《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》2.5


Important Things

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Scott and Ana took off, both of them running down the hall. Ana took out her gun as he placed his helmet on.

"Who's got who?" Scott asked.

"You get Darren and I'll handle Mitchell!" Ana said, as they turned a corner, bumping into the guards. Scott yelled his approval and shrunk to ant-size, hitting the guards.

"Hey Scott?!"


"Good luck, Ant-Man!" She grinned, spinning a guard behind her and elbowing his face.

"You too!" Scott exclaimed before jumping on a gun and running up to the guards hand.

Ana fell to her knees and skidded past them before standing up and going to the main lobby.

She stopped in her tracks, gun in hand as she looked through the running crowd trying to leave Pym Tech. She spotted Mitchell and his men take the side exit and dashed after them. "Hey!" She yelled.

The men turned around at the sound of her voice and started firing their weapons. Ana took cover behind a wall, wincing when she looked to her shoulder and saw that a bullet had grazed her. She waited until their mags were empty and ran after them. Mitchell was nowhere in sight and she could hear the engine of a car zoom past and drive off onto the road.

The two men left behind went to mount on their motorbike, needing to follow the car but Ana elbowed one of them in the face and pushed him off, taking the ride for herself. She kicked out her leg and pushed the other off his ride.

She revved the engine and looked back to shoot the tire so they couldn't follow after her. She drove off on the motorbike after Mitchell, snaking between the heavy traffic. The gun she handled aimed at the car's tires when she got close enough.

She pulled the trigger but nothing shot out. It was empty. She groaned and decided to throw it at the back window, successfully breaking it. Mitchell was in the back seat and he yelled at his driver to go faster after he saw Ana on the motorbike gaining on them.

"She catches up and we're all doomed!" He exclaimed.

One of his men in the front seat fixed a silencer on the barrel of his gun, smirking. "What matters more to a hero than the villain?" He questioned in his German accent.

Mitchell was glaring, it was not the time for riddles. The German rolled down his window and aimed his gun at a bus. His lips pulled up in a grin, "The innocent lives, of course." And then he pulled the trigger, the bus driver fell forward on the wheel, dead.

"No." Ana gasped when the bus in front of Mitchell's car crashed into a building, causing many screams from the people inside. She quickly changed her course, driving to the chaos. The front of the bus was crumbled up and the fuel was oozing out of the bottom, leading up to the small fire at the sidewalk.

She yelled at everyone to run back and find cover. Abandoning the bike, she ripped open the bus doors and ushered everyone out. As they all exited, she went to check on the bus driver, sighing when she felt no pulse. Her head snapped up when she heard yells of a fire and remembered the fuel.

Ana went to jump out of the bus when movement caught her eye. A middle aged woman was having trouble trying to remove her foot since the side of the bus had closed around it. Ana went to her side, quickly trying to punch back the metal of the bus.


"Please, hurry!" The woman cried, desperately trying to wrench her foot out.

"You're going to be alright, ma'am." Ana rushed out, wiping the blood coming from the large cut on the woman foot so it could lubricate the metal. She gently grabbed the woman shoulders and hauled her up carefully, hearing her relieved cry as her leg slipped out.

There were yells outside about the fire spreading and Ana worked quickly to lead the limping woman out of the bus. A couple of pedestrians reached from the hurt woman and Ana let go of her, stepping on the road. She could feel the heat coming from underneath the bus and realised it was reaching the fuel tank.

She pushed everyone back and had to think quickly, otherwise the explosion would hurt many innocent people. She lit up with an idea and ran around the bus to the sidewalk, spotting the red fire hydrant. There was a line of fire around it as she walked closer, dodging the rising flames.

She removed the suit jacket and wrapped it around her neck so she wouldn't breathe in the smoke. She reached out, needing to remove the hydrant out of the ground so that the water would spill out and distinguish the flames.

When her fingers wrapped around the sides of it, she winced when her skin burned. She pulled at it making it creak as it detached from the ground. Soon enough, water spilled out and washed away the flames. She removed the jacket around her face and looked at the minor burns on her hands.

"She saved us!"

"She's a hero!"

Ana looked up at the people who started clapping with huge smiles on their faces. She let one slip on her lips before frowning when she recalled the dead driver. She turned her head, ignoring the applause and looked to the emergency forces that pulled up on the scene. The smoke coming from the bus' engines engulf the area around Ana and she decided to leave.

She placed her hands around her torso, closing her upper arms on them when they started to throb. She remembered Darren and how Scott was going after him. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and called Luis.

"Hello, who is this and how'd you get this super secret number?"

"Luis, it's me Ana. Where are you right now? Where's Scott?"

"Oh! Hey! Girl, everyone was crazy worried about you, you know? I was like, nah man she's an Avenger, she can handle herself but then it got to me-"

"Answer the question, bud."

"Right, well I'm at Scottie's old house and everything is fine! He went subatom-whatever but he's all good you know what I'm saying."

"Everything's okay?"

"Yeah, girl! Why don't you come over and celebrate? I mean if you want to."

Ana smiled, "No, no. That's okay. Just tell everyone I'm glad it's all good and say goodbye for me."

"Oh, you got it."

"And Luis?"


"Don't prank call me on this number 'cause I will find you."

Luis let out a breathy chuckle, "I promise. Nice knowing you, though!"

"Yeah, you too." Ana smiled before ending the call.

She pocketed her phone and hailed a cab. One pulled up beside her and she got in, telling the driver to take her to the Avengers tower, wanting to see Tony. He nodded his head and drove off, letting her lean back into the seats and rest for five minutes.


