《Warrior ϟ Marvel [2]》1.1


Happy Birthday Peter

- - - - -

"Okay, steady now Wanda. Don't drop me aga- Ow!"

Ana fell down onto the grass, the wind getting forced out of her lungs. She heard laughing and looked up at her fellow teammates present to see her fall ten feet from the air. She narrowed her eyes at them as Steve jogged up to her, giving her a hand up.

"You good?" He asked, chuckling slightly.

Ana brushed her pants off, nodding at him. "Yeah. It's not like I've been falling ten times in a row." She turned to Wanda who held her hand up with a wince. "This is the last time, Wanda!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry, Ana!" She yelled back.

Steve walked Ana back to the group. The team had been training for the last few months together, learning how to use each others abilities to work together in a mission. So far, Wanda had learnt how to use her power to move things with her mind, she was still working on moving larger objects like people. Vision could change his density, become weightless, transparent, and intangible.

And Ana, she was usually the dummy in their experiments. She'd fight with Vision, always landing on her face when he became intangible to win the fight. But she'd get back up and have a go at it again. He would record her fighting skills and use them to match her. Wanda would always test her forcefields against Ana, as she was getting stronger. She would try to hold Ana down for as long as she can.

Sam and Ana were a good fighting pair. They combined their flying and combat skills to easily take down enemies. And to say Steve was proud was a huge understatement. He was always impressed with the new ways they come up with.

Steve had asked Natasha to do a psych evaluation on the new team. Natasha said that Wanda seems to be acclimating to the culture fine enough, all things considered. She hasn't been as withdrawn as she was when she first got there, but to be fair she was still processing the death of Pietro at the time. She could use more guidance with regards to her reconnaissance, which is to be expected.

Sam Wilson's a charmer, Nat said, and he's more than proven himself in the field with the whole Triskelion mess. He's been given more time to train with the EXO-7 'Falcon' wings so he's gonna be invaluable when they need an eye in the sky.

Rhodey's a soldier, so he knows how to line them up and take them down with precision. With the War Machine armour, he's that on a macro-level, with the firepower to boot.

The only one Nat couldn't get a read on was Vision. He appears harmless enough, but there's so much untested power inside of him that it's hard to know if he's a gentle being or if he's just holding back.

And Ana, now that she's remembered her Soviet training from being a Hydra asset and everything they've done to her, it's like she's become a whole new person. Her personality is still there, it's just that there's more to her now. She's become more like a soldier than a team player. Whenever she gets quiet, Nat could see it in her eyes, she was getting stuck in the past which makes her unprepared for the future. She even used the codename Hydra gave her but without the winter. Ana Michaels was the Warrior.

"All right, I think Ana has had enough for the day. We'll start training again tomorrow morning." Steve said, pushing her to the bench.


She sat down next to Vision who studied her. He then handed her a water bottle form the cooler and she took it with a nod, eyeing him. He then pulled a smile, making her laugh.

"Wanda is improving miraculously. This time next week, you won't fall on your face." Vision commented, his eyes on the Scarlet Witch as she talked with Steve.

Ana waited until she swallowed the cool water before giving him a shrug, "She's pushing the limits on her telekinesis, she can't move a mountain or anything like that..."

"Yet." Vision added, "Just give Wanda some time and I'm sure she'll surprise you."

"I'm sure she will." Ana smiled before going to pat his shoulder. He used his intangibility, smirking her way when her hand went through him. She pulled back with a shiver, "I told you to stop doing that, Vision. It feels weird." She said with a cringe.

"Apologises, Ana." He said before flying up instead of standing.

Ana stood, stretching her legs and arms. She tilted her head side to side as she walked back with the group. She held back, walking on her own. Today she was supposed to visit the Parker's, it was Peter's fifteenth birthday and she hadn't seen the little guy in months.

"Ana, let's go!"

She looked up, seeing Sam wave at her to quickly get inside. She ran when it started raining and entered the facility.

"You heading out?" He asked, taking off his goggles and putting them down by the lockers. Ana nodded, peering out of the window, "Yeah, once I get dressed I'll be out. Probably be back by tomorrow." She replied, opening her locker on the other side and removing her hoodie.

"When am I going to meet this guy?" Sam chuckled from the other side of the lockers.

Ana smiled, "I don't think he can handle meeting the Avengers. He's sort of a nerd." She laughed fondly. She remembered the way he found out she was an Avenger, just imagine that but ten times bigger.

"Oh, he's that kind of guy. I bet you he's real chatty too." He said, changing into his normal clothes and shutting his locker. Ana had dressed into her jeans, white shirt and was fixing her leather jacket when Sam joined her.

