《A Night Under A Thousand Stars》The After Party


"Nice to meet you, Ashley," Michael whispered alluringly. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Jackson," I said back with a lip bite. I didn't realize he was still holding onto my hand until I felt a gentle squeeze when he smiled at me. I looked down at our hands that were still grasped together when he looked down as well. He blushed. You can tell he was a little embarrassed, but I didn't mind him holding my hand at all.

His hand was so much larger than mine. It fit on top of my hand like a glove, but it was so soft. It felt like a warm cloud, compared to my constant cold hands. Anemic problems. As he reluctantly pulled his hand away from mine, he purposely touched all of my fingers.

I couldn't believe it! Michael Jackson was flirting with me! More importantly, I hadn't fainted. I always thought I'd faint if I ever met him, but nope! Here I was, welcoming his flirty behavior. "I'll check on you guys later," Karl said as he patted my back and walked away.

"Here's your orange juice, Mr. Jackson," a blonde server said, smiling seductively at him. I widened my eyes, chuckling a bit at her advance on Michael. Michael looked at my face and smiled shyly. "Thank you," he said to her, but he turned towards me, watching me as he took a sip.

"Would you like a drink?" Michael asked me. "Uh, yeah sure, why not," I smiled at him. "Can I get a rum and coke please," I said sweetly to the blonde server who was staring at Michael. I saw him shift uncomfortably at her stare. "Coming right up."

I turned towards him as he slowly dragged his eyes up my body teasingly, "The hard stuff, huh?" I laughed, "Yeah, long night." He laughed deeply which made me laugh.

The server had brought Ashley her drink and of course she stared at me again before she turned and left. "Wanna go sit by the waterfall?" Ashley asked me innocently. I nodded quickly. As we walked to the sitting area by the waterfall, Ashley asked me like a little kid, "Ooo! Can we stop by the candle table first?" she looked up at me pleadingly as if I'd ever tell her no. "Sure," I chuckled watching her scurry off to the candle table. I walked over next to her and saw her grabbing Godiva chocolates. "You want some?" she asked with her eyes lighting up. I grabbed some packaged skittles and smiled. "Good choice," she laughed.

We walked over to the waterfall and sat down. Boy, I was so nervous to talk to her. I never felt like this before. I didn't know what to say, what to do, nothing! I looked over at her and saw her scooting her black chair closer to me. That made me smile. She downed some of her drink and smiled at me.

"So, Michael Jackson, tell me about yourself. Tell me something I don't know though. I'm a huge fan so I know a lot. Maybe more than you do," she laughed. "Oh boy," I said, scratching my head out of habit. "Putting me on the spot here," I chuckled shyly.

Or you can do the robot for me like on the Carol Burnett Show. Your pick," she winked. "Oh, I am definitely not doing that!" I exclaimed. "So, he's shy. I like it. Me too," she teased, bumping into me.


"Let's talk about you," I said, trying to learn more about her, "You seem more interesting." She downed some more of her drink, "Okay. Ask away. Have at it," she smiled widely. I drank some of my orange juice and cleared my throat, "So, Ashley Richmond, where are you from?"

"I'm from SoCal. Specifically, the suburbs east of LA. As of right now though, I live in Beverly Hills," she said with a smile. "Okay, okay, wh--" "Let's play 21 questions, that's better," she interrupted gently. "Okay," I said back. "What's your favorite color?" I asked. "Black. What's the wildest thing you've ever done?" she asked mischievously. "You don't hold back," I laughed, "Skinny dipped with Jane Fonda," I said with a sly smirk. "WHAT!?" she screamed. "What's your favorite movie," I asked, laughing at her shocked face.

She whistled to a server, "Another rum and coke please," she said. "Anything for you sir? More orange juice?" "Yes pl--" "He'll take a rum and coke as well and just keep em' coming," she said, motioning her hand. I turned to her laughing. "Imma get you real loose tonight," she told me smiling, patting my knee, "And we will be coming back to this Jane Fonda skinny dipping story."

"And to answer your question, my favorite movie is a tie between 'Cinderella' and 'Peter Pan.' I raised my eyebrows in astonishment. Peter Pan was my favorite movie.

