《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》1.2


The Tape p.1

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Ana held the bow tightly, pulling back the string and arrow as she closed one eye to aim at the target all the way on the other side of the field. Clint was behind her, drinking his coffee lazily, waiting for her to take the shot. She bit her lip, arms wavering when she could feel her grip loosen.

"Come on, Ana. Just take a deep breath. Try and hit the target at least, I know you barely had time to practise archery." Clint said from behind her, taking off his purple shades.

Ana replays everything Clint told her. As the wire tenses, tighten your back muscles and lock, slow your breathing and exhale, relax your hand. Ana let go of the arrow when she couldn't hold it back anymore and watched along with Clint as it hit the bullseye. Her mouth dropped open in shock as Clint choked on his coffee.

"What the f-"

Ana dropped the bow and put her hands in the air, "Oh my God! Clint! Did you see that?!" She exclaimed, turning to him.

Clint scoffed, "Of course I did." He then put his arms in the air also, "That was fucking amazing!" He exclaimed.

Ana gave him a happy high five and picked up another arrow, going at it again. Clint drank the rest of his coffee before joining her and taking his own bow, stealing an arrow out of her quiver and knocking it on his bow.

They nodded at each other and pulled back, saying the steps in their head before letting go of the string. The two arrows sliced through the first arrow, and Clint and Ana high five again.

"Natasha's gonna be so jealous." Clint smirked.

Ana laughed, "Wouldn't want to tell her then."

"Tell me what?"

Ana yelped and jumped when the red haired Russian popped up next to her. Clint crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow Natasha's way when he saw the three files in her hands. Nat handed each of them one and kept on herself.

"Fury wants to talk to us. We got a mission, your first." Natasha said, giving Ana a wink.

Ana almost choked on air. "A mission? Now?" She asked, "Are you sure I'm ready? I mean I only joined SHIELD a year ago." She mumbled.

"If you can hit the bullseye the first shot, your ready." Clint chuckled, clapping her on the shoulder.

"Besides, your top of the class." Natasha said and placed a hand to the side of her mouth, "And Fury really wants to put you out there, just saying." She shrugged.

Ana sighed, though pulled a smile at her partners. "Okay."

- - -

Nick Fury, the Director of SHIELD, sat at the head of the briefing table, staring at Ana. The new agent kept a smile on her face as she looked at Clint and Natasha on the sides of the table. She bounced her clasped hands on the clean table, next to the file.

"Michaels, you read the file?" Nick questioned.

Ana flushed pink and fumbled with the black file, "I- I thought we were going to go through it now, oh crap." She stammered.

Clint face palmed and Natasha smiled warmly as Ana gulped. Nick smirked at her and put a hand up, "We are, I was just asking." He said before standing up and going to the clear monitor. Images of a masked lady and men in suits popped up and Ana paid attention as Clint and Natasha swerved in their seats to face Nick.


"Just recently, we received reports of a stolen video file containing classified data. All you need to know is that whatever is on that videotape would be really useful to the bad guys." Nick tilted his head to the side, looking at them with his right eye.

Natasha lowered her head and smirked, "What kind of videotape, boss?"

Ana scrunched her nose up at Nat's jab as Clint chuckled under his breath. Nick wasn't amused. "Digital information we can hack it, track it, crack it, distort it," Nick replied, "But one tape is just thing to keep track of so if there's good news, it's that. Make no mistake though, this is very bad." He said.

Clint crossed his arms, "So how long do we have? And where is the videotape?" He asked.

The image of a map revealed itself on the monitor and Nick pointed at the red dot, "We have seventy two hours before the video goes up for auction in Madripoor, a small island in Southeast Asia. After that, its out in the wild. The whole data is out." He said, placing his hands flat on the table.

Natasha opened her file, "Any goon with a nine-figure bank account or an Amex Black will be there." She said, spreading out the white papers.

"So we're giving you ours and hoping for the best." Nick said, sliding a black card over to Ana. She grinned and took it in her hands, only for Clint to take it for himself, smirking her way.

"This videotape gets out and its bad for SHIELD, the military, and its personally very bad for the President of the United States." Nick concluded, sitting down.

