《A Night Under A Thousand Stars》Black or White


I pulled up to the set of Michael's 'Black or White' music video, or excuse me, "short film" in my black 1991 911 Porsche convertible. I had the top down blasting "'Forever My Lady' by Jodeci.

I stepped out of my car and shielded my eyes from the sun. I grabbed my new Prada sunglasses and my purse and headed inside. I heard Michael's new song blasting throughout the stage and I saw cameras, cameramen, directors, microphones, and crewmen everywhere. I had never seen anything like it.

I tried to spot Michael and there he was sitting in his chair besides John Landis, the director, and they were talking and pointing to the camera screen. I also noticed Mac standing off to the side of them. I walked over and I guess Michael heard my heels clicking against the cement floor because he turned around and locked eyes with me immediately.

Michael and I hadn't seen each other since he came over to my house when we kissed because I was busy with photoshoots for summer collections and fall runway shows and he was crunching hard in the studio since his album was coming out in November. I even missed his birthday, but I sent him some gifts.

I was super excited for his album. Every time we talked he went on and on about it and he wanted me to come by the studio, but I wanted to be shocked like the rest of the world and his fans.

As I walked towards him, I kept my eyes on him and he smiled at me the whole time. At one point John was still talking and he didn't realize Michael wasn't even paying attention until he looked and saw me walking towards them.

When I got close, Michael nearly jumped out of his seat to hug me. "Hi! I've missed you so much!" he exclaimed happily as he hugged me tight. I chuckled in his ear, hugging him back. "I'm so glad you made it!" he said, smiling as we pulled back.

He had asked me to be featured in his Black or White short film awhile back. I was going to be a part of the facial morphing at the end of the video. He wanted me to be the ending girl and so I agreed. Happy to do anything for him.

"I'm glad I can be here!" I said, glancing at him and then turning to John. "Hi! I'm Ashley! It's nice to meet you!" John nudged Michael playfully, "Oh, I know who you are. Between Mac and Michael, I don't know who talks about you more! Pleasure to meet you!" he laughed.

I looked at Michael and laughed as Mac ran over hugging me. "ASHLEY!!!! I've missed you so much!" I laughed even more, hugging him back. "I've missed you too, Mac!" Michael pulled Mac back by his shoulders "Okay, that's enough."

Mac and I laughed. We all caught up talking before Michael had to go shoot some more. And must I point out, Michael looked so good. He had his hair down curly with a plain white tee and some black Levi jeans. He was filming the scene on the treadmill and atop of the Statue of Liberty today.

As we all talked, we heard "Is that Ashley!?!" from our left. We all turned and House, Michael's personal assistant, walked up to us, embracing me in a hug. I laughed thrown off at the embrace but hugged him back.

I heard Michael mumble under his breath, "What's with everyone all over my girl?" I smiled, choosing to ignore his little jealousy. House pulled back and kissed my hand. Michael told me about House's little crush on me and I laughed it off. House was nice and funny, but not my type as far as looks.


As Michael went off to film, Mac told me about all their pranks him and Michael had done to John. Those two together were a mess. They were two peas in a pod and when they were together, pranks were 24/7. "But yeah, Applehead and I have a huge prank tomorrow since we finish up shooting. We're going to get John so good! You should come! You can help us!" Mac said excitedly, jumping up and down.

I nodded and agreed to come. Michael walked back over to us with a cup of orange juice. "Michael! Ashley's going to help us tomorrow for our prank!" Michael smiled at me like a little kid. "Really!?! Oh boy, this is gonna be good!" Michael said to me.

Mac left, leaving me and Michael alone. Michael just stared at me and I shied away. "What" I asked giggling. Michael shook his head, "Nothing. You're just so beautiful and I've missed you." I smiled at him. "I've missed you too,' I said softly. "You look sexy," I added, eyeing him up and down. He smiled at me, "Yeah? You think so?" I nodded, biting my lip and he smiled his tantalizing smile.

"Why don't you come over here and prove it?" he said, raising his eyebrows challenging me. I shook my head giggling and looked away as John approached us. "Michael, stop flirting with her and just kiss her already."

Michael put his tongue between his upper and lower teeth and leaned back in his chair challenging me again. I laughed as John interrupted our stares and teased him saying, "If you don't, I'm sure Mac will or maybe even House." I laughed at John and he spoke again as he grabbed my hand kissing the back of it, "I would, but I'm married." I widened my eyes and chuckled nervously.

Michael glared at John and smacked his hand away and said, "Are you crazy!? Get back!" We all laughed, but I could tell Michael was somewhat serious. John put his hands up in defense. "Michael, I need you though. I want your opinion on this shot," John said as he backed away. Michael nodded and stood up.

Michael turned to me and said, "Go to my trailer. I'll meet you there after this. Bill will show you where." I smirked, "Why?" I asked flirtatiously. He smiled at me and leaned into my ear, "I want you to myself," he said as he kissed my cheek.

I sat there stunned and as he walked away, he turned around over his shoulder and winked at me.