"What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?" she pondered with her fingers under her chin, squinting at me. I cracked up laughing, "Um, wow. I don't know. Probably the dream when I was trying to go to sleep but a crazed fan had somehow snuck into my room and she handcuffed me to the bed." Ashley died of laughter, so I laughed, "I woke up so scared. It felt so real. I don't know what she was gonna do to me," I said with a smirk. "Oh, I have an idea," she said laughing.

*40 minutes and a few stories later....*

"Okay, last question for me," she said. I bit my lip and smiled, "Who's your celebrity crush?" By this point her and I were feeling good and we were sitting extremely close to one other. I could feel her breath on my face when she laughed and I'm sure vice versa. Oh, and I actually took a liking to the rum and coke as well.

She snorted and turned away, I laughed at her and placed my hand on her right leg that was crossed over her left. Our touch felt magnetic. I could feel goosebumps rise on her leg. She turned back to me and looked at my hand on her leg. I looked down, feeling embarrassed and went to move it. I stopped when she grasped my hand on top of her leg and held it as she looked deeply into my eyes. Her brown eyes boring into mine. She looked at me with so much adoration. I never felt so desired in my life. "You," she whispered. I smiled at her. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I was fighting the urge to just grab her face and kiss her, but I'm too afraid of how she'd react.

She cleared her throat, still clutching my hand and spoke, "What's the wildest thing you've ever done to get someone's attention?"

I looked down at our hands and looked back up at her biting my lip, "Flew to Paris."


I looked at Michael who was biting his lip. Flew to Paris? I'm at a total loss for words. My heart swelled hearing him say that. I wish I could just kiss him right now. I'm too afraid, plus I can't.

I grabbed his hand and stood up walking towards a secret spot at the Paris chateau. Karl showed me it a couple months ago. We called it, "vue de la ville," French for "city view." It was a secret between him and I, but I wanted to show Michael. I felt like I needed to show him. It was my way of telling him in so many ways, I trust him even though we had just met tonight.

"Where are we going?" Michael asked with a confused face. I turned and faced him still walking, "Just trust me. You're gonna love it," I reassured with a smile. He smiled back at me and grabbed my hand tighter.

We walked through the grass and hedges and before we reached the spot, I stopped walking and turned around towards Michael. "Close your eyes." "Okay," he said quickly. I was shocked he didn't have any hesitation. I let go of his hand and instantly, my hand became cold without his warmth. I walked behind him and placed my hands softly on his back, pushing him forward. He giggled causing me too. "Okay, open your eyes in 1...2...3..."

"Wow," Michael said. I just stood there watching him admire the beautiful city of Paris with a view of the Eiffel Tower from the cliff we were standing on.

"I know right. That's exactly what I said when I first came here." He turned to me and smiled widely.

I looked back out to the city lights and city traffic below us, "Isn't it gorgeous?" I asked in amazement. He was looking towards me, admiring me from the side and said, "It's gorgeous alright. Especially from my point of view." He smiled at me as I walked over closer to him. I intertwined my left hand with his and held onto his arm with my right hand and cuddled in closer looking out towards the city lights once more. I felt Michael turn his head and I felt him breath in my hair. I was content. I was happy. I was calm. He felt like home.

Ashley and I walked back to the party with her still holding onto me and grasping my hand tight. Her touch sent chills to my spine. I never wanted to be touched by another woman again after her.

As we walked back to our seats by the waterfall, laughing as she told me the story about how when she was a little girl, she was so hyper at home and around her family that one night she was running around the house and her dad specifically told her to stop and next thing they heard was "boom!" She ran into the corner of a squared glass table and gave herself a black eye.

"Oh no! That's horrible! What did your dad say?" I was intrigued by this story. "He was not hap--"

"ASHLEY!!! Where the hell have you been all night? One minute, I saw you by the waterfall and then you're gone, nowhere to be found for an hour! Me and Wes have been going crazy!" we heard from a younger, black woman. She was pretty.

She looked at me, then down at our intertwined hands, and back at Ashley smirking. "Michael, meet my personal assistant," Ashley said with a playful look. "Uh uh, you got me messed up. I'm more than that. Tryna show off in front of him," I laughed. "I'm Alisha, Ashley's best friend," she said through gritted teeth, "who also happens to be her personal assistant." Ashley and I laughed.

