《A Night Under A Thousand Stars》Tour Fun


I had just come back to tour with Michael after a week and a half of being gone for modeling. Luckily, I hadn't lost any deals or modeling gigs from the whole situation.

It was late when I got into Japan, so I didn't expect to see Michael till tomorrow. We were staying at the Disney Resort Hotel of course and I knew being on tour at Disneyland and having Frank and Eddie Cascio with him was tiring him out. I ended up taking a quick shower and changing into a white tank top with black sweatpants and white Nike socks.

As I laid in bed, turning on some Japanese soap opera there was a knock at my hotel room door. I frowned as I walked to the door. I looked through the peephole and someone was covering it with their finger.

"Who is it?" I called out and in a fake woman's voice I heard, "Room service!" I chuckled to myself and rolled my eyes. I heard giggling behind the door and I opened it. It was Michael, Frank, and Eddie.

"What do y'all want?" I asked, folding my arms and rolling my eyes playfully. "We're here to see you! We have an adventure to go on!" Eddie said as Frank punched him. "Keep your voice down!" he hissed.

"Are you going to let us in?" Michael asked, looking at me and I moved back to let them in. As they walked in, I observed them dressed in all black. "What are y'all up to?" I said, frowning slightly. Frank and Eddie jumped up excitedly anxious to tell me. I looked at Michael, "What did you tell them?"

He nudged them, smiling playfully at me. "Okay, Smiles," Frank started dramatically, "We found out that after the park closes at Disneyland, they still run the rides to make sure they're ready for operation for the next day!"

I eyed them all, "Okay? What does that have to do with us?" They all smiled at me and it clicked. "No," I said, putting my hands up. "Oh yes," Michael said, grabbing my hands and pulling me into him. "We're sneaking into Disneyland!" Eddie yelled.

After minutes of protesting against 3 young boys, yes that includes Michael, they were dragging me outside. "Okay, I'm gonna help everyone get over the fence," Michael said cupping his hands. I looked at him and I could tell he was loving this. I smiled though because he needed this.

"Smiles help me," Michael hissed as we helped Frank and Eddie jump over the fence. "We made it!" They yelled quietly. Michael looked at me and smirked, "You're next. Let's go."

As he helped push me up by my feet, I mumbled, "I can't believe I let y'all talk me into this." Just as I said that I felt Michael slap my ass as I went to place my leg over the fence. "Hey!" I hissed laughing and he smiled up at me.

After Michael got over, we walked around looking for a ride in the dark. It was creepy. The music was still playing but no one was in sight. "Michael look! Peter Pan!" Eddie said. Michael grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the ride and soon enough we hopped onto one of the ships.

As we went through the ride flying, we saw the animatron of Wendy and before I knew it Michael hopped off the ride. "Michael!" I hissed as Frank and Eddie laughed and then joined him. "What are y'all doing!?" I exclaimed as I started moving away from them. "Get off!" Michael yelled laughing and so I did. I dodged the carts and walked over to them. Michael had Wendy's dress lifted up and they were signing her legs giggling. "Your turn," Frank said, handing me the marker. I ended up signing it and I felt so rebellious I loved it.


Our next ride was Pirates of the Caribbean and as we went through the ride I got creeped out at how real they looked. "What if some of these people are real?" I asked leaning into Michael. He chuckled and kissed my cheek as Frank and Eddie sat in front of us watching the ride. "Okay, listen up," Michael said as we all looked at him. "The exhibit where Jack Sparrow is sitting on top of all the gold treasure. Everyone gets off." I smiled excitedly, ready for this.

We all climbed off and Eddie started snapping pics of us as we stole fake gold coins and necklaces from his treasure. We all laughed as we did so. This was a lot of fun. "Ashley kiss me!" Michael said, puckering his lips in front of Jack Sparrow. I giggled and kissed him as Eddie snapped a photo.

I laughed as I watched Michael, Frank, and Eddie play sword fight quoting the movie. We lost track of time before Frank spoke up. "Uh, guys, there's no boats."

