《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》3.10


Civil War

- - - - -

"I'm not sure you understand the concept of a get away car."

Sharon approached Steve as he closed the door of the blue buggy he drove. Ana was sitting behind the drivers seat with Bucky as he sat behind Sam. He wouldn't stop fidgeting though and Ana shot him a look when his knee bumped hers for the tenth time. He silently pointed at his cramped legs and in turn Ana motioned for him to tell Sam.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked Sam.

"No." Sam replied bluntly.

Ana sighed, knowing Sam wouldn't move for him and patted Bucky on the thigh, "Let's switch then."

He nodded and Ana lifted herself off of her seat so he can slide down. She went to step around his knees, her position awkward as she lowered her head to keep from hitting it. Bucky grabbed her waist and set her down gently, giving her a smile.

They all stared at Steve as he grabbed Sharon and kissed her passionately. When he pulled away, he peeked at the car with pink cheeks and saw all three of them nod with smiles on their faces. He gave them a look. Ana put her thumbs up and Bucky pushed them down.

"He's already embarrassed, doll."

"But I want to see him blush."

- - -

In the Berlin Airport parking lot, Steve stopped the car a few spaces next to a large silver van. Two people exited the van. Ana eagerly stepped out of the clown car and dashed into Clint's open arms. He laughed and enveloped her in a hug, lifting her off the ground. She grinned against his shoulder and squeezed him tightly.

"It's so good to see you, Clint." She said, stepping back and patting his face.

"Nice to see you too, kid." He placed a kiss on her head and rubbed her shoulder affectionately.

Wanda smiled warmly at Ana, "Hey there stranger." She greeted.

Ana wrapped the smaller brunette in a hug, "Hey Wanda." Wanda sighed tiredly against Ana and closed her eyes, sinking into her warmth. Ana frowned and looked down at her, wondering what made her feel like this.

Clint joined Steve and shook his hand, "Cap."

"You know we wouldn't have called if I had any other choice." Steve said.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favour. Besides," He nodded his head toward Wanda, "I owe her a debt."

Steve gave Wanda a thankful nod, "Thanks for having my back."

"It was time to get off my ass." She replied, looking at Clint. Ana walked so she stood next to Sam, shooting Bucky who was still at the car a curious glance. He simply shrugged.

"About our other recruit." Steve stated.

Clint walked backwards to the van and pulled open the side door, "He's ready to go. I have to put a little coffee in him, but..." The door clanked loudly, alerting Scott who was inside sleeping, to wake up. "He should be good."

"What timezone is this?" Scott muttered, hopping out of the van.

"Come on." Clint pushed him further toward the group. Scott was frozen at the sight of the Avengers. "Come on." With one final push from Clint, Scott staggered forwards.

Scott's eyes landed on Steve and they lit up. He started smiling silly, offering his hand, "Captain America."

Steve nodded, unfazed by the sweaty hand he shook. "Mr. Lang."

Ana smirked, Scott wouldn't stop shaking his hand and it made Steve's upper body shake. "It's an honour." He finally realised by the look on everyone's faces he was overreacting. "I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow. This is awesome. He's Captain America." He glanced at Wanda over his shoulder and pointed at her, "I know you too, you're great."


Scott beamed at Steve, and grabbed his shoulders to feel him up. "Jeez." He breathed out.

"Look, I wanted to say. I know you know a lot of super people, so... Thinks for thanking of me."

Ana's small laugh made Scott notice her for the first time. He puffed his chest and opened his arms, "Ana!"

She was surprised another pair of arms wrapped around her in a hug. Nevertheless, she returned it and patted his back, "Hey Scott." She greeted.

Bucky's death glare made Scott back away from Ana in an instant.

She smiled at him, "How's Hank? Hope?"

"Never better." He replied. He glanced to Sam and grinned, pointing at him, "Hey, man."

"What's up tic-tac."

"Good to see you." He put on a nervous smile, "Look. What happened last time was a..."

"It was a great audition," Sam cut him off, "But it'll... it'll never happen again."

"Did they tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked Scott.

"Something about some... psycho assassins." Scott shrugged.

"We're outside the law on this one." Steve informed, "So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man."

"Yeah, well, what else is new?" Scott replied dryly.

"We should get moving." Bucky spoke up. Ana walked to him and they locked hands.

"I got a chopper lining up." Clint told the team.

All of a sudden, the alarms went off in the airport. A German voice blared through the speakers and Ana frowned, "They're evacuating the airport." She translated.

"Stark." Steve sighed.

