《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》2.4



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Ana had an arm wrapped around Hank's elbow as they walked up the steps of the Pym Technologies building. She was dressed in a skirt suit Hope had lent her, but Ana had a feeling she wouldn't be getting it back in one piece.

Hank looked at her, sighing, "For what it's worth, if anything happens in there I'm glad I have you. An Avenger with years of experience comes in real handy." He said. Ana didn't say anything but smiled at him.

Just as they were about to head inside the building, two police men approached them. Paxton looked to Hank, "Excuse me Dr. Pym, but we need to ask you a few questions." He said.

Ana stepped forward, "He has somewhere to be officer. Maybe schedule a meeting tomorrow." She offered.

"No can do lady, this is urgent." His partner, Gale, replied.

"Listen to me, if I don't get into this building people will die." Pym tried to explain it to Gale and Paxton.

"That's awfully dramatic." Gale said, clearly not believing him.

Paxton's car turned on and he looked up at the sound of his sirens going off. He widened his eyes. "Are you kidding me?!" Paxton exclaimed. Gale and Paxton started to chase after it, Pym long forgotten so he and Ana could slip inside and make their way through security.

"Problem solved." Kurt said over the comms.

Ana followed Hank inside and took in all the security and raised an eyebrow. She had seen heavier but this was still a lot for just one small revealing. Ana walked through the metal detectors first, bitting back a smirk when her carbon fibre daggers went unnoticed. She smiled politely at the guard and fixed her glasses on her face.

Hank picked up his mini-tank keychain from the basket and pocketed into his pantsuit. He looked up from the floor and saw Darren and Hope. He stepped next to Ana and gave her a small nod.

"Just on time." Darren said with a smile on his face, "Come on." Darren ushered Hank, Hope, and Ana inside and down the lab.

"Who's this Hank?" Darren asked, pointing to Ana with a small curious smile.

"Oh, this is my new assistant." Hank replied. Ana held out a hand for Darren to shake, "Anna Mason, nice to finally meet you Mr. Cross. I've heard many great things." She smiled falsely.

Darren looked at Hank with a surprised and disbelieving look, "Really? Great things? Well, I hope he didn't say too much, I'd love to get to know more about his new assistant." He said.

Ana gave him a nod just before he turned to the eye scanner at his vault. "Twelve point verification." The robotic voice said.

"Little over the top, don't you think, Darren?" Hank asked.

"Confirming authorization." The voice continued.

"No, you can never be too safe." He responded.

Hank nodded and forced a smile at Darren. Darren smirked and looked down just as the doors opened up. "I gotta hand it to you, Darren, you really did it." Hank said as they walked inside the room.

"And you only know the half of it, Hank." Darren said.

Ana turned her head to the door when she saw three men walk inside over to stand behind Darren. One of them greeted Darren with a firm handshake. She kept her face neutral when she recognised him as Mitchell Carson, a supposed agent of SHIELD but really one of the Hydra heads that didn't go down with the ship. She averted her eyes when he looked at everyone, knowing he'll notice her on the spot.


"Hello Dr. Cross," Mitchell said and turned his head to face Hank and then looked back at Darren. "My associates agree to your terms."

"Wonderful." Darren smiled. He turned to look at Hank. "Mr. Carson introduced me to these fine gentlemen here. They're representatives of HYDRA." Ana went rigid, lifting her hand to fold over her elbow, feeling the outline of a dagger.

"They're not what they were, they're doing some interesting work," He let out a small laugh. "And I'm enjoying myself. You tried to hide your technology from me, and now it's gonna blow up in your face."

Just when Ana was about to take out a dagger, Hank already threw a punch across Darren's face. He wretched his arm away from one of the guards that tried to stop him, and Ana had stepped cautiously forward to intervene in case she needed to but Hope stopped her slowly.

"Wow, wow!" Darren nodded in approval. "I mean, I saw the punch coming a mile away but I just figured it'd be all pathetic and weak." He nursed the side of his cheek, rubbing the pain away.

"Well you figured wrong." Hank said.

Since Ana was facing Mitchell, he squinted his eyes at the sight of her. She openly glared at him and he chuckled, "Oh, this is a treat. Agent Ana Michaels, is it?" He questioned.

Darren furrowed his eyebrows, "Agent?"

His men instantly grabbed their guns, only for Mitchell to hold his hand up for them to stop. Ana smirked, slanting her head to the side after her cover was blown. "Well, that's that. I would say how nice it is to finally meet an agent that managed to survive the fall of Hydra, but that would be incredibly dishonest. And I tend to keep that to myself, vy mudak." She said, calling him an asshole in Russian.

Mitchell narrowed his eyes, "We've been hoping to get you alone for sometime, away from your friends." He said. Ana did not see the man behind him take out his phone and type a message.

"Here I am." Ana stated.

Darren was completely oblivious to what they were talking about. He checked his watch before turning around, just in time to see Scott in ant-size try and take the Yellowjacket but fail as it descended down away from his reach.

Ana, Hope and Hank all froze at the sight of Ant-Man trapped in the glass box. Darren tapped the glass with a small box that carried the Yellowjacket suit, "Hi, little guy." He greeted before turning back to Hank.

"I always suspected you had a suit stored away somewhere, which begs the question, who is the new Ant-Man? Who is the man that my beloved mentor trusted even more than me?" Darren asked.

"Scott Lang." Darren said.

