《A Night Under A Thousand Stars》The Comeback
I stretched out my neck and arms after my workout. I had Milan Fashion Week in a few weeks so I was on a strict workout regime and only ate fish and whole foods. I couldn't have anything processed and it sucked because all Michael ate when he did eat was candy and I couldn't have any of it.
But we were currently in New York for the MTV Video Music Awards and Michael was making his huge comeback performance and I was so excited. He had been rehearsing since August and I just knew this performance was going to make a mark on history. He was excited, I was excited, and the whole world was excited.
And of course after the award show, Michael and I were off to St. Barts which we also were ecstatic for. Michael needed the vacation after all the work he's been putting in for the performance and with all of the press he's been doing with 'HIStory' and I needed a calm before the storm before Milan Fashion Week. We couldn't wait to just relax by the beach and sip on pina coladas and not have one care in the single word.
"Baby!" Michael called out. "Yeah?" I called back out as I stretched out my legs so I wouldn't be sore tomorrow. "Where are you?" he asked and I heard his voice getting closer. "In here," I said and I heard his footsteps getting closer.
He stepped in the doorway and instantly smiled at me. I smiled back, "You worked out?" he asked. "Yeah, just a quick 30 minutes," I said and he nodded. I looked him up and down. He was all dressed up like he was going somewhere. "You look good. Where are you going?" I asked, sitting up on my knees.
"Thank you," he said smiling, "But I have to head out." I frowned, "I thought rehearsals weren't till 6? It's 3," I said and he smiled walking closer to me. "Yeah, I just have to meet someone before rehearsals."
I nodded, "Oh, who?" I asked. "You don't know them," he said and I shrugged. "Okay," I said, giving him a small smile before I took a sip of my water. "I'll be gone for like an hour but I'll be back before rehearsals," he said, leaning down to kiss me.
"Okay, sounds good," I said before he kissed me. "When you get back, Jasmine and Alisha will probably be over," I said, licking my lip. "Okay," he said with a small smile, "I'll see you when I get back," he said, kissing me once more, "Love you."
I smiled watching him start to walk away, "Love you too," I said as he turned over his shoulder and smiled at me.
I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror. "Well, guess I'll take a nice long bath," I said, getting up and heading to the bedroom.
"Michael! It's so good to see you!" William said as I walked in the store. "Hey William!" I exclaimed back as we shook his hands. "What brings you in?" he asked with a smile as I browsed into the counter.
I looked up at him and smiled, "I want to design an engagement ring." William's smile grew even wider, "She's the one?" he asked.
I smiled, "She's the one," I said truthfully. William clapped, rubbing his hands together, "Okay, let's get started shall we?" he asked and I nodded excitedly. "Do you wanna take a look around to get an idea of how you want to design the ring?" he asked.
"Sure, sure," I said looking into the glass counters. I browsed around the jewelry store. Luckily the store was closed down so no one knew I was in here. I didn't want the tabloids to give away that I was shopping for engagement rings.
"Gee, I can't pick. I like so many of them," I said to Bill and William. "Well, let's start with this; What's her style? Does she like vintage? Or would she like something more subtle or something big and flashy?" he asked.
"Definitely big and flashy. She loves diamonds. I bought her a diamond tennis bracelet and diamond Cartier love bracelet and she never takes them off. Ever," I said. He nodded, "Okay, great start," he said, "Does she wear rings now?" he asked.
I nodded, licking my lips, "Yeah, she wears a promise ring that I bought her. It's just a rounded diamond ring," I said and he nodded, "And she also wears like diamond eternity bands. She never takes those off."
"Okay, that's great. We're off to a good start. Let's start with the basics because you want to design it right?" he asked. I nodded, "Yeah, I do. I feel it'll be more from the heart." He smiled, "It is. So, let me grab my note pad so I can take some notes so I can draw up some sketches for you," Williams said before he disappeared in the back.
I sighed and looked at Bill who was smiling at me, "What?" I asked, smiling. He shook his head, "Nothing. It's just that the last time we did this, it didn't end so well, but this time it feels different. I know this one will end well," he said, making me smile even wider.
I nodded, "Yeah, I feel that too." Bill smiled patting my back, "It's such a joy seeing you so happy. I know you used to feel so lonely and I can just see how she's made your life so much better. You're much happier even with all that you've been through."
