《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》2.2


Hank Pym

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Ana clicked on her ear piece, using her other hand to hold herself up over the computer desk. "Hey, Sam?" She called, swiping her finger on the monitor. She was looking at the surveillance footage from when Ant-Man paid a visit.


Ana grinned at the monitor, "Tell Steve I won't be able to make training, I've got something to do." She said. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who was behind the raid, Hank Pym, the creator of the Pym Particles. She did some research on him, finding that he was apart of SHIELD in the 80's.

"You gonna tell me what it is? Or do I have to wait for your tired ass to come back?" Sam asked, a small chuckle escaping.

Ana turned off the monitor after finding out where Hank lived and grabbed her backpack, "You know me too well. Oh, and before I forget, Tony made you something. I'll get it after all this."

"Stark? I haven't even said a word to him, what did he make for little old me?" Sam questioned.

Ana let out a chuckle and shook her head, "It's a surprise, Sam. See you later." She said before turning off her comm and making her way to the garage. She grabbed the keys to the Harley and drove off to the Pym residence.

- - -

Nick had allowed her to follow up on Scott, giving her three days max to figure out whatever the hell it was that made him steal a device that could make a decoy signal. Ana parked her motorbike on the side of the block. She removed her helmet and looked at the large house.

"That was completely irresponsible and dangerous! You jeopardised everything!" She heard Hank say. Ana was just waiting on the right time to approach them.

There was a pause before she heard a woman's voice, "You got it."

"Well done." Hank complimented.

"Wait a minute. Did you just compliment me? He did, didn't he?" Scott, the Ant-Man, asked. Ana smirked to herself and got off her bike, holding her helmet in her hand as she made her way up to the house.

"Kind of sounded like he did."

"I was good, wasn't I?"

"Hey, how about the fact that I fought two Avengers, and didn't die?" Scott asked with a chuckle before turning his head to the door when there was a knock.

Hope, Hank and Scott all shared a look before Scott went over and opened the door. Ana stood on the other side, a lazy grin on her face as she looked at the wide eyes of Scott Lang.


"Hey. Ant-Man, right?"

Hank quickly pocketed the device and Hope walked to the door, "Who are you?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Ana went to reply but Scott beat her to it, "It's the Warrior. She's an Avenger! The one I fought earlier and now she's here to kill me." He whisper-shouted, pointing his finger at Ana.

Ana smiled and gave a wave to the three. "Hi."

Hank stepped in front of his daughter protectively, causing Hope to roll her eyes, and looked at the Avenger. "What do you want?" He asked suspiciously.

"Well, you friend here stole something form my work. We did a count and found that you took a very special device." She looked to Scott with a stern look. "So all I want to know is, why?" She asked, moving her hands up.

Hope and Hank reacted at her move, thinking she'd attack but Ana just removed her gloves. She nodded inside the house, "Mind if I come in, Dr. Pym?" She asked politely.

Hope and Hank moved to the side for Ana to come in, seeing as they couldn't refuse an Avenger. She smiled at them, and stepped inside. Scott nervously nodded at her, giving her a small smile.

"She's inside." He commented quietly.

Hank closed the door behind her and she smirked at Scott, tilting her head to the side before punching him in the face. Hope gasped and Hank sighed, shaking his head when Scott fell to the ground. Ana pointed at Scott and kneeled to his level, "That's for before, pal. And this," She gestured to her purple jaw, the large bruise basically covered half her jaw.

"It's okay, I deserved it. And I'm sorry." Scott breathed out, holding a hand to his nose. Hope suppressed a grin of her own, remembering when she did the exact same thing.

Ana nodded, reaching down for him to grab her hand. "Come on." She encouraged. Scott grabbed her hand and she swiftly hauled him up. She patted his shoulder and he struggled to smile at her. It looked like a pained grimace.

Hank looked at Ana, "Well, now that's over. You wanna remind me why you're here exactly?" He asked, moving his head closer to her.

Ana placed her helmet on a chair propped up against the wall and crossed her arms, "When Scott infiltrated the base, I overheard him say something about saving the world. So, as an Avenger, you know why I couldn't just let it go. I'm here to help if you let me." She explained.

Hope pressed her palms flat on the counter and looked at her father, "We could use some help." She said.