Ana then reread the details on the file and widened her eyes, "Wait, did you say 'auction'?"

The three agents of SHIELD touched down in Madripoor. Natasha and Clint went ahead and walked through the security. Ana was busy trying to read the language on the many signs, wanting to see which language was used on the island. She didn't notice the security escort Natasha and Clint into a back room.

Ana asked a couple of the airport staff what kind of language they speak and ended up choosing between French, English, Cantonese and many other Asian languages. She frowned, finally noticing the absence of her two partners.

"Miss?" A security placed his hand on Ana's shoulder, "You need to come with me." He stated.

"Is something wrong?" Ana asked as she was dragged off to a back room. He opened the door and pushed her inside forcefully. She glared at the men inside who were trying to keep Natasha and Clint still when they tried to move to her.


Clint shrugged the men off of him as Natasha went straight for a fight, kneeing the man that held her in the crotch. Ana followed her lead and did the same to the ones next to her, just going for a kick to the head to knock them all out.

Clint threw his case that contained his bow and arrow, smacking the security to the side. Ana elbowed one behind her as Natasha tackled the last one to the ground, head butting him out cold.

Ana fiddled with her clothes as Clint straightened his tie and Natasha fixed her hair. They all shared a nod and filed out of the room, completely casual. The girls walked on either side of Clint as they exited the airport and hailed a taxi.

"So, what happens when they wake up?" Ana asked, jumping inside the yellow car, followed by Clint then Natasha.


"Hopefully we'll be back home where they can't touch us." Clint said.

Natasha leaned her head forward and looked at the waiting cab driver, "To the Madripoor Pearl Hotel please. And step on it."

- - -

The second the three of them stepped into the hotel, they were all taken away. Nobody else batted an eye, but these things always happen in Madripoor. People get black bagged all the time and nobody cares. The agents were tied down to a chair, with four men in the same room as them.

One of them walked up and removed all the bags of their heads. Natasha licked her dry lips as she stared at the unfamiliar surroundings. At least her partners were by her side. Wait, she couldn't see Ana anywhere. Clint caught her eye and silently gave her look that said not to do anything stupid.

"Got your passports," The man, let's call him Jim, waved the three small books in their faces. "No weapons though? That's crazy." He said.

"In the car, he had his bow in the car and the red head had two guns."

"Where's our friend?" Clint asked.

"Our boss wanted to see her. She snapped the ropes of her hands like that," Jim clicked his fingers, "And we couldn't keep her here." He said.

Natasha sighed, "Just don't take the Amex Black card, my boss will have our heads." She smirked, looking up at Jim through her eyelashes. Clint openly rolled his eyes when Jim stared at Natasha.

"After we mail your pretty heads to SHIELD, I'm gonna sell these passports on eBay." Jim chuckled.

"You'll do no such thing."

Clint and Natasha craned their heads to the side when a woman with dark hair and a white and black suit emerged, wearing a golden mask over her face. She snatched the passports from Jim as he nodded his head, "Yes, Madame Masque." He quickly replied.

"Lights out. Take the two up to my room where the other one is." She ordered, her voice deepened and muffled from the mask.

"You got it, Madame Masque." Jim complied, rolling up his sleeves and stepping in front of Clint.

"Oh, come on I-"

Natasha saw Clint fall into his chair unconscious and soon enough had her head punched to the side, knocking her out.

- - -

Natasha was the first one who came to, lifting her head and shaking it to get her hair out of her face. Clint was snoring beside her and she glared at the ceiling. She couldn't see Ana anywhere, but there was a door not to far that was ajar, maybe she was in there.

She just hoped Ana wasn't too hurt on her first mission.

Madame Masque and her three goons walked inside the lit room. Natasha studied the stance on Madame Masque, squinting her eyes every now and then. She watched as Masque kicked Clint's chair, waking him up.

"What time is it?" He slurred, blinking the sleep away.

"Does it matter?" Madame Masque questioned, holding his bow in her hands.

"Where's Ana?" Natasha asked.

"She's sleeping. For now." She replied. Clint clicked his tongue, "We've got somewhere to be." He said.

"Do you now?" Madame Masque responded.