I smiled, "Thanks Bill," I said sincerely, "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me." He smiled, "I can see that," he said as William came back.
"Okay, let's get down to business shall we?" he asked. "Yes," I said leaning on the counter. "Okay, first let's establish when you need the ring. When do you plan on popping the question?"
I smiled, "I need it before Christmas," I said and he nodded, taking note. "Okay, we have just enough time. Next, what shape are we going for? Do we know?" he asked.
I scratched my top lip in thought, "I think she'd like something either pear shaped or emerald cut. Maybe oval," I said. "Okay, I can do a sketch of all three and we can have you pick before we actually make the ring," William said with a smile.
"Yeah, let's do that," I said and he nodded. "Okay, carats. How many carats?" I widened my eyes looking at Bill. Bill laughed and held his hands up, "Don't look at me. You're buying the ring," he said, making us laugh. William butted in, "Well, here, how much is the budget first and then we can go from there."
I shook my head, "There is no budget. I'll pay anything. I just want it to be perfect so she never takes it off," I said as they laughed at me. "Okay," William said still laughing, "You said she likes big and flashy, so I'd say anything 8 and above."
I bit my lip, "Okay, let's do that," I said. He nodded, taking more notes, "Actually we can still design the ring and then when you approve which sketch you want to go forward with we can figure out the carats," William said and I nodded at him.
"So, down to the design, how would you like it to look?" he asked. "Umm," I hummed looking down into the counter with the rings, "What do you think Bill?" I asked. "She'd honestly love anything from you Joker," he said and I laughed. "True, but I need it to be perfect."
I still looked over the rings. I pointed at one and William opened the counter and took it out so I could see it, "Yeah, I want something like this. I want the diamond to be the wow factor and smaller diamonds on the band."
"Okay, we can do that," William said, "Do we know her ring size?" I slowly nodded, "Sort of. I bought her a promise ring but it's a little big," I said, biting my lip. "Is there a way we can get it? That'll help me in designing the band and how many small diamonds I can put on it."
I clenched my teeth, "Hm," I hummed, "I'm pretty sure I can find a way," I said, "By when?" William looked up in thought, "Is there a way you can get it to me by tomorrow?" he asked. I clenched my teeth, "Maybe, yeah," I said and he nodded.
"Now, let's go over each design." I smiled. I can't believe I'm designing an engagement ring for the love of my life. She's going to love this. I just know it.
"Wait, wait, WAIT!" I exclaimed, waving my hands, "You mean to tell me after Michael's surprise party, you and Jackie went to go get drinks and you're JUST NOW telling me? I thought we were best friends!" I said with my mouth open.
Alisha laughed to herself, "I'm sorry," she said poking out her bottom lip, "But it's.. I don't know. He's really sweet and I like him, but I want to just take things slow. Like you and Michael. That seems to be the secret nowadays to long lasting relationships."
I nodded, "I actually believe that. I think because Michael and I were friends before we actually got involved is the reason our relationship is so good. We took the time to actually be friends," I said.
"Exactly," Alisha said, "And that's what I want." I smiled at her, "It's what you deserve too," I commented and Alisha looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks Ash," she said sincerely. "I only want the best for you," I said honestly.
"Refills?" I asked standing up. "Yes please," Alisha and Jasmine both said. I chuckled, grabbing their glasses heading to the kitchen. I poured us more of the slushy margaritas and walked back into the living room. "Here you both are," I said, handing them their glasses.
I went back over to the chair, sitting down with my knees to my chest. "Excited for tomorrow?" Alisha asked. "I am. I just know Michael's performance is going to be amazing," I said, "he's been rehearsing since August so it's going to be the talk of the year."
"I'm excited too. The public has been feening for a performance," Jasmine said and I nodded at her. "Where is MJ?" Alisha asked. I sat my drink down, "I honestly have no idea. He told me he had somewhere to go but," I said shrugging, "I don't know where. He should be back any moment."
Alisha nodded, "Jas, what's Ash wearing?" she asked. Jasmine wiggled her eyebrows, "I have a few ideas. She wanted something casual, but something that would be talked about so I brought a few things. I can show y'all them," she said, setting her drink down and pulling over the clothing rack she had brought with her.
"Oo, I'm excited," I said smiling. "You should be," Jasmine said, shooting me a smile as she unzipped one of the garment bags. "So here is one option," she said, showing me the first outfit. "Ooo, I love that," I said, gasping. Jasmine smirked, "I knew you would."
