《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》2.3


Three Wombats

- - - - -

"Thank you for the coffee ma'am."

Hope looked up from the table after she placed three cups of coffee in front of Scott's friends. Luis had a large grin on his face as Kurt sat at the table with his laptop. Dave was leaning on the table.

"It's not too often that you rob a place, and then get welcomed back. Because we just robbed you!" He chuckled, sharing a look with his friends.

"Wait." Ana said, "Is that true?" She questioned.

Kurt looked at her, "Yes, ledi." He replied in his Russian accent.

Ana grinned at him, "Ey, kak dela?" (Hey, how's it going?) She replied in Russian, reaching out to bump her fist against his. He looked at her surprised, bumping their fists. "Krasivaya russkiy." He gasped.

"You know that he was arrested for stealing a smoothie machine, right?" Hope asked, casting a look to Scott. Scott looked over at her and forced a grin.

"Two smoothie machines." Luis corrected.

"Are you sure they can handle this?" Ana asked.

"Oh we can handle it, we're professionals." Luis said. He was a little bit excited for this job, which made Ana slightly worried.

"You'll forgive us if we're not instilled with confidence." Hank said dryly.

"Wait, everybody. Just kick back and relax a little bit, man. We know our business." Dave interrupted. "We broke into this spooky ass house, didn't we?"

"I let you." Hank said.

"Well, one could say that I let you let me." Dave said, turning to face Hank.

"Look, it's okay. They can handle this." Scott intervened.

"Yeah, we can handle it," Luis said, completely full of confidence.

"You got their credentials?" Scott asked Hope. Hope looked up, taking her chin off of her hand. "He's in the system."

"I'm in the system?" Luis asked.

"The system." Dave pointed eagerly at his friend with excitement.

"The system?" Luis looked over at Scott, unable to believe that this was really happening.

"Yeah, we're doomed," Hank said, looking at Ana and she nodded along.

"Alright, there's something you guys need to see." Scott said and jumped out of the room to get his Ant-Man suit. Scott walked inside and caught Luis's attention.

"Damn." Dave said, looking up at Scott's red and silver suit. Scott tapped the button on his helmet, and it pulled up to reveal his face.


"Whoa! That's so cool, bro!" Luis exclaimed.

"Now look, this is gonna get weird, alright? It's pretty freaky but it's safe." Scott said. "There's no reason to be scared."

"Aw, no, no. Daddy don't get scared." Luis said with a shake of his head.

"Really?" Scott asked in disbelief.

"Yeah." Luis nodded, eyes flickering to Ana for a second.

"Good." Scott smiled and shrunk into ant-size, disappearing in front of his friends. Kurt, Dave, and Luis started to freak out, and jump out of their chairs.

"This is the work of witches." Kurt stammered, looking to Ana. She just shook her head, "Science." She said.

"That's... that's... that's witchcraft." Dave stuttered.

"Oh, that's amazing. That's like some David Copperfield shit." Luis looked up and around him to see if he could find Scott.

"That's some kind of wizardry." Dave nodded.

"S-sorcery!" Kurt freaked out. Ana just held a hand out in front of him and told him to calm down. Meanwhile, ant-size Scott was climbing up on Luis's jacket and onto his shoulder.

"How'd you do that bro?" Luis called out.

"Don't freak out," Scott said. "Look at your shoulder." Scott waved his hands in the air to get Luis's attention.

Luis glanced down slowly at his shoulder and spotted tiny Scott on his shoulder, but instead of being calm about it like Scott requested, he shouted in fear and started running through the hallway and around the room, shouting, "Get off, get off!"

"I thought Daddy didn't get scared?" Scott questioned. Ana placed a hand to her head, closing her eyes at all the shouting.

"Oh, I'm starting to regret this."

- - -

"Ana, can I ask you something?"

Ana looked up from reading the blueprints of the Pym Tech laboratories to Hank, who sat down across from her with a cup of coffee. She took it with a thankful nod, "Ask away Pym."

"You were once a skilled agent, now an Avenger. You're taught to observe a situation and complete it in the most safest way possible. You follow orders." Hank said and she followed along silently. "Let's say we complete this task, that we stop Darren and destroy the Yellowjacket. Are you going to hand in the particles? Since SHIELD has been after the formula before you were born." He said, looking at her intently.