"Stark?" Scott echoed. Steve glanced at his new team. If Tony was here, that meant he brought in reinforcements. Luckily he had a few on his side.

"Suit up."

- - -

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport."

Captain America strolled toward Iron Man and War Machine, with the Warrior by his side. The helicopter they were meant to take was disabled by a device Tony had fired. They needed another way to leave and travel to Siberia. But they also had to get past their friends.

Tony's helmet pulled back and he glanced at Rhodey, "Don't you just feel weird?"

"Definitely weird." Rhodey replied.

Ana was armed to the neck with weapons she wanted to use against the other Winter Soldiers. Daggers, guns, nanite explosives, a compact bo-staff, even an reinforced armguard that could release electroshocks. Sharon had also supplied her with her sight enhancing mask just incase, it was resting around her neck.

"Ana, you're looking ready for battle." Rhodey commented, tipping his head to the side.

"A Warrior needs to be prepared for anything." She countered, clasping her hands behind her back.

"Hear us out, Tony." Steve said. "That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."

Ana's eyes drifted to a large luggage cart when she heard something. A black figure had jumped over it and landed a few metres in front of her. T'Challa wore his Vibranium suit, standing up straight.

"Captain. Warrior." He nodded.

"Your highness." They replied together.

"Anyway. Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in." Tony began, walking behind Rhodey to his other side. "That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" He asked.

"You're after the wrong guy." Steve said.

"He's not the one everyone should be after." Ana added.

"Your judgment is askew." Tony scowled, "Your war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."


"And there are five more super soldiers just like him." Ana fired back, stepping forward.

"I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't." Steve said desperately.

"Guys." Ana and Steve both turned their heads when they heard a female voice. Natasha walked up behind them, "You know, what's about to happen. Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?"

Tony sighed heavily, "All right, I've run out of patience." He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted out, "Underoos!"

Something latched onto Steve's shield, taking it out of his grip and the same material bounded his hands together. Ana ducked when she saw it coming for her and the webbing landed on the ground behind her. She creased her eyebrows in confusion, before widening her eyes when her mouth was covered. She stumbled a few steps forward when her hands were glued together behind her back.

A figure in red and blue landed on the cart next to the group, holding Cap's shield in one hand as he used his other to support his landing. He lifted his head, the eyes animatedly zeroing on them.

"Nice job, kid." Tony complimented.

Ana started cursing behind the webbing on her mouth, growing irritated when she had no way to break out of the substance on her hands. The newcomer started talking and that's when Ana froze.

"Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's... just the new suit," He looked up from his suit and held out his arm, shaking his hand, "Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark It's-It's perfect, thank you." He rambled.

Ana stared at the boy horrified. She recognised that voice anywhere. It made sense why only her mouth was covered. Peter kept on nervously glancing at Ana, praying she didn't know it was him because he knew she would give him an earful and tell Aunt May.

But it didn't look that way.

Ana started screaming at him behind the web, looking back and forth between him and Tony with betrayal and worry in her eyes. In Ana's mind, Tony knew all about her relationship with Peter and brought him here to use him against her. Like he was her surrender flag. Peter was supposed to be back in Queens, not in Germany and not in the middle of an argument that had nothing to do with him.

Rhodey glanced at Ana when he couldn't understand anything she was saying. "Is she okay?"

A million questions ran through her mind as her eyes stared tearing up. Did Tony do something to Peter that made him move the way he did? Was it natural? Was he just hiding it from her? What happened to him? And did Aunt May know?

"Oh, no no no! She's fine. It's probably the webbing giving her an allergic reaction." Peter replied, his voice high and wavering. He saw Ana's tear trail down her cheek and he felt like he was the biggest dummy in the entire world.

"Please don't cry. I'm so sorry." He whispered, knowing she would hear it.

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony dismissed.

"Okay. Cap... Captain." He saluted the soldier, silently hoping it would make Ana smile underneath the web. Ana dropped her head, her hair covering her face. Peter pointed to his chest at the spider symbol, "Big fan, I'm Spider-Man."

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just-" Tony was cut off by the hyperactive teen.

"Hey, everyone." Spider-Man waved as he scanned the adults.

"-good job." Tony sighed.

"You've been busy." Steve said.

"And you've been a complete idiot." Tony countered, face hardening. "Dragging in Clint. Rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave. A safe place. I'm trying to keep..." He lowered his voice and calmly spoke. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you signed." Steve replied.

Ana balled her fists underneath the webbing, hearing the material rip as she expanded it. She could break it. Natasha's frown deepened when Ana lifted her head, looking up at the compound that was behind Tony and Rhodey. Knowing the brunette was calculating escape routes and planning an attack if it came to it, Natasha stepped closer cautiously.

