《Learning to be the Luna (Completed)》Chemistry


"Sarahhhhhhhh" I hear ring out in my ear first thing in the morning. Then I feel 75 pounds jump on me.

"Ughhhh" I groan pushing the pest off of me, "what do you want Lily?"

She laughs at me in her annoying, 8 year old sister way and I roll my eyes. I shove my face under the pillow not at all excited to get up on this dreaded morning. Can't you all just leave me be I wonder before I hear the water start running. I shoot out of bed wide eyed and panicked.

"Don't you dare..." I start before I get splashed with freezing water. She turns and runs down the hallway giggling like the snarky maniac she is. I try to run after her but end up slipping and slamming down on my butt.

"Ugh" I groan feeling the bruise that I know will form from my fall. Great. School starts in 45 minutes and now I'm soaking wet. I get into the bathroom and take a quick shower, well quick for me, Aka 15 minutes. I jump out and blow dry my hair. I look into the mirror and see my long brown hair and hazel eyes staring back at me. I apply a little mascara and blush. Luckily I already picked out my outfit the day before. A black skater skirt and white crop top that shows off my belly button ring. I pull on my bright blue Vans and I'm ready. I think I look pretty good, well for me.

I look at the clock and see I only have 10 minutes before school starts. I run down stairs and almost plow my dad down. "Have fun on your first day at the new school!" My dad yells before I rush out the door.

I get into my pale blue bug, in other words my baby and take off. I had to beg my dad to buy me it but it wasn't too hard, I'm daddy's princess *hair flip*. This is my first day at my new school in Washington. I know, cold and rainy. Not exactly my choice but we had to move here for my dad's business. I used to live in beautiful California and I already miss it. Not to mention my forever bestie Kayla lives there and now I can't see her often. We promised to text and call a lot but I can tell it's gonna be hard.


I hate being the new kid in school. I've never been one before, but new kids always have everyone staring at them and it just seems uncomfortable to me.

Luckily the school's only 5 minutes from my house so I pull in on time. This school looks like a jail, and the looming clouds overhead don't help at all.

I step out of my baby and am immediately pulled by the hand. Oh thank god. I'm so glad I already know someone here. "Hey Megs" I call to my blonde bombshell neighbor Megan. She turns around and looks at me, "Hey babe, you look hot!" She adds on with a wink. I laugh at her calling me hot because compared to her I'm totally not.

"We have to go get your schedule!" She yells at me pulling me into the building. As soon as we enter I can feel all eyes on me. I hear a couple wolf whistles and my cheeks blaze pink. I look down, wishing they'd stop staring. Luckily, I see the office ahead and get pulled away from their scrutinizing eyes.

There's a petite and plump woman standing behind the desk and she smiles warmly at me, sweeping her curly red hair behind her ear. "Ah, you must be the new girl, Sarah Kingston." She says to me.

"Yes, that's me" I say shyly, "how'd you know?" She smiles at me again and says, "We don't get many new students here dear, you're the first in years." I nod my head curtly at her and ask her for my schedule. As soon as I get it Megan takes it and compares it to hers.

"Yay!" She screams suddenly, "we have first period together!" I grin at her glad she can show me around and I'll have someone to sit next to.

I glance at the sheet studying the classes. "Oh no, chemistry first hour" I groan to Megs. She rolls her eyes in agreement, "I know! I practically cry every time I step in the room, but at least we have each-other." At that she loops her arm through mine, and we're off to class.


Walking down the hall I still feel uncomfortable but I have Megs next to me, confident and strong, so I mimic her and stand tall also, facing their calculating gazes. We stop at a group of lockers and Meg's says "Here's your locker" pointing to number 124, "it's right next to mine!" She grins at me. "I begged Mrs. Mcneille, the front desk lady we just saw, if your locker could be by mine so I can show you around!" I smile at her kindly, "Thanks Megs you're the best!" She just smiles back at me and rummages through her locker.

We make it to class just in time for the bell to ring. All the seats are taken except for three in a row in the back.

"Hello Ms. Cassione, glad you could find your way to class this morning" Our teacher says to Megan. He looks to be in his 40's with slightly greying, brown hair. "And who is this?" He asks nodding in my direction.

"Good morning to you too Mr. Nadeau." Megan says with slight sarcasm, "this is Sarah, she just moved here."

He looks at me again, "Ah yes, Ms. Kingston. Welcome to my chemistry class. I trust you can both find your seats." He says before turning to continue writing on the white board.

As we reach our table Megan takes the seat near the window, so I sit next to her in the middle of the table. I look at the seat next to me, and hope it remains empty. The bells already rung so I put my bag on the seat.

Mr. Nadeau starts his lesson on the periodic table, but I'm a pretty good student and I was already past this point in my old school so I just zone out. Mr. Nadeau must have noticed so he asks me, "Ms. Kingston, what is the atomic mass of radium?" He smirks slightly at me. Is he really trying to pull a fast one on me? "226 U" I say sounding bored. He raises his eye brows at me and nods, "correct". He continues with the lesson and I continue spacing out.

A couple minutes later it hits me. This smell... of the forest and chocolate. I know it sounds like an odd combination, but it's just mixed right. It smells amazing like I need to smell it all the time. I look around searching for the smell, but can't find where it's coming from.

Just then, the door opens and he walks in. Tall, dark, and handsome. Yumm! He's tall, must be above 6'2 and extremely well built. His brown hair is swept across his forehead in an almost I didn't try way. I can't see his face, but by looking at him I can tell its gorgeous.

"Thank you for joining us Mr. Wolfe" my teacher says sarcastically, "Go take your seat please."

He turns around, and instantly his eyes meet mine. He smirks at me and struts towards me. His eyes are a beautiful swirl of chocolate matching his scent but it seems like they're getting darker every second. It must just be the light. I'm so absorbed I don't even realize he's right next to me.

"Hey Princess, mind moving your bag?" He asks me pointedly. Oh my god. His voice. I could melt. It's like the heavens produced it of pure gold. I shake my head quickly realizing that he asked me something and move my bag out of the chair placing it next to me.

He looks at me and puts his hand out, "I'm Blake."

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