《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》4.1


Welcome to Kamar-Taj

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She had hit the ground. The cold, wet ground. She didn't have time to prepare for landing. Her chute had been ripped from the sharp branches of the trees that now surrounded her like a cage. She was breathing. Her chest hurt with each rise and fall. She definitely broke a few ribs on impact. Along with an ankle sprain, dislocated shoulder and her dignity.

Delicately lifting her hand, Ana groaned when she felt the pop of her shoulder. The monitor on her wrist was fizzing and crackling. It had been damaged. Snow littered around her as she stared at the swaying trees above. Her lips were turning blue, pink tongue darting out to dampen them. She mentally yelled at herself. How could I be so stupid, she thought, it would have been smarter to just pick Brazil.

Despite being in a hell of pain, she sat up and dragged herself to the base of the evergreen trees where her bag and chute fell to. She faced the trunk and took a couple of deep breaths before forcing her shoulder into it and popping the joint back in its place.

Once she soothed most of the pain away, she wrapped herself in the chute and rested on her bag. Her tablet was in her hands and it was working, there was just no service. The best thing you could do is to play music. And playing her collection of Beyoncé albums wasn't going to get her help.

"At least the wolves aren't around."

She let out a breath, curling underneath the chute. Just then a loud animal noise echoed through the forest. She pursed her lips. Excellent timing.

Ana squinted her eyes, spotting a blotch of black fur in the distance. It was hiding behind a batch of trees, its stance low. She began to fumble for the flares she knew were always inside a parachute. Wolves didn't like fire.

She strapped on her bag and used the trunk behind her to help her stand. Her sore arm was wrapped loosely around her torso and she popped the flare when it started approaching.

It growled at her, it's next meal. She hardened her face and waved the red fire in front of it, threatening it. It stepped back, before amping up its vicious growl, snarling its teeth at her.

"Seriously, bub, I'm not in the mood." She said with her own growl. "Get lost!"

Two more rounded up from the sides and Ana's flare was put out. She popped the last one and waved it, circling around the tree carefully. If she had to run, she would. She didn't want to be eaten by a bunch of wolves.

They started to whimper and cower away. Ana laughed. "That's right! Go home and don't come back!" She boasted, throwing the flare at the retrieving figures. She clenched her teeth when a spark of pain shot throughout her chest.

She let out a puff of air. Then a strange feeling made the hairs on her neck stand up. A chill travelled down her spine and she turned. She was jumped by a wolf. It was larger and stronger than the others. Her hands came up to block her face from it's chomping teeth.

Ana fell back with a yell and hit her head against the base of the tree. She gripped the jaw with her nimble hands, forcing them apart. Drool and blood dropped onto her suit. She closed her eyes, silently praying for the wolves to disappear so she could catch a break.


She could faintly hear footsteps running and thought it was more wolves. But then a flash of gold invaded her sight and the teeth digging into her hands was pulled away and the wolf flew back. It whimpered like a puppy, legs flailing in the air as it travelled to the other side of the mountain.

A man, dark skin and dressed in green robes with a bo-staff on his back, stood over her. She tilted her head with her mouth agape, the right side of her face buried in the snow. A ring of glowing orange light was behind him and inside the circle was the view of a room that looked like it belonged in a sacred temple.

The man in green lowered his outstretched hands back to his sides and looked at Ana with a blank expression. To him, she looked like a bruised and tattered being in need of help. She was lost in the big jungle and he was her saviour.

To her, he looked like some student of martial arts. He had similar uniform to that of those she would wear while taking kung-fu classes in college. He had a concerned smile on his face and after a few seconds of staring at each other in silence, he spoke first.

"You need medical attention. And some shelter." He went to help her up, placing his hands at her knees and upper back.

"Who are you?" She slurred, pressing her hand to the back of her wet head when she felt a sharp spark of pain.

"Try to stay still, you're hurt badly."