Michael and I looked and saw that the last boat was floating by and so I yelled, "RUN!!" We all ran on the exhibit trying to catch the boat. "JUMP!" Michael yelled and Frank and Eddie jumped in first making it. Next, I jumped in the boat and Michael only had seconds left before the boat would be too far away.

"MICHAEL JUMP!" We all yelled and Michael hesitated, scared almost. He jumped and one leg landed in the boat as the other landed in the water and he fell out. Frank, Eddie, and I busted up laughing as Michael was in the water waist deep trying to run towards the boat. "YOUR HAT!" I yelled and Michael grabbed it and poured out the water.

We pulled him into the boat all laughing. That was our last ride and we snuck back out of the park with Michael leaving a water trail. I laughed at him. "Shut up," he mumbled as we walked back to the rooms. "Let's go to Ashley's room," Frank said and so we did.

The boys laid in the other bed as Michael and I sat on the other one. We watched a movie and during the movie Michael tapped me. "Look," he said pointing. Frank and Eddie were knocked out. I laughed and turned back to him to be met with his face in mine.

He smiled at me as our noses touched and he leaned in and kissed me deeply before we laid down and fell asleep. This was definitely a night to remember.

"Ashley! Hurry up," Frank moaned as we waited for Ashley to finish getting ready. We were going to this dinner party on a rooftop. I threw the remote at him. "Be patient," I said laughing.

"Geez, I'm ready Frank," Ashley saw emerging from the bathroom going into the bedroom and all of our mouths dropped even though she was dressed as she considered "casual.". She looked amazing. I looked at Frank and Eddie and they were in a trance. "Hey!" I yelled laughing, throwing pillows at them, causing them to look at me. "She's so hot," Frank whispered and Eddie agreed, adding, "So hot."

(Ashley's Outfit)

"Eyes off! You two are too young to even think of her that way!" I responded laughing. Frank came over and patted my shoulder, "I know when a girl is hot, Applehead. Trust me. I'm not called a womanizer for nothing," he said smirking. I hit him with another pillow. "Shut up! You wouldn't even know what to do with her!" I teased back.


'I would!" Eddie yelled. Frank and I gave Eddie a look before we busted up laughing. Ashley came into the living room and smiled at us, oblivious to what we were just talking about, "Ready?" We all nodded and Frank and Eddie both ran up to her holding out their arms for her to take.

She laughed and hooked arms with them as we walked out of her room. "Sorry, Jackson," she teased looking back at me. I shook my head watching her walk.

We arrived at the rooftop restaurant and there were quite a few people there. This was a friend of mine's get together, but I wasn't expecting this many people. As people saw Ashley and I walk in, all heads turned to us as they always did.

"Do you know all of these people," Ashley said through her smile. "Nope," I said looking around, thankful for my aviators. "Michael! You made it!" my friend Santiago said as he pulled me into a hug. "Yeah! I brought some friends if you don't mind," I said, gesturing to Frank, Eddie, and Ashley. They smiled and waved.

"No! The more, the merrier! Come, let me introduce you to some people!" Santiago said as he pulled us towards some of his business partners and his family.

After an hour or so, I had finally got away from Santiago and I went to look for Frank, Eddie, and Ashley who walked off a while back. I spotted them by the waterfall. Frank and Eddie were sitting talking and drinking water with Ashley next to them. She had a wine glass in her hand. "There he is!" Eddie said as I smiled at them and sat next to Ashley. "Yeah, thanks for leaving me," I said, giving them all a look.

"Oops," Frank said as Ashley turned away pursing her lips. "I apologize! I had to greet some people, but I'm back now," a young, Argentinian man said as he came and stood in front of Ashley. He turned and saw me as I stared at him behind my ray bans. "Hello," he greeted, bowing his head. I gave him a tight lip smile and nodded my head.

"Need a refill?" he asked Ashley, offering his hand. "Sure, yeah," Ashley said as she took his hand. I watched them walk away with fire in my eyes. As they walked to the bar, I scooted closer to Frank and Eddie, "Who the hell is that?"

"Nicolas," Frank answered, smirking, "He's been keeping Ashley company while you were busy with your friend." I snapped my head towards him. "What?"