"You'd look so good in that," Alisha said as Jasmine showed us the shows to go with it. "I'm already sold on the first outfit," I said, making her chuckle. "Wait, there's more," she said.
She hung up the first outfit and grabbed the second garment bag. "Number two," she said, holding it up and my jaw dropped, "Jasmine, I swear, you're making this the hardest decision ever," I said. "I love that one," Alisha said and I nodded slowly. "I'm obsessed," I said dramatically.
We heard the door unlocking, "Baby," Michael sang as he opened the door. I smiled watching him as he closed the door behind him. He looked up and saw Alisha and Jasmine. "Oh hey you guys," he said walking over to us. "Hi Michael!" "Hi Mike!" they said and he smiled waving.
He started walking over to me smiling the whole way. Michael stood in front of me and started leaning down to kiss me when I heard Jasmine say, "Imagine Michael Jackson singing to you because you're his woman."
I chuckled as Michael pecked my lips a few times, "Hi you," he mumbled in between kisses. "Hi," I said smiling. He pulled back smiling at me, "I missed you," he said. "I missed you too," I said and he kissed me again. "What's with you? You're all smiley and happy," I said as his smile grew even wider.
"I just love you," he said and I smiled. "I love you too, where'd you go? How was it?" I asked. He nodded, "I had to meet with someone about the performance tomorrow and it was good. I'm very excited," he said. "Good, me too," I said, smiling because he was.
We heard Alisha clear her throat, "We're still here," she said, giving us a goofy smile. I laughed, "Sorry," I said as Michael sat down next to me. I sucked my teeth, "Michael, I was so comfortable and now you're squishing me," I said and he laughed.
"Well then sit on my lap," he said. "No! Go sit somewhere else," I said and he laughed, poking my nose, "Stop," I mumbled, pouting and swatting his hand away. He laughed and sat back, not moving, "What's up? What are you guys doing?" he asked, looking between Jasmine and Alisha.
"I'm showing Ashley her options to wear tomorrow," Jasmine answered. "Oo, let me see," he said and Jasmine showed him the first two options. "I like the second one. God, you'd look so good," he said, looking at me and rubbing my thigh. "That's what I said!" Alisha said.
"Jas, show me the third one," I said and she nodded. She showed us it and I nodded because I think this was the one. "That's it. That's the one," Alisha said and I nodded slowly. "Yep, that's it," Michael said looking at me.
"That one," I said, pointing my finger at it and standing up. I went over and grabbed it looking at it, "And the shoes?" I asked. Jasmine held up a pair of Louboutins and I smiled. "I love this. You did it once again Jas," I said side hugging her and she cheered to herself. "Can I keep the other two though?" I asked. She laughed, "Of course."
We all hung out with Michael before he had to go to rehearsal. "MJ," Alisha said, making Michael laugh. "When did you start calling me MJ?" he asked. She shrugged, "I don't know, but it sounds cool, so I'm sticking with it," she said and Michael shook his head chuckling. "Are you nervous for tomorrow? It's a big day," she asked.
He smirked, "I never get nervous," he said arrogantly and Alisha rolled her eyes. "You and Ash can be so arrogant," she said, making us laugh. "Do you really not get nervous?" Jasmine asked him.
"Not to perform, no. The stage has always been home for me. It's where I'm the most comfortable," he said. "Wow, that's impressive," Jasmine said and he laughed. "The only time I get nervous is from this girl," he said pointing at me and I blushed. "She still makes you nervous!?" Alisha asked, shocked.
Michael nodded, "Oh yeah. Sometimes it feels like I'm just seeing her for the first time and my mind just goes all over the place," he said, waving his hands. I smiled to myself, "Girl, you really have it made," Jasmine said, making us all laugh. "I know," I said shrugging and smiling.
"He still gives me butterflies," I said and Michael smiled at me. "Sometimes, I still freak out that we're dating," I said and they all laughed at me. Michael raised his eyebrows at me, "What! It's true! Sometimes I'm like I'm really fucking Michael Jackson," I said and Michael sucked his teeth and put his head in his hands. "Really?" he asked and I nodded as Alisha and Jasmine laughed. "Really!" I said, "I've literally had a crush on you since I could remember, you saw the photos!"