"Smiles! Come follow me!" Bill yelled, waving me over. I got up and walked over to him, hugging him. Bill and I grew very close. Him and Wes also got close. Him and Wes always teased me and Michael saying we acted like two 10 year olds when we were together and needed parental supervision. Bill and I conversed walking to Michael's trailer. I asked him about his family and he asked about mine. "Well, here you are. I'll see you later, Smiles," he said, kissing my forehead. I walked in and Michael's trailer was just as I predicted.

Messy. There were bubble gum wrappers everywhere, like a year's worth of tic tacs, clothes thrown over the couch, makeup out on the vanity, and a brown paper bag filled with stink bombs.

I laughed, shaking my head. That's Michael for ya. I noticed his makeup to cover his vitiligo. Michael had told me about it and he thought I would never want to see him again but I assured him that I would never ever judge him, especially something he couldn't help. Michael was beautiful to me. It didn't matter if he was white, black, or even green, he'd always be the most beautiful man to me. I told him that and I swear he hugged me and didn't let go for 5 minutes.


A few minutes later, Michael walked in his trailer and his eyes immediately landed on me. He locked the door and strolled over to me as I smiled. I crossed my leg over and sat up folding my arms. He sat down right next to me and just smiled at me.

I chuckled looking at him. "How have you been?" he asked softly. "I'm good," I said nodding my head, "I've been busy with modeling but I have a break finally. Excited for these next months. You?"

"Fine. I've been in the studio all day and night. Excited for the release of 'Dangerous' though." I nodded at him. "I'm really good now since you're here." I blushed at him. He always knew just what to say to get me to blush.

He asked me about my shows, which I gladly told him about. It got silent for a bit and I looked back down at my nails as he stared at me again. "You always stare at me!" I squealed, embarrassed. "It's because I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world. No one could ever compare to you," he said in what sounded like astonishment. I looked back at him and he looked down at my lips. Slowly, he leaned in and kissed me with a gentle peck. As he pulled back, I smiled at him.

I licked my lips and I tasted orange tic tacs from him. "You taste like tic tacs," I said laughing. He laughed back, gesturing to all the cases of tic tacs he had. "Can I have one?" I asked. He went in his pocket to grab me one, and he stopped, looked at me, and took his hand out.

I looked at him with a 'what are you doing' face and he bit his lip. "Go in my pocket and grab one." I shook my head and slowly raised my hand to go in his pocket. Since he wanted to play, I decided to play even harder. I "accidentally" brushed my hand over his private area and I looked up at him as he winced and bit his lip hard looking at me. I grabbed one out of his pocket and as I popped it in my mouth, he watched me with pure lust.

The sexual tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Before I knew it, Michael's lips were on my again but with more passion. The kiss became intense and I ended up laying back on the couch and he crawled on top of me. Slowly his tongue snaked into my mouth fighting for dominance that I gave him.

My hands were in his silky curls as his started to roam my body. We pulled away when we heard a knock at the door. "Hold on," Michael said in his deep voice as he still layed on top of me looking at the door. He turned back to me and smiled. I smiled back and he gave me one last peck before he got off fixing his shirt and hair. I sat up and readjusted my shirt and hair as he sat down in his vanity chair so no one would expect anything. I wiped my mouth with my thumb as he did the same.

"Come in," Michael said as he cleared his throat. John walked in and pointed at me, "We're ready for you," he said with a smile. I smiled and stood up as did Michael. I walked out behind John and Michael followed close behind. As we walked back to the stage, John asked me about my career, slightly flirting. Michael walked next to me and I felt his fingers gently stroke mine. He then grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked.

The rest of the day went great and I successfully filmed my quick 5 second part. I left shortly after. Michael begged me to come to set tomorrow earlier than the time Mac gave me for the prank and of course I gave in.

I was in my trailer getting ready for my last day of shooting for the Black or White short film. I talked to Mac as Karen did my hair. We were planning our prank. It had to be perfect. John was giving me a hard time on set. He always had since the Thriller short film. I had to get him back for it and because he was flirting a little too much with Smiles for my liking.

I couldn't wait for her to arrive on set today. Mac was excited too. Even House was excited. I wasn't shocked at all these men wanting her. I mean look at her. She's perfect to me; Her and my mother.

20 minutes later, I got dressed in a lime green long sleeve button and some black Levi's. I had to shoot my scene with Mac, my niece Brandi, and a couple of other kids for the rap scene today.

We headed to set and started shooting. It was one of the funnest parts of the shoot, shooting with all of the kids. In between takes, I heard the door close and saw Ashley walk in looking around for me.

Her eyes found mine and she smiled brightly. She looked stunning as always. She was dressed more laid back today. She wore an oversized black 'Victory Tour' t-shirt with some Levi jeans and some black and white high top Jordan 1s. I smiled at her choice of shirt.

As she approached us, all of the kids ran towards her hugging her. "Hi! Hi! Hi!" she said as they all hugged her. Her face lit up. I loved seeing her with kids. It seemed so natural and you could tell she genuinely liked being with kids. As I was in a daze watching her, I realized Mac kissed her cheek. "Mac! What are you doing?" I yelled laughing at him with the sunglasses and knuckle rings still on.