"Yeah, he's been flirting with her and everything," Eddie added. Oh hell no. I swear, Ashley and I could never go somewhere without some man hitting on her. It was to the point where I wanted to lock her up and keep her to myself.

I looked back to Ashley and she was blushing? I blew out a breath and stood up making my way towards them. "Ashley," I said, interrupting their chat, "I need to talk to you." She looked at me and smirked. This girl, always playing games.

She raised her eyebrows for me to continue but I turned to Nicolas, "Alone," I said with a condescending look. He excused himself and I watched him walk away until I heard Ashley chuckle. "Are you seriously flirting with other men?"

"No. I'm just having fun, Michael," she said, trying to act innocent. "Very funny," I said sarcastically, "We're leaving." She laughed, "I'm just joking, but okay let's go."

I grabbed her hand, but she pulled away, "Wait," she said as she chugged the rest of her wine. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Alcoholic," I said joking. "Shut up, applehead!"

"I wish you could come! We had so much fun last week! It was great to get away from you know who," Mariah said over the phone, whispering the last part.

I chuckled at her. Mariah and I hung out when I was in New York a week ago for a fashion show. She invited me to her house and we rode ATVs and played in the snow. It was a lot of fun besides Tommy watching Mariah and I like a hawk. I felt for her. She was young and impressionable so she just puts up with being controlled but I know she wished for a life of freedom where she can be herself, she told me so. She reminds me of me in a way.

"I know! I'll come save you one day. When you're in LA, you can come to my house and that way we won't have to worry about him."

"Sounds good. We can go to the club," Mariah said laughing. I laughed with her, "Yeah, I'll show you how we do it on the West Side."

As Mariah and I continued to talk, I heard my hotel door beep and in walked Michael with a smile and a small bag in his hand. I smiled at him. He smiled back, "Who are you talking to?"

I mouthed, "Mariah," and he nodded. He pointed to the bathroom and I slightly frowned and nodded. I didn't know what he was up to.

Mariah was telling me about her upcoming televised performance in Massachusetts as I heard banging and clunking in the bathroom. "Uh huh," I said to Mariah as I stood up frowning. What was Michael doing in there? I went up to the door and knocked before I twisted the doorknob.

Michael caught the door and put his head through the crack. "What are you doing?" I mouthed and he smiled. "Just be patient. Go back in the room and I'll come get you," he whispered. I turned around confused and I felt him smack my ass. I turned around and glared at him and he chuckled at me.

I continued to talk to Mariah before Michael came out and closed the bathroom door. He smiled and leaned against the door. I looked at him weird because he was acting mischievous. He slowly walked over and sat on the bed next to me. He ran his hand across my lower back and kissed my cheek, making me smile.

He trailed kisses from my cheek to my lips and pecked my lips softly. I looked him in the eyes and he looked like he was up to something. He smiled leaning into my neck placing soft kisses.

I held his head as I tried focusing on my conversation with Mariah, but I couldn't with Michael kissing all over me. He kissed my ear and whispered, "hang up."

I pulled away from him, standing up and he smiled at me. "Hang up," he repeated. "Ash, are you even listening to me?" Mariah said in my ear as I stared at Michael who was biting his lip looking at me. "Huh? Yeah, yeah I am," I said flustered.

Michael chuckled and Mariah spoke again, "Sure you are. What are you doing?" I looked away from Michael and turned towards the windows, "Listening. To you," I said chuckling.

"Don't lie to me," she said laughing. "I'm not!" I said laughing with her. "Mhm," she murmured. I heard Michael get up from the bed and I turned back to him. He was approaching me and I pointed at him, "I was, but I gotta go. I have business to take care of."

"What kind of business?" Mariah questioned sarcastically. "Business!" I said laughing. "What business? Michael Jackson?" I laughed louder, "No," I said, not sounding too convincing. "Whatever, call me later. Have fun with your business," she said smartly before she hung up.

I looked at Michael, "What are you up to?" I said as I placed the phone back on the receiver. He smirked and walked up to me, taking me in his arms. "I got something for you," he said, leading me to the bathroom door. I squinted my eyes at him and he laughed.

