《Million pieces》16


"Come on, Meredith" Lucy cheered

"Der" Meredith cracked out as she mushed herself up, leaning on her left leg as every feeling in her right one hurts

"I'm here, I got you in case you fall" Derek whispered

Meredith gently placed her right foot on the ground and pain ripped through her body. She has a bad feeling

"Just try to stand on both feet, Meredith" Lucy kept saying

"I'm trying!" Meredith snapped and put some weight on her right foot. Her knuckles turned white from the power she puts into her fists

"Shh, you got this" Derek whispered, wanting to punch Lucy in the face for pushing his wife so damn hard

"Hurts" Meredith whispered

"Callie said that's normal" Derek whispered, his heart was breaking to see Meredith in this amount of pain

Meredith slowly let more and more weight on both legs and pushed through the pain. She found it difficult to move her leg after it barely moved after all the surgeries

"One step, Meredith" Lucy said

And so did Meredith. She pushed her bad leg a bit further and tried to make a move as if she was about to walk but when she pushed her weight on her leg she started screaming in pain and Derek could catch her right on time before she would fall

"Mer, talk to me. What happened?" Derek asked concerned

"I paged Callie" Lucy said right after

"Mer, come on. Talk to me" Derek got so concerned because she didn't reply. She just kept crying and screaming in pain

"Hurt, Der" Meredith cried "Hurts so much" Meredith kept crying

Callie ran in "What's happen-" Callie started but changed when she saw Meredith on the floor "Shit, Grey. What happened?" She asked but Meredith was unable to respond. She was laying on her back, crawling in pain


"She was trying to walk and fell down" Lucy quickly replied

"Okay, Meredith. We'll sedate you and take new scans"

Meredith nodded and counted down to a painless moment


Deren and a couple of nurses wheeled a gurney with Meredith on top out of the room and brought her to a patient VIP room in order to wait for the results

Callie was looking at the scans and even though she knew this was about to break Meredith, she still searched for an easy solution but she knew she wasn't gonna find it

Meredith was finally waking up, immediately feeling the pain in her leg

"Hi, Mer" Derek smiled but Meredith's eyes filled with tears

"I can't do this anymore" She whispered

"You have to, Mer. For me and the kids, please.."

"It hurts" She whimpered

"Derek, Meredith? Can I come in?" Callie asked

"Yeah" Derek sighed, grabbing Meredith's hand

"I'm sorry, Meredith. It looks like your bones collapsed. There's another fracture, meaning the transplant has failed. We can replace the bones and add fixators again, wait 4 to 6 months and try again but I don't think it'll work" Callie said

"So?" Derek gasped

"For now there's no infection, which is good but I still think amputating will give you the biggest chance on a good recovery"

Meredith stared at her hands which Derek held tight. She didn't respond, she didn't react and it scared Derek. She can't shut him out

"Can we have a minute?" Derek asked Callie

Callie nodded and left the room

"Mer, please.. Talk to me" Derek begged

"Derek- I- I can't do that, I can't change your life, the kids' lives, I can't!" She broke down in Derek's arms

"Yes, you can! It will be hard in the beginning and we'll need to find new ways but Mer, you're amazing. You're gonna be back as a surgeon, you're gonna be able to chase the kids again. They have been begging to see you, they love you so much" Derek tried to convince her

"The kids- I- I can't decide this without them and without you!" She sobbed

"I'll ask Amy to bring them over so we can explain, okay? And I'm gonna get you some more pain meds"

"Thanks" She whispered

"I love you, Meredith. I'm not kidding. I want my wife back and I don't care if it's with a prosthetic or not but Mer, me and the kids can't lose you. You need to keep fighting for us, please" Derek started crying

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