Two pictures of Scott's mug shots appeared on screen, one faced forward and the other was a profile side shot of him. "The martyr," Darren continued, "Who took on the system and paid the price, losing his family and his only daughter in the process. Exactly your kind of guy, Hank." Hope looked at her father and he shook his head, looking down on the floor.

Scott listened inside his encased glass and looked up from the bottom.

Ana looked over at him sadly while Darren opened up a briefcase so he could place the Yellowjacket inside it. "He escapes his jail cell without leaving any clue as to how, and then, he disappears magically, despite having no money to his name, and now he brings me the Ant-Man suit, the only thing that can rival my creation." Darren said as he walked closer to the glass tube as Scott desperately tried to break it down. Scott tried to jump out but it was no use. He kept bouncing off the glass, landing on his back.


"Darren." Hank sighed and shook his head, "Don't do this. If you sell to these men, it's going to be chaos."

"I already have," Darren smiled. "And for twice the price, thanks to you. It's not easy to successfully infiltrate an Avengers facility. Thankfully, word travels fast." He said, glancing at the Avenger in front of him.

Ana then took out her daggers and threw it at the glass, but it only cracked it slightly. Mitchell waved his men at her and they aimed their guns at her. Hope gasped and Hank stepped next to Ana, putting his hands up slightly.

"That's all you got, Warrior?" Mitchell chuckled. Ana glared at the guns pointed at her, one move and she'd be dead. This happened all the time and she hated it.

"You tell your men to back off and we'll see what I've got." Ana said roughly.

Darren took out the yellow particle bottle out of the brief case and held it between his fingers. "I'll sell them the Yellowjacket, but I'm keeping the particle to myself. They don't run on diesel. If you want the fuel you'll have to come to me." He handed the yellow particle bottle over to one of the Hydra men and he took it in his hands. Darren turned to walk towards Hank. "What do you call the only man who can arm the most powerful weapon in the world?"

"The most powerful man in the world," Hank responded.

"You proud of me yet?" Darren asked with a smile on his face.

Hank shook his head. "You can stop this, Darren. It's not too late."

"It's been too late for a long time now." Darren said and with a shake motion of his head, he waved his hand to the guards to pull out their guns and aim at Hank's head.

"Darren, what are you doing?" Hope cried.

"He wasn't any more capable of caring for you than he was for me." Darren said.

"This is not who you are," Hope tried to reason with him. "It's the particles altering your brain chemistry."

Darren and Hope looked at each other, Hope pleading desperately not to kill her father. "Wait, wait, wait," Darren said suddenly, breaking the silence. He reached over and grabbed one of the Hydra men's guns and took it in his hands, leaving a small room for a breathing moment. "You're right, I have to be the one to do it." Darren said and aimed the gun at Hank's head.

Ana suddenly elbowed the Hydra man in the face and grabbed his gun from his pocket. Hope followed her move and grabbed her gun. Ana stood in between the Hydra agents and Hope and Hank, blocking them from harm's way.

"Here we go." Mitchell muttered and took a step back. Ana heard and removed a dagger from inside her jacket pocket stepping forward and pointing it at his eye. Her dark eyes bore into his and he smirked.

"Drop your gun." Hope hissed at Darren.

"You know I came to the house the other night to kill him, but you were there." Darren said, turning to look at Hope, still keeping his gun on Hank.

"You're sick and I can help you just put the gun down." Hope said.

"I wasn't ready to kill you then, but I think I am now!" Darren said. Ana looked over at Hope, ready to take down the men.

"Drop your gun now!" Hope warned angrily.

"You picked the wrong side, Hope." Darren said and aimed for Hank's head, ready to shoot, but Scott had suddenly tossed one of the discs at the glass tube. The glass tube shattered and Scott grew back into the Ant-Man form so he could take on the HYDRA men in the room.

Hank threw a punch at Darren who doubled over on the ground. Ana punched one of the Hydra men and watched as he fell to the ground. Hope had taken care of another as Ana kicked Mitchell in the stomach, making him stumble back with a groan.

A gun shot sounded and a scream left Hope's lips. "Dad!"

Hope and Ana looked at each other before Ana ran over to Hank as Hope froze in her spot, physically shaken. Ana pressed her hand to the bullet wound as Scott knelt down beside her. "Hank. Listen, you're gonna be okay. Alright? You're gonna be just fine." Scott said as he tried to calm Hank down.

"Ana, one guy took the parti-" Scott was about to tell Ana, but stopped when he heard the sound of a gun being clicked.

"Take the suit off or I'll blow your brains out and peel it off!" Darren warned.

Hope pulled out her earpiece and started to control a set of ants to get to Darren's gun. They started to quickly crawl on top of his gun and gain control of it and his wrist, then he dropped the gun.

Darren started to take off his jacket as the ants crawled on top of him. He grabbed the briefcase off the table and ran out of there as fast as he could. Ana went to leave but Hank still needed help. He grabbed the hand that pressed down on his wound and looked up at her, "Go after him, I'll be fine." He said.

"Dad, can you move?" Hope asked.

"Yes." He answered, letting out a breath.

"We need to get him out of here." Scott said, looking to Ana.

Hope looked at them both, "Go get that suit." She said. Ana slapped Scott across the chest and looked at him with a smirk,

"Let's go Ant-Man."

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Q- Which Captain America uniform is your favourite? mine is definitely the Winter Soldier one with the navy blue and greyish shield.

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