I'm good at throwing punches."

Ancient One appreciated her offer but this was a matter of magic, and she hadn't learnt how to develop those skills just yet. She waved her forward and they started to exit out of the room and descended down to the outside. "It's alright, my dear. I'll show you to the library before I leave with Master Mordo to deal with this skirmish."

"That's cool, I like books too."

- - -

"So how exactly do you do that? Magic, I mean." Ana glanced at the Ancient One beside her. Baron was informing Kaecilius who was at the court of their new task in the meantime.

"Well, it's quite simple, we harness energy. Energy that is drawn from other dimensions of the multi-verse. From that energy, we cast our spells, incantations that give us shields and weapons. Our magic." Ancient One answered with a smile. She enjoyed Ana's enthusiasm, it was like a breath of fresh air. "And the library will help you get started on the history of the Mystic Arts. It never is just magic. But knowledge. Skills."

"Knowledge is power." Ana mumbled.

"Correct." Ancient One mused. "We'll continue our session another time. But for now, go into the library and expand your knowledge."

"Of course." Ana nodded, bowing respectfully. She watched Ancient One leave with Baron. They had vanished through the golden gateway, leaving a cool current of wind and splattering rain in their wake. There must have been gloomy weather where they were heading.

Ana pushed the large wooden doors to the library open, hearing them groan and squeak. The inside was huge. Ana was in awe, lost in her own world. The smell of it just told her centuries of knowledge and wisdom were contained on the shelves within. She lightly traced the symbols on the leather books, grinning. The Ancient One had told her everything was scribed in different languages. Sanskrit, Bodo, Manipuri, Archaic Chinese, Latin, Arabic, Greek and many more.

She touched the chains that kept every book up in its place. A bald Chinese man rounded the shelf she was standing at, holding a couple of books in his hands. He didn't look happy to see her. Or at least that was what his face told her.

She gave him a smile even so. "Hey."

"Do you need help starting?" He nodded his head to another man, who was placing certain books back in their spot on the shelves, "He's the keeper in here. He'll give you the beginner books."

He began to walk off and Ana frowned, "Oh, okay. Thanks." She called after him. She didn't catch his name and made a mental note to ask next time she crosses paths with him.

She shook her head, making her way to the man in the dark purple robes. He had a finger pressed to his lip in thought as he read the spine of a small book. He looked up when he heard someone clear their throat and glanced at Ana.

"You must be the new recruit."

Ana smiled. He seemed more friendly. She crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head, "Name's Ana. And I have no idea where to start." She laughed softly.

"Welcome to the Kamar-Taj, Ana. First thing I need to know is do you know how to read Latin? Sanskrit? Ancient Chinese? Any ancient languages?" He questioned, guiding her to the end of the room. He plucked out a few books, stacking them onto Ana's open arms.

"A little. It shouldn't be too hard, right?"

The librarian smirked, dumping the last book in her arms. Dust attacked her face and she sneezed, almost dropping the ten novels.

"Bless you. And you better get reading. There's more where that came from."

- - -

Kaecilius stood up, head held high as he looked to Baron and Ana as they approached the training courts, clearly unaffected by the rolling bodies on the ground behind him. He could see the disapproval in Baron's eyes and curled his lip.

"Their form is sloppy." He stated. Ana glanced at the group behind him who were moaning in pain as they clutched different parts of their bodies that have been bruised and stung. "They project their advances so that anyone could see them coming. They still need work." Kaecilius said, his tone cruel.

Baron scoffed. His eyes glanced to Ana for a split second before shaking his head, "They need a doctor, thanks to you, Kaecilius." He replied. He addressed the others, "All right, I think that's enough training for one day."

Ana walked forward down the the stone steps and held out a hand to one of the women who was clutching her brown eyes shut and whimpering. She took Ana's hand, letting herself be pulled to her feet. "Best you visit the medical bay, Dia." Ana said softly, guiding her to one of the Masters.

"You must be cautious with Master Kaecilius. I fear there is a dark cloud surrounding his spirit." Dia coughed, clutching her chest with a grimace. Ana didn't say anything and watched the wounded sorcerers in training hobble their way to medical attention.

All of a sudden, she felt a chill go down her spine.

Kaecilius stopped in front of her, staring right into her eyes. She gulped. Ancient One suggested to spar with each of her higher achievers and next on the list was the man standing in front of her. He looked her up and down before, nodding.

"Let's see what you've got, Warrior."

He immediately summoned a weapon. It was a wooden staff about a metre long that had spouts of electricity on each end. He twirled it over his head and just like Thor's hammer, it attracted lightning. Ana walked backwards so she had room to summon a weapon for herself and closed her eyes.

Her hands waved forward a sword manifested in her palm. She didn't know what it was but it shined in the light, like it was harvesting the power of the sun. Baron stood on the sidelines, watching Ana's every move. And when she had obtained the lost Sword of Light, his mouth dropped open in shock.

Even Kaecilius froze at the sight. Ana was oblivious to the sword's history, how it conquered lands, destroyed gods and monsters in all types of dimensions, and how it had the power to absorb any form of light power and use it against the enemy.

She whistled. "This looks awesome. Can I keep it?" She looked to Baron with wide eyes and a grin.

He pointed at it, slowly descending down to the courts. He had his eyes glued on the sword when he joined Ana. She rose an eyebrow when he stuttered.

"Th-that can't be possible. How did you manage to summon the lost Sword of Light?" Baron asked Ana breathlessly. She shrugged, holding the sword at arms length, "I just did what Ancient One said. Close your eyes and think of a suitable weapon in battle. And voila! Sword of Light or whatever." She answered.

"It had been lost for millennials — during a war in the dimensions surrounding the eternal realm of Asgard. The wielder was trampled by the dark forces and killed, his sword lost in the stars. And it finds itself in your hands." Kaecilius said.

"Remember when I told you that you don't get to choose your relic... but it chooses you?" Baron smiled at Ana when her eyes widened.

"I get to keep this?"

"Yes, you do."

"If you can wield it, that is. No use of keeping a sword if you can't use it. If you can't honour it's name and legacy." Kaecilius added. Baron left to inform the Ancient One. Ana nodded, twirling the beautiful sword in her hand and weighing it. To her, it was a perfect weapon, not too long or too heavy. And when Kaecilius brought his staff against her sword, it created a pulse of light, the sound ringing in their ears like a chime. The power forced him away from her. She then remembered Dia words when she caught the look of anger on his face.

"I notice you seem off, Kaecilius. Would you like to share anything?" She offered him a small smile.

Kaecilius paused for a moment, before shrugging and positioning himself in an attack stance. "It doesn't bother you that the Ancient One knows of greater forces and refuses to share her knowledge?"

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