"Girl, you know I'm playing with you."

"Hi, Alisha. Nice to meet you!" I said as she swooned over me, making me laugh, "See no. You're leaving," Ashley said, pushing Alisha away.

"Oh whatever, I'll see you at the airport?" Alisha questioned. "Yeah, sounds good," Ashley responded while a mixed guy started walking towards us. He reminded me of Bill. "Oh, follow me. This is Wes, the guy I was telling you about!" she exclaimed, pulling me towards him.

After meeting a few people that were a part of her entourage and introducing her to Bill, Ashley got called away by Karl for a few minutes to take some pictures with him and the other models. I stood off to the side watching Ashley pose and laugh with all her friends.

I gazed upon her as she smiled brightly for the cameras. She was so beautiful. There were no words to describe how beautiful she was to me. I was enchanted by her and the fact her personality was even better than I thought made me more enchanted.

"Okay, last one! Funny faces!" the photographer yelled. I laughed as Ashley posed with her eyes closed and a kissy face. She also had bunny ears behind Karl's head. As soon as the flash went off, Ashley chit chatted with a few of her friends, when a guy with black hair and green eyes tapped her. She turned around and screamed, hugging him tightly. My face fell flat and I watched with jealousy as they swayed back and forth. Ashley pulled back and they talked for a minute or so.

As I watched him walk away, I looked back at Ashley who had her head tilting sideways with a bright smile looking at me. I blushed and chuckled a little. She pointed her finger and motioned for me to come to her with her pointer finger.

I shyly walked over when she grabbed me and whispered in my ear, "Let's take a picture." I smirked at her. "You ain't slick. What, you want an autograph too?" I said to her. She shoved me playfully and rolled her eyes. I laughed.

I stood next to her and wrapped my arms around her thin, skinny frame. She smoothed out her hair and posed, turning her head into me as she smiled. A few flashes went off, when I felt her scoot closer. She pressed her cheek into mine and smiled again. "Amazing! Alright you two lovebirds," the photographer said as we blushed, glancing at each other, "Funny one!" I crossed my eyes and smiled as she tilted her head and stuck out her tongue.

"Perfect! One more!" I felt Ashley's small hand grab mine as she stood on her tip toes and kissed my cheek with one leg in the air as I smiled brightly. "Love it!" the photographer said.

Ashley and I retired back to our seats by the waterfall. I still kept a firm grip on her hand. She pulled it away to adjust her outfit as she sat down, but as soon as she sat down in her rightful place that was next to me, I grabbed her hand back.

She squinted at me, making me laugh. "What?" I asked, chuckling.

"I like you, Michael Jackson. I like you a lot," she said, biting her lip, "You're better than I had even imagined. The little girl inside me is screaming with delight."

"So, you still want to marry me and become sister-in-laws with Janet?" I teased. She covered her face in embarrassment. "She told you that?" she shrieked, still covering her face.

I grabbed one of her hands off her face, playing with it. "She is my sister you know."

"Touche, Michael Jackson, touche."

"I'm just teasing. I like you too. Maybe a little too much," I said as I bit my lip.

"I just don't wanna stop," Ashley sang. "Too much, never too much, never too much, never too much," she continued to sing as she poked me in my stomach repeatedly. I laughed at her playfulness.

"You're so corny," I teased. "Oh shut up," she said back laughing. "I was pointing out that you can never like me too much, I mean come on," she laughed gesturing to herself, "look at me!"

I laughed, nodding agreeingly. "I'm just playing. I'm not arrogant." she said shyly.

I was still playing with her hand as it felt so soft and delicate, when she scooted even closer to me, slightly leaning on me. I looked up at her as she looked up at me. We were so close, our noses were almost touching.

We started to lean in, our lips almost brushing against each other as we heard, "Ashley! What are you still doing here? You got a flight to catch baby!" It was Karl. Damn you, Karl. We pulled back, both blushing.

*Insert the Prologue*

As I watched Ashley's car, I walked over to mine unable to wipe the smile off my face. "Ooooh, look at Joker. All loved up," Bill said. I shook my head laughing and climbed in the car ready for the ride back to the hotel, so I could leave tomorrow afternoon.

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