As they neared the golden circle, she became rigid in his arms. He patted her back in encouragement and she closed her eyes. She didn't feel in any kind of danger with him weirdly. The minute Mordo crossed into the temple of Kamar-Taj with Ana in his arms, the transporting circle vanished behind him.

"Oh, she's alive! How wonderful."

A tall Celtic woman with a bald head grinned brightly at the sight of the young brunette. In her hands she carried a steaming cup of tea, with a little honey. Baron Mordo gently sat Ana down in the seat across from the Ancient One, before stepping back and glancing at his master.

Two more others, a woman and man, removed the bag slung over her shoulders and propped her bad leg on a small cushioned stool. Ana pursed her lips, looking at them curiously.

"She was there just like you said she would be." Mordo stated.

Ancient One nodded, walking around the small table. Her white robes were clean compared the the dirty and wet uniform Ana wore. She briefly analysed Ana's injuries before bending down and handing her the small cup of tea. "Here. Drink. It will warm you up." She said kindly.

As Ana spent time looking at where she was, the panic and paranoia set in.

"Thanks, lady. I just have a few questions." She confessed nervously, her eyes flickering between her and the man in green. They both had friendly smiles on their faces and nodded for her to go along.

"Straight to it then," Mordo spoke, glancing at her, "All right, go on."

She cleared her throat and spoke in one breath. "Okay. Who the hell are you? Where am I? How did I get here? And do you have any food? Fighting off wolves made me hungry."

The woman chuckled to herself as Mordo bit back a smirk. Her reaction was probably the most normal one they had seen in years. Others would pass out, kick and scream, sometimes even call them horrible names.


Ancient One watched as Ana glanced at the tea suspiciously, "It is just tea. And to answer each question, you are in one of the busiest parts of Kathmandu. The man that brought you here is, well I'll let him introduce himself later on. And you can call me the Ancient One."

"Ancient One?" Ana squinted her eyes, sipping the green tea. She winced, rolling her shoulder.

"Yes. I, the Ancient One, am the Sorcerer Supreme. Master of the Mystic Arts and protector of the realm Earth. It is my job to deal with all evil in every shape or form beyond this dimension with a purpose to inflict their darkness here."

Ana licked her lips, tasting the too sweet tea. She let the Ancient One's words sink in and questioned them. She was a sorcerer that protected Earth from evil that came from different dimensions. Ana understood the concept of Wanda's powers, she controlled things with her mind like telekinesis but the Ancient One was implying the idea of other worlds, other supernatural forces.

All of it didn't make sense.

Ana stared at the Ancient One as she smiled in waiting. Then she slowly lifted her hand and pressed it to her head.

"How hard did I hit my head?" She frowned.

"I think it would be best if we let Master Drumm and Master Minoru tend to her wounds." Baron nodded to the other dark skinned man and Asian woman in the room.

"See to it that she stays. I have a feeling she'll run and hide." Ancient One smiled. She noticed Ana's eyes droop and let her students take care of her. Baron carried Ana's belongings and followed his friends as they all approached the medical bay that was located next to the library.

"Is this the girl our Master has been keeping an eye on for such a time?" Daniel Drumm questioned curiously, peering at Baron.

"It is not my place to say, though I suppose so. She seemed adamant on sending me out to look for this... Katiana Michaels."

"Katiana Michaels?" Tina piped up, raising an eyebrow. "If I recall correctly, she's an Avenger."

"Meh, there's no such thing anymore." Ana drawled, sighing in Daniel's arms. "We got into a big fight. It's a long story, people I have no idea what your names are."

All three looked at her, surprised she hadn't nodded off yet. The tea the Ancient One had provided for her was commonly known to dull pain and cause drowsiness. Ana couldn't feel much of anything anymore and she was one second away from closing her eyes.

"What's this? A lost puppy?"

Kaecilius hopped onto the stone path they were walking down on. Tens of practising students wearing orange robes sparred with each other behind him on the open grounds, jabbing their weapons in unison and letting out repeated yells.