Ana put down the cup of coffee and have him a smile. "No." She answered. He raised his eyebrows in response and she chuckled, "Like you said, I was an agent. Not anymore. SHIELD is gone. The Pym Particles are safest in the hands of the creator. And that's you." She gestured to him. "Hank, all I care about is helping people. And by stopping Darren, I'm doing my job." She finished.


Hank let a small smile grow on his face as he looked down at the table. "Good answer." He said.

Ana smiled. She then motioned at Luis, Kurt and Dave who were all sleeping on the living room. "I thought you'd be offended when they dozed off while you explained the science behind the suit." She chuckled.

Hank looked at them with a sigh, "I'm just happy they stopped talking." He then turned to her, "You were all ears though."

Ana gave him a scoff, "I remember reading about you when I joined SHIELD. But I never knew you were the Ant-Man since those files were classified. It's just nice to get the whole story." She said, circling her finger around the rim of the cup.

Hank and Ana stayed in a comfortable silence after their talk. She excused herself after a moment when her phone started ringing and walked outside. She folded her arms and placed the phone to her ear.


"Ana, it's Peter."

Ana checked her watch and cursed, "Peter! You should be sleeping! It's a school night."

"I know, I know. It's just I overheard aunt May and uncle Ben talking about how they wanted to throw you a surprise party for your birthday."

"Aww, really?"

"So I was thinking we should totally go to that new game centre at the mall, you know the one near the school. I heard there was going to be laser tag and rock climbing and after that we can all go and have pizza-"

"Whatever you want, bud. Just make sure I have an awesome cake waiting for me when I beat your ass at laser tag."

She grinned to herself when Peter started breathing in and out in excitement. "Okay, okay! See you next week! I'm going to sleep now."

"Goodnight Peter." She smiled before ending the call. She looked down at her phone and shook her head, she had completely forgotten about her birthday.

Ana turned back inside and saw Hope walk into the living room with a blanket and a pillow. She smiled and handed them over to Ana, "Here, you can take one of the spare bedrooms upstairs." She said.

Ana gave her a smile, "Thanks, Hope. Get some rest, tomorrows a big day."

"You too, Ana."

- - -

"Alright, just so we're clear, everyone here knows there role, right?" Scott asked. Everyone was in the basement, with computers Ana thought died in the second World War.

The table lit up and two floor plans rested on the side of Scott as he stood at the front of the table. Kurt, Dave, and Luis stood across from him, looking behind him at Hope, Ana, and Hank.

"Dave?" Scott looked at him just to ensure that his friends knew what they were dealing with.

"Wheels on the ground." Dave replied.


"Eyes in the sky." Kurt nodded.

"Luis?" Scott eyed him curiously.

"Aw, man, you know it. You know what, I get to wear a uniform, that's what's up." Luis said excitedly, unable to help it. Ana laughed slightly at him, finding his excitement cute.

"Luis." Scott said, slightly annoyed. Hope smirked at Ana and she smiled, leaning her back against the desk behind her.

"I'm sorry, I mean, I'm good, I'm good. I'm just excited, and plus there's an Avenger in here and you're girlfriend's really hot, so you know that makes me nervous too." Luis looked over at Hope's shocked look. "And you are very beautiful, ma'am."

Ana caught Luis' eyes. He grinned at her, "You're my favourite by the way." He winked.

"Oh my lord." Hank groaned.

Ana smiled at Luis, "Thanks man."

"She's not my-" Scott began to explain, but Luis interrupted him.

"Hey, you know what? I was thinking of a tactic, like when I go undercover, like a whistling, you know I'm saying? To like, blend in." Luis asked.

Ana chuckled. "That draws more attention." She said, knowing from experience.

Scott shook his head at Luis. "No, don't whistle. No whistling. It's not the Andy Griffith Show. No whistling."

He then sighed and looked to Ana, eyes lighter knowing they could all count on her. "Ana?"

"By Hank's side at all times. Anything goes sideways, I start kicking ass." She nodded. Hank looked to her with a small smile. She was supposed to be his assistant, seeing as he was getting old and it wouldn't ask too many questions.

Scott clapped his hands, "Great. Let's go save the world."

- - - - -

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me what you thought in the comments!

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