《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》2.1



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Scott Lang landed on the white gravel stones on the roof and rolled onto his feet. "Alright, I'm on the roof of the target building." Scott informed.

"Somebody's home, Scott." Hope said into the microphone.

The Falcon flew over Scott. He dropped down and landed on his feet, the EXO wings retracting back into his pack. Sam peered through his red goggles in search for the intruder.

"What's going on up there, Sam?" Ana asked as she walked onto the field, looking up at Sam on the building.

"I had a sensor trip but I'm not seeing anything." Sam replied into his wrist radio. His radar on his goggles signalled the tiny creature on the gravel in front of him. "Wait a minute."

"Abort, Scott! Abort now!" Hank said.

"It's okay, he can't see me." Scott assured.

"I can see you." Sam said, looking down at Scott.

He sighed, "He can see me." Scott turned to normal size and tapped his helmet button so that Sam could see him clearly.

"Hi, I'm Scott," Scott greeted with a grin on his face as he gave a tiny wave.

"Did he just say, 'hi, I'm Scott?'" Hope asked.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked. Ana listened in as she waited down on the ground for Sam's go ahead.

"First off, I'm a big fan." Scott said.

"Appreciate it," Sam said. "So who the hell are you?"

"I'm Ant-Man." Scott replied with confidence. Ana snorted and placed a hand over her mouth.

"Ant-Man?" She and Sam asked at the same time.

"What, you haven't heard of me? No, you wouldn't have heard of me." Scott shook his head, completely ruining the moment.

Ana spoke into her radio, "Ask him what he wants." She said.

Sam rolled his eyes, "I know, Ana." He grumbled. Scott raised an eyebrow.


"You want to tell me what you want?" Sam said, making Ana smirk on the ground.

Scott pointed his arm across the clearing to the facility where Hank's device was hidden. "I was hoping I could grab a piece of technology just for a few days, and then return it. I need it to save the world. You know how that is." Scott chuckled nervously with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I know exactly how that is," Sam said, and turned into his wrist radio. "Located the breach, Ana. Bringing him in."

"Need a hand?" Ana asked.

Sam chuckled, looking at Scott, "I think I can handle this."

"Sorry about this!" Scott said suddenly and pressed the red button on his gloved-hand and shrunk to ant-size before Sam could grab a hold of him.

Scott jumped up and hit Sam under his chin, causing him to fly up from the force. Scott ran off, heading to the facility that held Hank's invention. Ana ran to get to Sam after hearing his yell but something pushed her back, making her land on the grass.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Hank said in shock.

"Breach is an adult male who has some sort of shrinking tech." Sam said as he flew up and above, using his goggles to follow Scott, as he ran away from Ana through the grass.

Ana climbed to her feet and looked up at Sam, following him. "What the hell? Shrinking tech?" She questioned as he flew down next to her.

Sam looked down at Scott and stomped on him, but Scott was quick enough to roll away from him, and jump up onto his shoulder instead. Scott jumped up from his shoulder armour to his face, punching Sam.

Ana went to grab the small creature but he grew to normal size and kicked her in the stomach. "Sorry! I've seen you on tv and I think you're a beautiful badass!" He exclaimed as he shrunk back to ant-size.


Sam pulled out his guns and fired bullets at Scott as Ana kicked herself up to her feet. She was confused, Scott had kicked her down but gave a compliment also?

Scott jumped up and started hitting him left to right, "Sorry! Sorry about this!" Scott said and jumped into the ground.

"That's enough!" Sam said and threw a punch at Scott once he located him through the grass. Scott speed up and jumped in the air, but Ana intercepted and hit him, causing him to fly into his human-size. He rolled on the ground which allowed Ana to pick him up by the shoulder and throw a punch across the face, or helmet which she found odd.

Ana handed Scott to Sam who then grabbed flew up in the air. He threw another punch at Scott who shrunk in ant-size again and flew downwards into the ground. Ana was getting annoyed and tried to grab Scott. He quickly used his strength to send a uppercut her way, making her fall back with a groan. Sam locked on his position and went to get him.

Scott jumped up into his human-size and wrapped his legs around Sam's shoulders, catching him completely off-guard. They fell onto the grass as Sam tried to get Scott off of him. Ana held a hand to her jaw, wincing when it throbbed. She rolled off her back and climbed to her feet.

Scott had dragged Sam across the ground and shrunk in size to avoid Sam's hits on his leg and tossed Sam across the field. Sam landed on his feet and used his hand to keep himself steady.

Scott in ant-size was running away from him but Sam used his wings to smack Scott. Scott groaned as he returned to his human-size again, rolling on the grass.

Ana ran to get a hit but her fist collided with the grass instead of Scott. She shared a look with Sam and they both went after him

"Antony, a little help!" Scott said and jumped up onto Antony and flew into the small gap of the facility where the tech was.

Ana heard him call for help and furrowed her eyebrows, "Who the hell is Antony?"

Sam walked inside as the garage door opened up for him. Ana was going to wait outside incase Scott went past Sam.

It was taking a while. The all of a sudden, Sam flew out of the garage, breaking through the door. Ana had ducked for cover when the metal scrap went everywhere.

"He's inside my pack!" Sam yelled.

"Just hold on!" Ana said as she ran for him.

"Sorry!" Scott said as he pulled out a wire. "You seem like a really great guy! Tell the beautiful badass that I'm sorry too!"

Sam struggled to fly, and soon enough he fell onto his back and slid through the grass. Ana pulled him up so he could catch his breath. His goggles no longer worked, unable to catch Scott, as they were glitching.

"Can you get a read on him?" Ana asked, catching her breath. Sam sighed and pulled off his goggles, looking up at Ana with a shake of his head.

Sam and Ana gave each other a nervous look. "It's really important to me that Cap never finds out about this." Sam said. Ana slapped his chest, "I won't tell if you won't." She said. Sam grinned,


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Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter because there's more Ant-Man on the way! Please tell me what you thought about it in the comments and stay tuned for the next update!

Q- What is your favourite Steve Rogers quote?

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