Michael shook his head and I placed my hand on his leg sitting up, "No, look. Think about this. Imagine having a celebrity crush on someone you grew up loving and now, you're actually dating and can't go a day without being together! It's surreal!" I said and they all laughed at me.
"I remember when Shanina who was at the Soul Train Awards with me back in 1989 and she told me that Michael was looking at me, I told my mom that I was going to start planning a wedding." Michael looked at me with his mouth open, "You did not!" he said in shock and I laughed, "I did! I did!" I said. "Well then why wouldn't you look back at me?" he asked. "Um, cause you're Michael Jackson," Alisha said and he laughed. "Exactly!" I agreed.
"What does me being Michael Jackson have to do with you looking at me?" he asked, confused. "You were my celebrity crush! When you see your celebrity crush, it's a moment in time when you just can't comprehend so you do dumb shit like not look at them or ask for a pic because it's so surreal!" Michael shook his head.
"Well, you were my crush but I didn't not look at you," he said. I sucked my teeth, "No, I wasn't. You didn't even know who I was," I said. "I did! I asked about you that night and they told me who you were."
"Yeah, but I wasn't like your crush, crush," I said. "Yeah you were," he said nodding, "Everything I've always wanted in a woman, everything I've always dreamed of as the love of my life is you. Every single thing," he said, making me blush.
"He has such a way with words," Jasmine said and Alisha laughed, nudging her. "Really?" I asked, looking at him. "Really," he said, nodding. "Go ahead, kiss him," Alisha said and I laughed. I looked at Michael and he raised his eyebrows at me. I chuckled and kissed him.
"Now you guys see why I'm in love with him," I said pointing at them and they nodded. "I'll be back," Michael said, standing up and making his way down the hallway. "I hope Jackie is just like him," Alisha whispered and I laughed. "Michael said he's a good man who will treat you right, so I'm sure he will be," I said smiling at her.
"Are any of the other Jackson boys single?" Jasmine asked and we all laughed. "Randy, but...," I trailed off. "What?" she asked, looking between me and Alisha. Alisha shook her head, "He's just...different," I said and she nodded. "Damn," she said and Alisha butted in, "No, she's doing you a favor on that one."
"Smiles, can you come here for a second?" Michael yelled out to me. "Yeah," I said, getting out of the seat, "Be right back."
I made my way to the bedroom, "Close the door," Michael said as I walked in. I closed the door and walked in. "Come here," he said, patting the bed next to him. I sat next to him and kissed his cheek, "What's up?" I asked.
"I got you something today," he said, smiling at me. I smiled, "What is it?" I asked. He went into his pocket and grabbed a Ring pop out of his pocket. I laughed, "You are so cute," I said and he smiled.
"I remember saying you loved the green apple, so I just had to get it," he said with a chuckle. "I do, thank you. This is very sweet," I said, placing my hand over his. He started playing with my fingers, "Look how much bigger my fingers are to yours," he said chuckling.
I looked down at our hands, "I know, but you have nice hands. They're attractive," I said and he laughed. "What?" he asked and I laughed. "Your hands are attractive. I remember telling Alisha about your hands after we first met," I said. "That is so random," he said. "No, it's not! Girls pay attention to guys' hands," I said.
"You have pretty hands," he said, "But I didn't pay them any attention when we first met." I laughed, "Well, thank you. I've always been told my hands and fingers were small," I said. "They are!" he said, "Like, look. The promise ring is too big and that was small to me!"
I laughed, "I know, I only wear a 6 i think," I said. "Really? That's it?" he asked, smiling. "Yeah, why are you smiling?" I asked. "No reason, that's just so small," he said. The clock in the room dinged, signaling it was 5.
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Limited to Pampering in Marriage: Report to Captain, I’m Pregnant.