"Alright, I'm done. You're gonna turn Barnes over and you're gonna come with us. Now!" Tony exclaimed, he was done trying to play it simple. They weren't listening to him. "Because it's us! We're squadded JSOC guys with no compunction about being impolite."

Ana's earpiece crackled as it connected to Sam's. "We found it. The quinjet's in hanger five, north runway." His voice alerted both Ana and Steve.

Ana finally ripped the webbing off her hands and she flipped a dagger in her palm, slicing the material off her mouth. She wasn't going to call Peter by his name. He wore a mask for a reason. She wouldn't take that away from him, ever. Instead, she gave him a look he was used to.

And he gulped.

Steve brought up his hands above his head and just as planned, Clint shot an arrow that cut through the web, from his place with Wanda in the compound. Tony's helmet fell back over his head as he looked behind him for Hawkeye.

"Alright, Lang." Steve drawled.

Spider-Man heard the tiny footsteps on the shield he was carrying and looked at the metal, "Hey, guys. Something- Ah!" He cried out as Scott enlarged himself and sent a kick to his face. Peter fell back, loosing his grip on the shield which allowed Scott to take it back.

"Whoa." Rhodey said, "What-What the hell was that?" He questioned.

"I believe this is yours, Captain America." Scott declared, handing back the red, white and blue shield to it's sole owner. Steve held it tightly in his hands as Ana moved behind him and stalked up to Spider-Man.

"Spider-Man, huh?" Ana whispered, lifting him up from the ground.

Peter started making noises like he was trying to come up with a lie. He expected her to give him an angry look, but her features were softening as she looked him over. Her bottom lip started trembling and she grounded her teeth together, taking a deep breath in so she wouldn't loose it.

"Why are you here?"

"Mr. Stark needed my help." Was his reply.

"Got two in the terminal. Wilson and Barnes." Rhodey reported.

"Barnes is mine!" T'Challa was already breaking into a sprint. Rhodey flew forward and Steve threw his shield, nailing him in the chest and knocking him back.

"Ana!" Steve called for her.

"We are going to talk about this at home. You are going to sit this out, stay out of harms way. Now, Pete." Ana demanded, holding onto his shoulders and looking into the eyes of the mask. "I see you tangling in with this mess, so help me God..."

"But Ana-!"

"No buts, Spidey." She shook her head, eyeing him sternly. "You don't even know what's going on. So stay out of it." She finished before leaving him alone and running forward.

Peter watched Ana run in the direction of the terminal. She was hot on Rhodey's trail, trying to stop him from getting to Bucky and Sam without using force - just words and pleas. Spider-Man shot out a web that latched onto the windows on the terminal and jumped forward without hesitation. He had to show Ana he was more capable of taking care of himself now that he had the power to do so. Tony brought him here, admittedly without much information to go on, to stop the Winter Soldier and Captain America because they were dangerous.

He was hesitant to go in the first place, mostly because he was worried Ana would be there and she would find out about him - not because he had homework or no passport. He worked so hard to keep it from her for six months. He was only fifteen, and by going out web-slinging in the streets of New York trying his best to make everyone's life safer by putting his own life on the line was a big responsibility. Ana had been doing this for eight years, she knows the dangers and consequences of trying to keep the world a safe place. People could get hurt, they could die, or even develop an illness that can affect them and others around them for the rest of their lives. It was a serious life choice. She could ask him to stop, but his answer would be no.

Because with great power, comes great responsibility.

Ana was distracted. All she was thinking about was Peter. She didn't know what abilities he had and how he got them. Or how long he had them for. But as she speculated more, the more she understood the times where he would be acting strange and not like his usual self. She roughly guessed he had developed his alter ago since Ben's death. It made her worry more. And she was angry at herself for not seeing it in the first place. She would read the Daily Bugle on her days off and feel proud of the 'Spider-Menace' - the nickname J. Jonah Jameson gave him - that would stop robbers and armed criminals in the streets of New York and save people. She was proud because there was someone out there using their powers for the common good.

She was proud of Peter.

But this wasn't his fight.

Rhodey had rerouted his path when Tony called for his help with Clint and Wanda. Ana jumped onto a cart of luggage that was directly in front of the terminal and right on top of her, Peter landed on his hands and feet on the glass. She tilted her head when he didn't slip from the angle he was at. She huffed and he waved, crawling away from her hastily.

"Pet-Spidey!" She yelled.

"This is so cool!" He gushed in a whisper.

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