《A Night Under A Thousand Stars》Friends
I walked out of my closet, dressed ready for the long night ahead of me.
I was having all of my friends over along with Michael, of course, Janet, Rene, Eddie, Nicole, and a few others. My friends cussed me out over me not telling them about Michael so to make up for it, Michael thought I should have them all over for dinner, drinks, and dancing. They were ecstatic to say the least.
I heard my doorbell chime, so I walked out of my bedroom going down the stairs to answer it. I opened the door to reveal Alisha. "Heyyyy girl," she exclaimed, holding up a bottle of Don Julio 1942. "Heyyyyyy!!" I exclaimed back, hugging her. "I'm so excited for tonight! I know it's going to be fun!" she exclaimed as we walked into the kitchen.
"I know! I'm so excited! Props to Joker for recommending this," I said smiling at the thought of Michael. Alisha smiled at me, "Which reminds me. We have to get him drunk tonight. I need to see Michael Jackson drunk once in my lifetime."
I laughed at her, "Don't hurt my baby," I said, giving her a sad look. We heard clinking of pots and Alisha turned around, "Hi James," she said flirtatiously as she batted her eyelashes at him. "Oh, hey!" he said, smiling at her.
I slapped her arm, "He has a fiancee," I mumbled to her and she rolled her eyes, "So." I laughed more and one by one, everyone started showing up. Of course, Hazel said a few words about me lying to her. We laughed it off though, so it was all good.
Everyone was there but Michael and I didn't know where he was. He called me when he left Neverland but that was over 2 hours ago, so I honestly had no clue.
"Where's Mike?" Janet asked over the music. "I honestly have no idea. He should be here any minute," I answered back. She nodded and started bopping to the music. I walked out of the kitchen to go and call Michael in my bedroom. I called and there was no answer.
I frowned. Where could he be? I heard my front door open and voices greet someone loudly, so I walked back downstairs, heading to the kitchen.
I walked in and saw Michael hugging and greeting everyone. "There she is," Janet said pointing at me and Michael turned around. His eyes lit up at the sight of me making me smile. God, I loved this man.
I smiled at him and opened my arms for him. He sat a bag down on the counter and walked over to me, smiling the whole way. He walked into my arms and hugged me tightly. "Hi baby," he said as he squeezed me. "Hi," I whispered back.
He pulled back and kissed me causing everyone to "aw" at us. We chuckled lightly, pulling out of our own world. I waved everyone off, laughing before I turned back to Michael. "You look handsome," I said, dusting off his shoulders. He waved me off, "I like this look. Love the slacks," he said, raising his eyebrows. I laughed, "You're rubbing off on me."
(Ashley's outfit)
He smiled and placed his lips on mine, "Good," he said as he kissed me. "Hey, hey, hey, none of that tonight lovebirds. Tonight's all about having fun and partying," Eddie called out, joking, causing Michael to pull away from me.
"Smiles and I can go upstairs and have a lot of fun," Michael teased as everyone screamed out. I shied away, shaking my head embarrassed. Michael laughed, "I'm joking, maybe. But, let the fun begin!" Everyone cheered and I turned the music up.
'Tonite' by DJ Quik came on and everyone yelled out "AYE!!!!" Michael grabbed my hand, "Look what I got," he whispered in my ear and pulled me over to the bag he sat down on the counter, "This is why I was late."
He pulled out a bottle of Don Julio 1942. My mouth dropped, "Wow, look at you. Drinking the good stuff. I think I'm rubbing off on you," I said, smirking at him and he nodded at me. I laughed and he put it in the fridge.
"Excuse me," James said trying to get by and Michael and I scooted up, "Oh! Hey Michael," James said nicely, smiling at him. I internally chuckled. Michael still wasn't fond of James. "Hey!" Michael said with a fake smile and I walked away before he could say anything to me. I walked over to Cindy and Alisha and I saw Michael giving me a look. I laughed at him and he shook his head.
The night was going on great and we were all having fun, eating the hors d'oeuvres James prepared, and drinking. At the moment, I was playing bartender making everyone margaritas and tequila sunrises.