- - -


Ana walked in the tower after FRIDAY, the new AI, recognised her and let her in. She told Ana that Tony was up in his lounge on the top floor. She hadn't been inside the tower since the whole Ultron mess, and since then it still looked the same, save for a few new furniture and photo frames.

She furrowed her eyebrows when she could hear rock music coming from the room, before chuckling and walking further inside. She saw him hunched over the coffee table, writing something on a piece of paper.

"Hey, tin-man." She greeted, making him jump in his seat and look up at her. She smiled, sitting down next to him.

"Ana?" Tony questioned, "I thought you were coming tomorrow. Couldn't resist seeing little old me, huh?" He smirked, leaning in for a hug.

Ana laughed, "Well, I was in the neighbourhood and I wanted to say hi, see how you're doing." She said, pulling back and giving him a worried smile.

"Yeah?" Tony smiled. He then shrugged and stood up with her, leading her down to the hall. "I'm fine, little lady. I'm here all day, tinkering and making things. I made this," He lifted his sleeve and showed her his wrist where a watch sat.

Ana looked at him dryly. "A watch?"

"Not just any watch," Tony smirked before tapping the face of the watch and pulling back the metal as it expanded. Ana watched with awe as the metal crawled around his hand and forming a gauntlet, just like his Iron Man suit.

"There are times when you gotta save the best gadgets for yourself." Tony chuckled showing off the glove. Ana took it, exposing her burned hands to him. He pulled back and looked at her concerned, "What happened? Was it because you touched me?"

Ana playfully slapped his arm as he laughed. "I got into a minor crisis. I'm lucky it was just this." She said.

"Here," He lead her to the kitchen and sat her down on a stool. "FRIDAY? See to Ana's burns please." He called.

Ana jumped when a blue light scanned her hands. "It seems they are slowly healing, Mr. Stark. But I recommend an ice pack and a nap for Miss. Michaels." FRIDAY replied, making Ana smile.

Tony took out a bag of ice from the fridge and handed it to Ana, nodding at her thankful smile. "You heard the voice, go and rest. I'll take you back tomorrow morning." He said, pulling her along to the spare bedrooms.

"Where's Pepper?" She suddenly asked, hoping to see the ginger around.

That's when Tony let out a sigh, though he kept a smile on his face. "She's at work. That's where she prefers to be." He said.

"Is everything alright with you two?" Ana asked softly.

"We're working on it."

- - -

The next day, Tony had driven Ana back to the New Avengers facility. He wanted to check the systems to see if they were okay, but Ana thought he really just wanted to see the team again. She held a metal box in her hands, a gift for Sam.

"It fits his suit, right?" She asked as they walked inside the building.

"It should," Tony replied, "I got the measurements and all from Spangles." He smirked.

Sam and Steve were walking down the ramp that lead to the first floor after seeing Tony and Ana come inside. Ana held the box up with a wide grin, "Sam! I got something for you!" She said.

Sam clapped his hands with a grin as Steve greeted Tony with a handshake, smiling at his friend. Sam took the box out of Ana's bandaged hands and looked to Tony, "Hey, thanks man." He said, clapping Tony on the shoulder.

"Thought you could use an extra pair of eyes in the sky." Tony said.

Ana pushed Sam to a nearby table eagerly so he could open it since Tony wouldn't let her see it first. Sam cracked open the lid and looked at the red robotic bird. He furrowed his eyebrows before reaching out to touch it.

"Awesome." Sam breathed out as it flew up into the air. It's camera scanned them both and turned to Sam since he was the new owner.

Sam started to laugh, "It's cute. Like me."

"What are you gonna call it?" She asked.

Sam paused for a moment, before smiling. "Redwing. I used to have a pet falcon when I was young, and it was my best friend." He told Ana. She loosely wrapped an arm around his shoulder and smiled, "Falcon and his Redwing, sounds perfect."

Ana smiled at him and then turned to look at her. "Pack your bags, baby. You're going to Russia to look for Steve's old friend. We got a strong lead." He said before turning back to Redwing and playing around with it.

Ana's smile dropped and she turned her head to look at Steve. He had heard Sam and looked at her with a small smile. He motioned for her to come and talk since Tony had left to greet Vision. She walked to him and crossed her arms, "A strong lead on Bucky?"

"Yeah, we got it this morning." He replied.

"Then why aren't you going? I mean he's your friend." She said, frowning in confusion.

Steve shook his head, reaching up to smooth his hair back. "I- I'm not sure he wants to see me. At least not yet. I still remember the way he looked at me on that Helicarrier, he was torn and confused. And I don't want to," He stopped for a second before sighing, "I don't want to cause anymore damage. Seeing me might do something bad, I guess, is what I'm trying to say. As much as I want to bring back Buck, I think he needs time." He said.

Ana nodded softly, "And since I knew him in his Winter Soldier days, you think it wouldn't do any bad?"

"Yeah, and that you kissed him." Steve smirked slightly.

Ana groaned in embarrassment and ducked her head, "How do you know?" She chuckled.

She then sighed at the only option as he smiled, "Natasha." They both said.

"And above all that, I trust you." Steve added, smiling at her genuinely.

"That means a lot, Steve. Thank you." Ana replied, reaching up to give him a hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist and returned the gesture.

"I guess I'm going back to Russia. When am I leaving, Captain?"


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Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, please tell me what you thought! The next update will be when Ana finds Bucky, can't wait for you all to read it.

Q- What month is your birthday in?

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