Baron acknowledged his friend with the simplest of nods. "I found her fighting off wolves in the darkest parts of the Himalayas. She had crash landed, she was lost and on her own."

"And you took her in?" Kaecilius hummed to himself, stepping forward and looking at the newcomer who would eventually become another one of the Ancient One's students. What he saw was an unconscious brunette looking like she had indeed fought wolves.

He looked up and smirked at them. "I'm sure Wong will be thrilled."

"Wong doesn't get thrilled," Tina scoffed lightly. "There is only one emotion he shows and that is the lack of enthusiasm."

"We are wasting time," Baron sighed, softly nudging Daniel to continue on to the medical room. Kaecilius bowed his head and returned to his work. Tina stepped forward and opened the wooden door, allowing Daniel to pass through easily with Ana in his arms.

"Put her here." Tina opened the clean cotton covers, and patted the soft bed for Daniel. He placed the girl down and Tina began to remove the heavy clothing on Ana. The men turned their backs and waited until Tina had placed a clean pair of light blue robes over Ana's tank top and shorts.

"There is bruising on her chest. Broken ribs, maybe three. Her foot needs bandaging as well as her hands. Otherwise, she should heal up nicely in forty-eight hours with our help." Tina reported, walking over to the cabinet filled with medical supplies. They only used them when the new apprentices hurt themselves during coordinated fights. Later on they would learn how to heal themselves through the Mystic Arts.

"Gentlemen," Tina smiled, setting herself in the middle of the two men. "If you please, one quick incantation to start us off."

The Masters of the Mystic Arts lifted their hands in time and stretched out their fingers, forming a golden pattern of triangles. They directed their power to the brunette, healing the majority of her injuries.

"How do you feel?"

Ana looked up from tying the laces on her black boots. Baron Mordo stood at the threshold of the room that was given to her, glancing at her with a small smile. She smoothed down the black and red robes she found waiting on her bed after she took a bath. Her wounds were healed miraculously after two days of developing them.

He was the first person she had seen since she woke up hours ago. And since then, she felt lost and confused. She had woken up in an unfamiliar room, her suit was tattered and all of the devices she had were somewhat useless.

"I'm fine. Which is what bothers me." She replied, standing up and moving away from her single cot.

"And I have the answers you're seeking." Baron grinned. He bowed his head after she joined him.

"My name is Karl Amadeus Mordo, but please call me Baron Mordo. I was the one wh-"

"Who saved me from being ripped to shreds, yeah, I remember." She finished for him, sighing.

"You seem... at a loss." He diagnosed, eyes narrowing in curiosity.

Ana blinked. She threw her hands up from her sides and scoffed. "Hell yeah I'm at a loss. I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing here." She responded with a shake of her head. She placed her fingers to her temple and sighed. "Your boss wants to see me, doesn't she? I found a letter on the bedside when I woke up. She had nice handwriting..."

"The Ancient One is my master. And yes, I came by to take you to her." He said.

Ana made a motion with her head so that he could lead the way. He stayed next to her, constantly stealing glances when she wasn't looking.

"I'm sensing some abandonment issues. Have you parted ways with family recently?" Baron asked out of the blue.

Ana shook her head. "My friends. And it's not an issue. I just miss them." She confessed, voice soft as they neared the far end of the hallway.

"I'm sure you'll see them again."

Ana bit the inside of her cheek, nodding. He then stopped talking and decided to take her to the Ancient One in silence. Ana could see fine lines of white smoke swirl it's way outside of the Ancient One's teaching headquarters. When it hit her nose, she was surprised when it smelled like flowers.

"What is this?"

"Ancient One is performing one of her daily rituals." Baron responded with a whisper, the sweet smells making him relax in the slightest. "It helps heal the soul and mind."

"And now I'm ready to teach you."