"I'd bet everything in his pocket — which, and I'm sorry to keep bringing this up, means a SHIELD credit card with literally no limit — against whatever you want that you and us three are here for the same thing." Natasha drawled lazily, looking up at Madame Masque.

Madame Masque leaned down to Natasha's level, "And what's that?" She asked.

"The videotape." Clint spoke up, "Somebody got the tape and if it gets out, well, a lot of people are in trouble. We're here for the same reason you are." Clint said.

"We want to try and buy it."

Madame Masque let out an amused laugh and stepped in front of Clint, "I could just kill you two now, as well as the other one, and short-circuit everybody's problems. To say nothing of saving myself millions of dollars." She said.

Natasha snorted, "Whoever ends up with that tape is gonna make billions. We should be able to bid just like any of you people."

"'You' people?" Madame Masque said, "Lots of talk but I haven't actually seen this all-access money pass you claim to have." She placed her hands on her hips.

Clint nodded his head, "Yeah, well, I hid it."


Natasha smirked to herself when he spread his legs slightly. The goons behind Madame Masque chuckled briefly before their boss scoffed, "You must be joking." She said.

Clint shrugged.

Madame Masque went behind Clint's seat and took her hands out as he talked to her. "Look, I'm not exactly thrilled either but none of your guy goons bothered to check me-" He said.

Natasha looked at the goons, "They didn't have trouble checking me."

"-Whereas I have no wallet, no passport..."

Madame Masque huffed, "Yes yes yes, enough. I understand." She shoved her hands behind his trousers and Clint jumped.

"Gah! Cold, uh. What is that, leather?" He asked, referring to Madame Masque's gloves. "Pleather? Vinyl, or-"

"Shut up." She hissed.

"Lady are you checking me for tutors or-"

"I assure you this is as unpleasant for me as it is for you." She said before finally getting the black card out and lifting it up. "It appears you have certainly enough credit to participate in the bidding. SHIELD's money spends as good as anyone else's. And I'm a big fan of irony. I'm going to hang onto this for safekeeping — and to make sure you don't get up to any more shenanigans." She told Natasha and Clint.

"Boys!" She called to her goons, "Take Mr. Barton and Ms. Romanoff to their room for the night. No one in. No one out. See to it they have a proper wake-up call scheduled for the morning." She ordered as the men walked closer to the agents.

Natasha shook off one of their hands and looked at Madame Masque, "What about our partner? Where the hell is she?" She asked angrily.

"No hitting. No hitting." Clint kept on mumbling when the men got to him. Madame Masque looked at the black card in her hands before nodding at them,

"Good night, Mr. Barton, Ms. Romanoff."

- - -

Madame Masque looked in her mirror vanity, reaching up to remove the golden mask. She ignored the muffled screaming behind her and dropped the mask on the table. The face that stared into the mirror was in fact Ana Michaels. She removed the white gloves off her hands and looked at the black card.

"I can believe you shoved it up your ass, Clint." She chuckled.

The real Madame Masque was tied up on the ground with a gag over her mouth. Ana sat on the couch and looked at her, "You know, if you hadn't tried to inject me with something, tie me up with triple the ropes, we wouldn't be in this position." She said.

Ana stood up and pocketed the black card. She looked at Madame Masque with a sigh, "You hungry?"

Masque looked at her surprised behind her mask and Ana rolled her eyes, "I kept your stupid mask on because I'm gonna turn you in anyways, so food? I can call our goons to grab us some Madripoor McDonalds." She offered.

She placed a finger behind her ear and listened to Masque's murmuring. "You know what, I'll get us a happy meal after the auction." She grinned before grabbing the gold mask off the table and placing it back on.

"I gotta go get myself a videotape."

- - - - -

Hey guys! So this chapter was heavily inspired by the hawkeye comics, I worked in Natasha in it too since it was only Clint. I hope you liked it and please tell me what you thought. Madame Masque was in Agent Carter so I thought it wouldn't hurt to use her character in modern times. The next part will be up soon, so stay tuned!

Ant-Man will be coming soon also! ;)

Q- I'm writing a Bucky chapter where Ana finds him, what should I include in it?

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