"She's my girlfriend Michael. I'm just greeting her," he said in a 'duh' tone. Ashley laughed loudly and hugged him as I shook my head. Ashley finished saying hi to everyone and she started making her way towards but she was stopped by House.

He was whispering in her ear making her chuckle and widen her eyes at me. She finally got away from him and started making her way towards me again to be stopped by John who hugged her. I couldn't believe this! Couldn't they see she was her for ME! Not them!

Finally she made it to me and breathed out, "Finally!" she said laughing. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. "Hi you," I said, pulling back. "Hey yourself! Last day huh?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's bittersweet. Like your shirt by the way," I said, smirking at her shirt. "I knew you would," she said smirking, "I got it when I saw you guys in LA in '84! I got it oversized just so I could wear it when I was older." My mouth dropped. "You didn't tell me you went to the Victory Tour!!!" I said with my mouth still open.

"I didn't??? Well, now you know! I went when I was like 15! I was in the fifth row too! I have pictures and everything. I'll have to show you. My parents have them!"

"I'll hold you to that!" I said back to her. We went back to shooting and Ashley watched from my chair next to John. We wrapped up and John called me over as I saw Mac whisper in Ashley's ear. I knew they were getting ready for the prank when he pulled her away.

I found Ashley, Mac, and all of the other kids set for the prank. Mac and I rehearsed. "So, he's gonna hit John with the first pie," I said as I sat down at the table. "And I'm gonna go, John, John," Mac interrupted.

"Right and when John turns around, he'll hit him and then everyone can." I looked at Ashley's excited face and winked at her.

About 20 minutes later, John walked over already skeptical as we cheered and clapped him on. I grabbed his shoulders and walked him over to the table filled with pies, whip cream, and cake. "Where's Mac?" he asked, looking around, "He's very dangerous to me."

I tried to hide my smile as I began to talk, "In appreciation of working on the 'Black or White' short film," I said as Mac ran up with a pie in his hand, hiding behind John, "We'd like to say thank you and we love you and we think you did a wonderful,"

"And John! John!" Mac interrupted as John said "What Mac," taking off his glasses and pouting. As John turned around, Mac hit smack in the face with a pie as I screamed.

Before I knew it whip cream was and pies were going everywhere. I was getting hit and I laughed as John's face was covered in pie trying to grab a pie to throw back at Mac. I grabbed a whip cream can and started spraying John.

My niece, Brandi, started throwing pies at me making it go all over me and I screamed and ran to the other side, jumping up and down. It got hectic, but it was so much fun. I loved it! I lived for moments like this!

John started to walk away from the ambush in search of me and we ended up bumping heads because we couldn't see. "Wait! Wait! Stop!!" I yelled as John yelled out "Ouch!"

The fire ceased and we all laughed as crew members laughed with us and handed us towels to wipe off our faces. Mac came up to us and John said, "Alright. You two got me!" and we high fived and then we all hugged.

We took a few pictures and I looked around for Ashley. Where was she? She was by the table when I sat John down, but I didn't see her through the pie throwing. I scanned the room and she was laughing off to the side with House.

"Mac! Get over here!" I said. He ran over and I pointed to Ashley who was talking to Brandi now. "Wha...what? Why isn't she dirty?" Mac asked and I smirked at him. We both knew what to do. We slowly crept up on her as she still talked to Brandi. When she saw us coming, she looked up and her eyes widened. She started backing away and shaking her head. Mac and I looked at each other and ran towards her. "NO!! No, no! Please!" she said starting to run. We tackled her in a hug and got whip cream and pie all over her and I purposely took my hand and wiped some on her nose.

As we let her go, she pouted. "Michael!!!!" she whined as Mac and I laughed. "My clothes are ruined!!!"

"They're not that bad," I said back laughing. She playfully punched me and turned to Mac. "Mac, we're not dating anymore." He frowned and hugged her again. "No! No! Michael made me do it!" he yelled out. She whipped her head towards me and put her fist up, "I'm gonna get you! When you least expect it to!!"

We took some pictures with Ashley now all covered in whip cream. We all cleaned up the best we could. We all started packing up and all the kids had been picked up except Brandi. She was coming with me to Hayvenhurst.

Ashley and I slowly walked out of my trailer heading for the cars. I held her hand as we walked and she looked up at me. "What are you up to tonight?" I asked. "Oh! I'm actually going out tonight! There's a new club my friends and I all wanna go check out."

I nodded. "Any guys gonna be there?" I asked, looking down at my feet. I heard her laugh. "Why? You jealous?" she asked as she smirked up at me. "Maybe," I responded truthfully.

She stopped walking as we approached the cars. She stepped in front of me as she grabbed my other hand too. "You have no reason to be. Trust me," she said, smiling up at me. I nodded and squeezed her hands letting her go. "I'll call you tomorrow. Maybe we can plan something?"

She nodded happily, "Yeah! Make sure you do!" She dropped my hands and she kissed me softly before getting in her Porsche and starting it up. She winked at me before she took off and I hopped in my SUV with my niece.

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