Ana let out a yell, jumping back and colliding with Baron. He placed his hands on her shoulders, offering her a small smile when she awkwardly apologised and stepped away. Ancient One was holding in a chuckle and gazed at Ana with a bright smile.

"Teach me what exactly?" Ana cleared her throat, crossing her arms.

Instead of answering simply, Ancient One placed a hand on Ana's back and pushed her inside the room. A bunch of parchments and books sat at the small table along with lit candles and small vases that carried the most vibrant coloured flowers Ana ever saw. Baron followed in behind them and stood by the doorway, hands clasped in front of him.

"Did you understand what I told you a few days ago? You were quite out of it." Ancient One said, directing Ana to sit cross legged on the floor. They faced each other, the brunette fidgeting slightly.

She nodded her head. "Yes. But I don't understand why I'm here."

"For the past year I have been keeping an eye on you, specifically." Ancient One said lightly, unaffected by Ana's jaw dropping. "I've looked into your mind at your darkest times. And every time I do, I see you find light to guide your way back again. You prevail, my dear. I find that trait of yours stunning and outstanding. It's people like you — the ones who fight with their minds and body — that I take in and teach the Mystic Arts."

Ana was speechless. Her mouth opened and closed, but nothing, no sound, no whisper, escaped. First, she was told she was being watched by a real life sorcerer because of her strength to fight the good fight. Second, the Ancient One wanted to take her in and teach her their ways.

She let out a breath and looked at the Ancient One, "Even if I wanted to, I don't think I can do what you do."

"However, you've seen just a small glimpse of what we do. Small spells for healing, teleporting. I want to show you something more. So open your eyes and your mind, my dear, and explore the unknown."

Ancient One lifted her finger and placed it on Ana's forehead. Eyes widening, Ana jolted backwards when the Sorcerer Supreme casted a powerful spell. She was taken away from the small room in Kamar-Taj and propelled into a mind bending journey. Hurtling at an infinite speed, Ana travelled through the multi-dimensions, shattering the barriers, yelling into the mystic mystery.

Worlds of colour, shapes, sounds, senses. Ana experienced them with an open mind.

All of a sudden she came to a slow, floating in a crystallised barrier. She silently but breathlessly reached out to touch the glowing shards. Her hand advanced through the crystal, allowing multiple reflections to come to light. She gasped and was once again propelled into oblivion.

Time seemed to slow as she speed towards a extraterrestrial being. It's eyes were light but you could see the darkness inside of them. The face was contorting, like waves circling around it constantly. Ana moved closer to it, heart rate increasing when it stared at her.


Ana charged away from the being, arms and legs forced to her sides when she entered a black hole. Her surroundings changed as she glided like a feather into a more pleasant and quiet dimension. Vibrant coloured forms pulsed with light as Ana descended slowly. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, Ana let the smallest of smiles show.

"Ana, do you see? Earth isn't the only world out here. There are infinite worlds, some benevolent, without end, life giving, breathtakingly beautiful."

The spell slowly comes to an end, as Ana travels back through the portals, back in front of the Ancient One in a flurry. She slams her hands on the floor when she landed unexpectedly on her knees. Her chest was swelling, lungs trying to take in air.

"And there are others filled with malice and hunger, dark places where powers older than time reside ravaged and waiting. Worlds that wish to spread their corruption across the dimensions. Do you see?" Ancient One finished.

Ana looked up through her hair at her. "I see." She whispered.

"You'll begin immediately. Welcome to the Kamar-Taj."

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Hey guys! I had so much fun writing this long chapter and I hope you liked it too. Ana will be taught a little on the Mystic Arts and we will get to see how Kaecilius goes evil, leading up to the Doctor Strange phase. Tina Minoru and Daniel Drumm are sorcerers featured in the comic preludes and the movie that I included here. One more chapter of Ana being in Kamar-Taj before we get to see her with Stephen Strange!

And another note, I changed the title to Warrior because I thought it would be a better fit.

Q- What was your favourite part of the Doctor Strange film?

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