"Only when he's nervous, or excited." Ana nodded.

"Well tell him the Falcon said happy birthday." Sam grinned, giving her a short hug before walking back to meet up with Steve.

"You got it." Ana said.

She turned back to her locker and jumped back with a yelp, seeing Vision's face in front of her. He walked through the locker, "Wanda was looking for you, I thought I'd help find you." He said simply.

Ana hated how he kept on doing that. She gave him a nod, "Where is she?"

"In your room."

"Thanks, Vision. I'll take it from here."

- - -

Ana entered her room and noticed Wanda sit on her bed, fiddling with her fingers nervously. She put down her bag and sat down next to her with a sigh.

"What's up, Wanda?"

"I was just wondering how long you will be away. I know it's just a birthday party but..."

Ana placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a smile, "Just for a day. Don't worry, you've got Steve and Sam here, Vision too." She said.

Wanda took a breath and put a hand to her cheek, "Sorry, it's just lately I have been missing home and it is easier if you are here. This place is, it's still very new to me." She murmured.


Ana looked at her for a second before standing up and walking over to her closet. Wanda looked as she bent down and took out a blue box, taking off the lid. Ana took the soft stuffed blue bunny and smiled.

She went back to Wanda and handed her the toy. She took it curiously as she listening to Ana. "I was going to give this when it was your birthday but I think it would still be a nice present for now." She said, "What does it remind you of?" She asked.

Wanda placed a hand over her mouth, smiling behind it. Her eyes glossed over as she studied the blue bunny with the silver lighting symbol on it's belly. "It reminds me of Pietro." She whispered, letting out a small laugh.

Ana smiled, "I thought it would be nice to get you something like this. Do you like it?" She questioned.

"I love it. Thank you, Ana." Wanda whispered before embracing the girl tightly. Ana returned the hug and rubbed her back gently.

"It's my pleasure, Wanda."

"Peter Parker!"

Ana ran after the birthday boy when he stole her gift for him. He was only allowed to open his presents after the cake. And Ana was strict on tradition. May and Ben sat down on the couch, the latter complaining about them breaking the furniture as May just giggled behind her hand.

"But you give the best presents! And to be fair, you haven't visited in ages!" Peter called back, sliding behind the dining table as Ana stopped on the other side of it.

Ana rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air, "Fine, open it." She retorted.

Peter grinned and ripped through the wrapping paper Ana had spent hours on perfecting. He opened the box and widened his eyes, "Awesome." He mumbled. Ana smiled at him as he pulled out a new pair of black sneakers.

She then nodded her head, "Look under it pal."

Under the shoes was a new and high tech tablet Tony had made for the team. Ana decided to give hers to Peter, making sure to remove any Avenger details on it, and thought he could use it for his school projects and such. But knowing him, he'll take it apart and build something new.

Peter grinned at her, "Even more awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He climbed over the table, barrelled into her arms and hugged her tightly.

Ana laughed at him and used her strength to carry him down, holding him tightly. Ben and May already knew about her abilities and were still getting used to it. But Peter loved having an Avenger as his neighbour slash best friend slash sister figure.

May and Ben joined the two in the kitchen, smiling at them. May then took the presents off the table, "Time for the cake!" She exclaimed happily.

Ben clapped Peter on the back, "Stop annoying Ana, Pete. I'm sure she gets tired enough as is." He joked, winking at the Avenger.

"It's alright Ben, really." Ana replied, waving a hand.

May placed the chocolate cake on the table before getting out the candles. Ben and Peter took their seats at the table as Ana helped May take out the plates and forks. They lit the candles and pushed the cake in front of Peter. Ana took out her phone and pressed record as they all sang Peter a Happy Birthday.

She turned the camera to face her as she stepped next to Peter and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. He scrunched his nose up and Ben chuckled.

Ana smiled at Peter, "Make a wish buddy and believe in it with all your heart. Because if you do, it will come true no matter what." She whispered. May and Ben looked on, smiling at them. Ben had his arm wrapped around the woman and she held his hand that was draped over her shoulder.

Peter looked at his family with a grin before closing his eyes, moving his lips before opening them and blowing out the candles. He glanced at everyone as they cheered and clapped.

"Happy Birthday, Peter!"

- - -

Ben and May had turned in for the night. Ana was in the living room with Peter, a bowl of popcorn between them as they watched Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. She had to get back to the facility tomorrow since she had to help with the training.

"Peter, do you remember my mom and dad?" Ana asked. She wanted to see if he had any idea of what kind of people they were.