Having a sweet yet naughty wife at home, she was best at being both bossy and alluring. She could even dominate, submit, and flirt, not to mention acting cute, domineering, or funny. Having said about being smart and playful, a jerk or a slut was no match for her. As the spring breeze blew across 10 miles, the time was just right for us. When she picked up her intellectual, she discovered that everything had changed. Once her feeling of being soft-hearted was abandoned, she found that she was never hurt again. Just as she rolled up her sleeves, getting ready to have a go at something, she realized that an indifferent minister took a liking to her. He expressed affectionately, “You only have to stay put, and I’ll be the scumbag!” She was confused. “What do you mean by staying put?” He cast a sidelong glance at her, replying, “It’s exactly what it means.” _What does it mean by that? I can’t wait to know its real definition!_
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Stigma | KTH ✔
"You changed me into something I never thought I could be. You ignited emotions inside me I never thought I could feel. You're seriously stupid if you think I'd ever let you walk away from me."[COMPLETED]Started: 2017-08-03Ended: 2020-05-09#1 in #Stigma 2019-04-24 (':#14 in #Teendrama 2019-05-11 (':#10 in #Teendrama 2021-04-13 ('':
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A Date with the Drug Dealer ✔️ | For Love & Money Book 2.5
COMPLETE | CAN BE READ AS STANDALONE | NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON! GO REVIEW IT 21-year-old Christina Martell is a good girl, a Christian, and she has only three things she wants in a guy. Somehow, the 25-year-old drug lord, Antonio Cavalli, matches with her on Tinder and meets all of them:1. SPIRITUALLY MATURE"Why does your Tinder profile say that you're spiritually mature?""I have a lot of alcoholic spirits, and all of them are mature." 2. FINANCIALLY SECURE"Who owns the limo you picked me up in?" "I do, sweetheart. I own all of this." 3. TALLER THAN HER WHEN SHE WEARS HEELS"You're six foot five. That's a whole foot taller than me. Holy crap. How is that even humanly possible?"And somehow, the two manage to end up on the run from the FBI, DEA, and the police... just in the span of their first date. Buckle in, readers. It's going to be a wild ride.
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mcyt smutshots
my first ever book. i'll try not to do anyone who isn't comfortable with being sexualized (what ⟟ mean by that is if ⟟ do one where there is someone who doesn't wanna be sexualized then ill delete it if someone tells me)NO MINORS!! THATS ILLEGAL!! IDC IF UR A MINOR OR THAT IM A MINOR!! DONT SHIP THE MINORS!!!⟟ may do fluff? idk. it depends on my mood. if it gets requested then i'll do it. NO ANGST!! ⟟ DONT LIKE ANGST CAUSE IT MAKES ME CRY AND IDK HOW TO WRITE ITsome of these ships may repeat. it's mainly because quite a few people in the Dream SMP aren't comfortable with being shipped. it upsets me but ⟟ choose to follow it cause that rude if ⟟ just don't give a shit. but like ⟟ said before, i'll try my best to make sure that ⟟ only ship people who ARE comfortable with being so.other than all that ⟟ hope you guys enjoy this book! ⟟ wrote like 9 of these stories in one day.
8 151 - In Serial56 Chapters
The Charming Billionaire.
| ZAEEF BOOK I |-UNEDITED- "So destiny huh" he said and I looked away. Destiny. "It was all Allah's plan. Guess my prayers got answered" he said, looking at me as I stared at his blurry reflection in the steel walls. "You prayed for me" I said and he chuckled. "You don't want someone in your life so much until you begin praying for them each day"________Amyrah Saleh liked to think she was an independent young woman with a great big world to explore. Well she was one, no doubt. But with everything she had, she felt something lacked. Kayan Zaeef was the billionaire everyone was fond of. From being nice and friendly to being the most charming person at any event, he brought light to everything. They met by chance, He fell in love by choice. And he was determined to make her feel the same. After all, he was the charming billionaire. Join the fiery Amyrah with the gray eyed charmer, as they take on the unknown journey most like to call love. copyright scopian_16 2017
8 127 - In Serial26 Chapters
Housemate [Taehyung ff]
Taking a shower after class, I was casually shampooing my hair as usual, when the bathroom door from the other side opened.Frozen in my spot, it seemed that the one at the door was frozen too."Excuse me?" Raising my eyebrows questioning as of why he didn't back away and closed the door, I threw a stare at him hoping that he'd realize that he was disturbing my privacy."Y/N?" The guy spoke out my name, and I froze the second time.Huh?How did he know my name?"I'm Taehyung. Remember?" He proceeded introducing himself instead, and flickers of memories started to light up.But this is not the time to reminisce.I'm literally taking a shower.Butt naked.SUMMARY: Y/N finds out that Taehyung is her housemate.WARNING: Might have a bit of too much friends with benefits scenes, but they're legal adults. We'll take their ages to be 23 years old here, okay? Proceed on your own risk.
8 128