"Girl, make mine a little stronger," Hazel teased, passing me her drink back as everyone laughed. I grabbed it and added more tequila, "You better pace yourself or else you'll be spending the night," I said back to her laughing. "That's fine. Look at this big ass house. Hell, I'd even sleep in the backyard," she teased as I handed her her drink back.
"You are a mess," I said, shaking my head. I finished making my tequila sunrise and took a sip. "Mm, try this," I said, handing it to Michael. He sat his margarita down and grabbed mine. I watched as he took a sip, "That's good," he said while taking another sip. "Hey!" I said, trying to grab it out of his hands. He laughed and handed it back.
I finished making everyone's drinks and moved the party to my backyard. "Oh wait, let me turn on the outside speakers," I said, jogging back into the house. I came back outside and saw everyone sitting. I saw an open seat next to Janet and went to sit by her. "Hey sis," she said, nudging into me. I hugged her from the side, "hey sis," I said laughing.
"Ashley!" Michael called and I looked at him, "sit here. Next to me," he said, patting the spot next to him. Janet sucked her teeth, "Mike, you always hog her. It's not fair," she whined and I laughed at them.
Michael laughed and wiggled his finger for me to come to him. I got up and leaned down to whisper in Janet's ear, "You're my favorite Jackson, just don't tell him," I joked and she cheered, sticking her tongue out at Michael.
I sat down next to Michael, crossing my legs over his. He rubbed it affectionately and kissed my cheek. "Let's play some games," Eddie said aloud and we all nodded. "Which one?" I asked.
"Never have I ever!" Alisha yelled out and so everyone agreed. "Okay, Ashley go first," Hazel said I nodded, sitting my drink down. I sat up and put 10 fingers up, "Okay, never have I ever had a one night stand," I said knowing fingers would go down. Everyone sucked their teeth at me and I looked around and saw people putting their fingers down.
I looked at Michael and saw he only had 9 fingers. I scoffed, "You never told me this!" I exclaimed, shocked. Before Michael could say anything, Eddie spoke up, "How does that not surprise you? He can get any girl he wants. Look! He got you! He lucky, man." I laughed and Nicole gave Eddie a look. "Sorry baby," he said, gritting his teeth as everyone laughed.
I playfully squinted my eyes at Michael and he laughed before he kissed my cheek, "I love you," he said laughing and I waved him off, "Whatever mr. one night stand," I joked, "Your turn."
"Okay, um, never have I ever gotten a tattoo." My finger along with Janet's, and Hazel's went down. "Ash, I didn't know you had a tattoo," Janet said and I nodded. "Yep, on the side of my wrist and on the back of my shoulder," I said, showing her my wrist, "I want more but I don't know what."
"Get one that says "Michael's P.Y.T," Cindy said, causing everyone to laugh. "I laughed, "Hey! That's not too bad. What do you say baby?" I asked, turning towards him. He bit his lip, "I like it, but let me pick where."
Everyone laughed and I shook my head. "So, Mr. Jackson isn't as innocent as the world thinks he is," Hazel teased and Michael took a sip of his margarita, "Nope," he answered arrogantly.
"My turn," Cindy said, gaining everyone's attention, "Never have I ever joined the mile high club." Michael and I tried to hide our smiles as we each put a finger down. "OOOOO," everyone yelled out when they saw we put a finger down.
"When?" Hazel asked us and Alisha chimed in, "Yeah when? Because if I was on the plane, y'all nasty." Michael and I laughed, "Back in February when we went to Vegas," I answered and Alisha cheered to herself, "Thank God I didn't go," she said laughing.
"How do y'all do that though? What if there's turbulence?" Cindy asked and we laughed. "It's not as hard as you think," Janet answered and I nodded. "Yeah, it's really not," I added.
"Yeah, and if there's turbulence, it just means you go deeper," Eddie said, dapping up Michael and Michael laughed, nodding. "Go Alisha," Janet said and Alisha sat trying to think of one.
"Oo, I got one. Never have I ever made a sex tape," she said. Janet, Rene, Eddie, and Nicole put their fingers down. "Y'all so nasty," I teased and Janet threw a chip at me. "Like you and Mike wouldn't make one!" Alisha teased and I looked at Michael as we both laughed.