Peter munched on his popcorn and nodded, "Yeah, haven't seen them in forever but I remember how they always used to take you away for holidays." He said. He then turned to her, furrowing his eyebrows, "Why?" He drawled.

Ana shrugged and focused back on the movie, "I'm just asking. Would they ever, I don't know, do some things that-"

"Seemed shady? Completely creepy? And weird?" Peter spitballed, before shaking his head and shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth, "Sometimes, though wasn't their job?" He asked.

Ana widened her eyes, "Their job?"

"Weren't they lawyers? Lawyers alway do those kinda things." He said before pumping his fist when Han Solo finally found Luke in the snow.

Ana breathed out in relief, he had no idea who they really were. She then forced a laugh, "Right of course, lawyers." She mumbled. Peter then gasped at the tv,

"Ew, Leia don't kiss your brother!"

- - -

The next day, Ana had walked Peter to school since she had to get back, giving May and Ben the day off. She shared her stories with him, telling him of the facility she stays at and how she was thinking of selling her house. She didn't want to tell him about her Hydra days, she didn't want him to see her differently.

"Since I am very experienced in many different fighting styles, Captain America asked me to teach him." Ana told Peter, smiling when he started widening his eyes.

"Captain America asked you for fighting lessons? Wow!" Peter laughed. Ana's smile faltered, eyes narrowing. Peter saw and stopped laughing, hugging her arm and jutting his bottom lip out, "I mean, of course! You are the Warrior. My favourite Avenger." He said. Ana smirked.

"Right after Captain America..." Peter whispered quickly and flashed her a grin.

Peter tilted his head to the side in thought before poking her side softly. He would always do that whenever he was uncertain of something and asked Ana for help. Ana nudged him to go on and he sighed.

"Can you teach me how to fight, Ana?" Peter asked.

"Is that kid 'Flash' Thompson still around? What's his name, Eugene?" Ana asked, raising her fist.

Peter shook his head, dropping his eyes to the shoes he was wearing that Ana gave him. "Nope, no. Flash doesn't really bother me anymore, he's well uh, preoccupied with sports and stuff." He looked up to her as she swung their clasped hands. "I just wanna know how to fight incase anything does happen, you know? On my own." He said.

Ana couldn't help but smile at him proudly. "Of course, Pete. But you've got a school break coming up right?"


"Yeah, I'll come by and teach you how to fight, how to protect yourself." She smiled, biting into the straw of her iced coffee.

Peter smiled at her, "Thanks."

They turned the corner, almost bumping into a man who was rushing to work. Ana looked at his face, widening her eyes when she recognised her old doctor. Peter's words pulled her back though, "Today there's a science fair and I hope my project would be good enough to win. I worked really hard on it." He said.

Ana awed at his hopeful face and patted his back, "I am certain you'll win. And remember if you don't get first place, don't worry about it, you had fun and that's what matters. Hard work beats talent." She said.

Peter took in her words and quirked a grin, nodding his head. "You're right."

Ana nodded along and they stopped at the lights. She turned to him and smirked, "So, any crushes I should know about?"

Peter turned red and when the lights turned green for them to walk, he dragged her along the path, "No crushes!" He exclaimed.

Ana threw her head back and laughed. He sighed heavily and kept walking forward, almost at Mid Town High. Ana had thrown her empty drink in the trash can and looked at the school building. "Oh, how much I hated school." She sung, shaking her head.

"You hated school because your crush had a girlfriend. And she was your nemesis. Who was once your best friend." Peter snorted, earning a whack on the back of his head.

"I thought that was forgotten." Ana said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Peter grinned at her and held his bag straps, "Sorry."

Ana narrowed her eyes at him, "You're lucky you're cute." She mumbled.

Peter swayed in his feet, smiling at her. He then tilted his head to the side so she could give him a kiss on the cheek. She rolled her eyes before placed a quick kiss to the side of his head.

"Thanks for coming yesterday. I miss having you around." Peter said.

Ana smiled softly, "I miss you too. But you know what kind of work I'm in. But that also doesn't mean you can't call whenever you need me." She told him.

"I know." He smiled. He hugged her tight, and she rested her cheek on top of his head, holding him. Peter smiled and closed his eyes and she smoothed his hair back. She kissed his head before letting go and stepping back, giving him a soft smile.

Peter laughed before walking off to campus, "Bye Ana, I love you!" He called.

"Love you too! Have a great day, Pete!"

- - - - -

Hey everyone! I hope you liked this part and please tell me what you thought about it! I'm gonna add a small part of Doctor Strange in the next part and i'm so excited to write him in. I watched Finding Dory and oh my gosh, I am so emotional, I loved it so much!

Q- Have you watched Finding Dory?

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