Hank didn't look like he wanted anymore help and made a sound of protest. Ana raised an eyebrow and Scott stepped forward to consult Hank. "Yeah, I would feel a lot more better having an Avenger on our side." He said, throwing a wink to Ana.


Hank looked at the three faces, telling him to go with the idea. He'd seen Ana on tv all the time, but it never really showed her face. Seeing her face for the first time reminded him of someone, but he just shook it off.

"Ah, fine. But in this situation you," He pointed a finger at Ana, "Answer to me and only me. Got it?" He said strongly.

Ana took his finger and forced it down with a grin, "You got it, Pym." She agreed. Hope smiled slightly at Ana as Scott put a glass of cool water to his face, closing his eyes.

"We gotta finish our planning." Hank said, walking to a door that lead to his study. Ana turned to Hope, extending her arm out, "Hey, Ana. Nice to meet you."

Hope took her hand and shook it, "Hope van Dyne. Nice to meet you officially." She smiled.


Ana noticed the ways Scott and Hope suddenly froze at the name. She went to ask who that was but Scott shoved a tea towel in her mouth, causing her to glare at him.

"The plans." Hope said worriedly, "He will kill him." She said, fear on her face. Scott looked over at Hope and then at Ana, who spit out the towel with a cringe.

Scott searched for his earpiece in his pocket. Once he found it, he placed it on his ear and walked closer to the door so he could get to the study without being seen. Ana decided to take out her firearm that was on the waistband of her jeans and clicked the safety off, just incase. This must have been their bad guy.

Ana could hear Hank and Darren talk in the study, but she was more focused on the way their heartbeats pounded so rapidly in their chests. She waved a hand at Hope when she got closer to the door, motioning for her to stay back.

Soon enough, Scott came back with Hank, the latter telling them Darren had left. Ana holstered her weapon, looking at Hope when she started panicking.

"He knows," Hope said, "He's baiting you!" She turned to face her father. "We have to call it off."

"We're all taking risks." Hank said, leaning his arm against the window seat.

"What if he saw me here?" Hope asked.

"He didn't." Hank shook his head. "There's no way."

"How do you know that?" Hope asked.

Just then, her phone buzzed from the inside of her pocket. She pulled it out and looked at her screen, reading who was calling her. Hope looked at her father and Scott before she placed it on her ear. "Darren, hi." She said.

"Hope. Where are you right now?" He asked.

"I'm at home, why?" She paced back and forth nervously.

"I just saw Hank. I still get nothing but contempt from him."

"Don't let him rile you up, he's just... he's just a senile old man." She said. Ana snorted, placing a hand over her mouth when Hank gave her a look. She waved her hand in a sorry motion and kept a straight face. Scott smirked from beside her.

"We need to start everyone working around the clock, get the assembly line up and running. And I'm tripling security. Full sensors at all entrances, and exterior air vents fitted with steel micro mesh." Darren said.

"Great." Hope said, leaning on the counter. "Good idea."

"Thank you, Hope. I'm so lucky to have you on my team."

The call ended and she put her phone back into her jacket pocket. "He's tripling security, he's lost his mind, and he's on to you."

"But he's not onto you." Hank replied.

Hope leaned forward to face her father across the kitchen table. "He's adding full body scanners to all entrances and closing exterior vents. How are we gonna get Scott inside?"

"The water main." Scott said. Hope, Hank, and Ana turned their heads to listen to Scott.

"You can't add security to a water main. The pressure is too strong, but if we can decrease it, that's how I get in." He explained. Ana looked at him impressed, thinking he knew his way around breaking in.

"Somebody would have to reach the building's control centre to change the water pressure. I mean, Hank and I will be beside Cross, how are we supposed to do that?" Hope asked.

"You have me." Ana said, putting her hand in the air. "I could be like a back up plan, if anything goes bad you got me there."

"We should expand our team." Scott said. "What do we need? A fake security guard on the inside to depressurize the water system, somebody else to hack into the power supply and kill the laser grid, and a getaway guy."

"No, no. No, no, no. Not those three wombats! No way!"

- - - - -

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter and please comment what you thought about it. Happy Fourth of July to all you Americans, and a happy birthday to Steve Rogers!

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