"See! They probably have one, it's just not finished yet!" She teased more. "No! No, we haven't made one, but I'm not opposed to it," I answered and I saw Michael turn to me with an amused face. "Good to know," he said, sipping his drink and I pinched him playfully, making him laugh.
Eddie shook Michael's shoulder, "Thatta boy, Mike. You know what to do, handle yo' business!!" Michael laughed, sipping on his drink more. We finished the game and Cindy won because she was the most innocent out of all of us.
We talked more about any and everything and I kept making everyone drinks, so it was safe to say everyone was feeling good. We even played a round of truth or dare. Of course, my friends were so obsessed with me and Michael, so our dares always consisted of doing something dirty to each other. Janet and Rene got it just as bad as us too.
After a while of just talking, me, Hazel, and Cindy went inside to grab shots for everyone. "I love shots," Cindy said, clearly tipsy. I laughed at her as I poured Don Julio into the shot glasses.
"Shots time!" Hazel yelled dancing outside with Cindy as I carried the shots. "Everyone grab one," I said, holding out the platter. We all grabbed our shot glasses and I saw Michael smell it and gag a little. I laughed watching him.
"Okay, are we ready? Shot glasses up!" Eddie exclaimed and everyone put their glasses up, "Alcohol may be our worst enemy, but the Bible says love your enemy! Cheers!" he exclaimed as we all laughed, yelling out "CHEERS!"
I downed my shot and took a sip of my tequila sunrise. I watched Michael slowly taking his shot. I went up to him and tipped the glass up, making him down. He downed it and cringed, quickly taking a sip of his margarita. I laughed at him. "EW! I don't know how y'all do that!" he exclaimed in disgust. "You just have to down it. The longer you take it, the worse it'll get," I said, rubbing his arm laughing.
"Yeah, take it from her. I remember one night back in college, this girl took over 20 shots. I lost count after 20!" Hazel exclaimed, making everyone gasp at me. I sucked my teeth at her, "Thanks for just telling all my business," I gritted my teeth at her and she held up her hands in defense.
"Go figure, Michael is dating the wildest, party animal out there and he hates partying," Janet teased, giving me a look. I looked at her laughing knowing she was talking about the night they lost me. "Hey, no!" I defended, "I used to be! I've calmed down a lot actually."
"Yeah, cause you're in love now. You used to be on the same wavelength as me. I miss my partner in crime!" Hazel teased and I gave her a hug, "I am in love, but, I miss our wild nights too Haz." I walked back over to Michael and he smiled at me, grabbing my hand.
"Ashley and Michael are so in love, it's disgusting," Janet teased and both me and Michael scoffed. "Tell me about it. They can't keep their hands off each other," Alisha added and Michael immediately took his hand away from mine, "See!"
"Wow, we see how y'all really feel," Michael said fake hurt, holding his chest. "Shame on you two. Love is a great thing! Janet you have Rene and Alisha, well.." I teased and she scoffed.
"I told you, I'm waiting for Jackie," Alisha pouted, crossing her arms. "Who's Jackie?" Nicole asked, laughing. "My brother," Michael said laughing and everyone busted up.
"You want Jackie?!" Janet questioned, shocked. Alisha nodded and Janet snorted, laughing. "Next family day, invite Alisha," Michael said to me and I looked at Alisha, "Look at that! You'll get to meet him!"
Alisha stopped pouting and smiled, "Thank you, Michael." Michael nodded and Eddie spoke up. "Going back to what Ashley was saying though, love is a beautiful thing. I have never been so happy in my life than with Nicole. My advice to everyone as a married man, marry your best friend," he said, smiling at her. We awed at them and they kissed.
Eddie pointed to Mike, "When you gonna put a ring on that?" he asked gesturing to me. I blushed and looked at Michael. He looked down at me and smiled, "Oh, real soon," he said, leaning down to kiss me. I smiled, kissing him back.
"I wish I was in love," Hazel mumbled to Cindy and she nodded agreeing. "Can I be a bridesmaid?" Cindy asked and Janet butted in, "Oo, me too please!"