"Where is Frank and Eddie?" I asked. "They're out shopping with Wayne, but let's not talk about that. Just relax."

He slowly opened the bathroom door and I walked in and I gasped at the sight. Michael filled the jacuzzi tub with bubbles and roses with champagne next to the tub. There were candles lit in the bathroom to lighten the room and rose petals all over the floor. "Michael," I whispered and he smiled at me.

He walked up to me and slowly unbuttoned my jeans and started to undress me. He led me over to the tub and helped me in. I chuckled up at him as he started to undress. He climbed in on the opposite side and handed me a champagne flute.

I sunk my body in, taking a sip of champagne and smirked at him as he watched me attentively. "What did I do to deserve this?" I said, still smirking at him. "Just being you and being there for me," he said softly. I smiled at him and he sat up and leaned over to give me a soft kiss.

He pulled back and leaned back against the tub. "Well, I feel special," I said, playing with the bubbles. "You are special. Special to me," he said while playing footsies with me. Michael and I talked as we relaxed in the bathtub. "So," Michael started and I smiled at him.

"I want to get your opinion on marriage and family," he said, smiling at me. My eyes widened and I chuckled, "In what sense?"

"Like, do you want to get married? Have kids? If so, how many? That kind of thing." I exhaled and started, "Okay. I do want to get married for sure. I want to be married to the love of my life and be happy. I want longevity and I want it to be a strong partnership. I want us to tell everything to each other and even though we're married, I still want to feel like I'm dating. I want date nights and everything." Michael smiled and nodded, "continue," he said.

"I want kids, if I have all of that. Without a doubt. I don't know how many, but I'd like a pretty big family since I come from one." Michael smiled even more. "You'd make a great mom," he said smiling at me. "I'd hope so," I said, playing with the bubbles, "What about you?"

Michael took a deep breath, "I want to get married. To the love of my life as well. I want to be happy as well and I want a strong union. It'd be tough being married to me," he said winking at me, "I definitely want kids. I wouldn't feel complete without having them. I want a lot about 18," he said laughing. I widened my eyes and laughed, "That's a huge responsibility, Michael."

He shrugged, "That's fine. Me and you could do it." I widened my eyes again, "Me?" He nodded, chuckling. I sipped my champagne and I saw him smiling looking at the bubbles. "What would you do if I asked you to marry me right now? Would you say yes?" he asked, looking at me.

The breath got caught in my throat and I was speechless. "Is this for real?" I asked as my voice came back to me. He shrugged playfully, "Maybe, maybe not." I smiled at him, "Then, maybe, maybe not," I answered back, causing him to laugh.

Michael sat up and grabbed my hand and pulled me against his chest. I laid back and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt his heartbeat against my back and I looked up at him. He smiled back and kissed me passionately.

He pulled back and wrapped his arms around me. We relaxed in the tub for hours just talking about life and any and everything.

Today was a sad day. Today, Frank, Eddie, and I were called into Michael's room by Elizabeth Taylor who just joined the tour. She told us that Michael was being taken to rehab somewhere in London after tonight's show. No one knew besides us and the few members of his entourage.

Frank and Eddie were really sad and so was I, but I was more confused than anything. I was completely oblivious to Michael's drug addiction. Sure, there were a few times when Michael seemed totally out of it, but I never questioned it too much because I didn't want to cause him more stress. I thought it stemmed from the allegation lawsuit and it was just taking a toll on him.

When Liz told us, Michael looked straight at me, wanting to read my reaction. I didn't react like I wanted to because I knew he needed someone to be strong for him because obviously mentally, he wasn't strong enough in the sense he had to turn to painkillers to suppress his pain.

What hurt me the most is that he didn't come to me about it. We always reminded each other of our no judgment zone and he still hadn't come to me. I guess he didn't want me to think of him differently, but I wouldn't have. I would've been there for him.

When they told us and Michael watched me react, I looked between him and Liz with a confused look on my face as he stared at me. Once I locked eyes with him, my face went blank and then I heard Frank and Eddie crying so I turned to comfort them.

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