I laughed, "Absolutely."
"More shots, because I'm not in love right now and this convo is gonna make me go call my ex," Hazel said, making us all laugh, "Come on Cindy, help me."
Cindy and Hazel went to make more shots. Michael sat down in the chair in front us, grabbing my hand and making me sit on his lap. "You having fun?" I asked him and he smiled, nodding at me. "I am. I think I'm feeling these margaritas too," he answered. I chuckled at him, "Oh no. Want me to get you some water? It'll help," I said, getting up out of his lap, but he pulled me back down.
"No, I'm having fun," he said and I nodded, "Okay, but if you start feeling sick let me know. I'll help you sober up," I said, a little concerned. He shook his head, "I won't need help with that, but you can help with something else later on tonight in the bedroom," he said, smirking.
"Oh really?" I asked licking my lips. I watched as he watched my lips, "Mhm," he hummed, placing his lips on mine. I kissed him back until we heard someone clear their throat. We pulled back and saw everyone looking at us. "Oops," I said, getting off his lap to grab a shot for the both of us.
Everyone shook their heads at us as we laughed embarrassingly. "Shots up!" Janet yelled and we lifted our glasses once more. We all downed our shots and I noticed it got easier for Michael.
As everyone finished their shot, 'I Wanna Be Down' by Brandy came on causing all the girls to dance. I started dancing with Janet as the men watched us, laughing.
Janet and I sang to each other, spinning and twirling. The other girls joined our circle and we all danced around. By the time the second chorus came on I danced away from the girls and over to Michael. He smiled at me, watching me. I leaned down, "Dance with me," I said and he downed his drink, grabbing my hand. Michael and I danced together as did all the couples. Cindy, Hazel, and Alisha danced with each other.
We ended up dancing for the next few songs as laughter filled the air. Eddie even challenged Michael to a dance battle during 'Be Happy' by Mary J. Blige. Michael won of course, but it was still a funny sight to see. Especially at the end when Eddie was out of breath and sweating while Michael looked like he could've kept going for the rest of the night.
Hazel taught Michael how to do the tootsee roll too when the song came on. That had to be my favorite moment of the night. It was so funny, I had to grab my video recorder to tape it.
The music slowed down when 'Joy' by Blackstreet came on. Michael grabbed my hand and danced with me while singing all of the words to me. I felt like my heart could melt.
As the song went off, Nicole asked Michael a question. "That's a beautiful song. You wrote that Mike?" Michael smiled at me and nodded, "Yeah, I did."
"Aw, I wonder who the inspiration was," Janet teased and Michael pulled me into him, "The love of my life, of course."
I smiled at him and hugged him, "Love you," I said, kissing his cheek. "I love you," Michael said, smiling at me and everyone awed. "Date a songwriter, got it," Hazel said, faking like she was writing in a notebook.
"Definitely," I said pointing at her. We took more shots and it was safe to say a few people were definitely spending the night. "Baby," Michael whispered in my ear and I turned to him, "The people who are staying, give them rooms downstairs." I chuckled, "Why?" I asked. He hugged into me and whispered, "Because. Unless you want everyone to hear you," he slurred and I laughed loudly.
"Hey, no secrets," Alisha said and we turned to the group. "You don't want me to repeat what he just told me," I said looking at her. "GROSS!" Everyone yelled and we laughed.
As we continued to drink, we took pictures capturing moments of this night. We got a lot of cute ones too. One even of Michael dancing on me during 'Knockin' Da Boots.'
After eating a little bit of food, we all sat around talking, telling each other stories. Somehow we got on the topic of body shots. "Wait, what's a body shot?" Michael asked. Hazel, Alisha, and I gasped at him. "You've never done a body shot?" I asked, stunned. He shook his head, "No."
"Body shots!" Hazel yelled and I got off of Michael's lap, grabbing his hand and leading him into the house. "Come on everybody. All the couples are doing this," Alisha said as everyone followed.
Everyone gathered around the island in the kitchen. "Okay, so to those who don't know what a body shot is, it's when you take a shot off someone's body and you can all guess, yes we are doing this."
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