《A Night Under A Thousand Stars》The Late Night Show


"There he is! The King of Pop," Jermaine said teasingly as I walked into Hayvenhurst for our monthly Jackson Family Day. I really didn't feel like doing anything today since it was my only day off in weeks since I've constantly been in the studio for weeks trying to come up with ideas for my new album.

I decided to come, because sometimes being around my family and all my nieces and nephews is exactly what I need for a little escape. And of course, I wanted to see my lovely mother. Mother is perfect to me. I'd give her the world if I could. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for her.

I walked into the kitchen to see my mother with my three sisters, Rebbie, Latoya, and Janet helping her prepare dinner. "Mother!" "Michael! My baby! Come here," mother said earnestly. I walked over and gave her the biggest hug. I missed her so much. While embracing mother, all three of my sisters rolled their eyes and I stuck my tongue out at them jokingly.

"How you've been Michael," mother asked. "Good, busy. I'm in the studio all day and night, but I'm excited for my next album."

"Don't go too hard Michael. I know how you can get," mother said seriously, "But if you're excited, so am I. I can't wait to hear some of it." I smiled. "Grab that pan Michael and bring it outside please."

"Sure, yeah," I responded back. I walked outside with the pan to see the rest of my huge family. "Uncle Mike!!!" my nephews and nieces screamed when they saw me. I quickly placed the pan on the table next to me and crouched down to their level to give them all a group hug.

There was nothing that felt better than to see all their cheesy grins. I couldn't wait to have children of my own one day. I wouldn't feel complete without it.

"Yo Mike! Get over here!" my brother Tito yelled to me. I told my nieces and nephews I'd play with them later and walked over to the fellas. "Hey guys," I said once I approached them. "Joseph," I said nervously. Joseph nodded at me and showed a hint of a smile. "What you been up to little bro?" Marlon asked roughing up my hair like I was so much younger than him. I rolled my eyes playfully and pushed him off of me laughing, "Working, as always."

I took a seat in between Marlon and Jackie and caught up with them for the next few hours joking like old times. I realized I hadn't seen my twin in a while, so I got up and searched for Janet. I spotted her by the waterfall talking to our niece Brandi, Jackie's daughter.

"Dunk!" I yelled when I neared her. She smiled at me and whispered to Brandi who looked at me smiling and ran off yelling, "Hi, Uncle Mike!" when she ran past me. I chuckled, shaking my head sitting down next to Janet. "Dunk! How've you been? Any new music?" I asked. "Maybe, maybe not," she said, smirking. Janet and I had been joking around for a while talking about certain family members when I decided to ask her about the girl who I couldn't seem to get out of my head at times.

"Hey, have you ever heard of Ashley Richmond?" I asked subtly. She smirked at me and said, "Why?"

"Nothing, I just saw her on Entertainment Tonight for her birthday and I remembered her from the Soul Train Awards last year. She seems to be making it big," I shrugged.


"Yeah, I know her. I met her at New York fashion week in '89," Dunk said back to me. "She's sweet. She's real funny too, had me cracking up."

"Really?" I asked thoroughly amused. "What else about her?" I wanted to know as much as possible about her. I needed to piece her together.

"Somebody has a crush," Janet smiled at me teasingly bumping into me. "No, I just want to know more about her," I said. That was only partly true. I did have a crush on her. A huge one. Janet laughed knowing how I truly felt. "That's funny, because she actually has a huge crush on you," Janet said humorously.

WHAT? A crush? On me? "What? No way. Who told you that?" I questioned back. "She did. She partied with us at the after party. She was a little tipsy and she told me how she thought me and her would be sister-in-laws because you and her were gonna get married."

This made me so happy. "Janet, don't play. Are you for real?" "Yes! Where do I get off lying to you about that?" She had a point. "What else did you two talk about?" I asked genuinely curious. "Girl stuff, boys, clubbing, she told me about modeling, and her huge crush on you. That's it really," Dunk shrugged.

I bit my lip thinking about her and frankly, imagining her and I married. Wait, what am I thinking? I don't even know her! It's way too early to be thinking about marriage.

I left Hayvenhurst around 10 PM after playing around with my nieces and nephews and talking to mother for about an hour, and headed towards Neverland.

I headed straight to my office. I had a few things I needed to sort out. One being her. I called my lawyer, John Branca, to call and see if he could get in touch with her people.He told me it was going to be hard since she was a new and upcoming model who probably didn't have a full team around her yet, but I told him to not give up.

We didn't have any luck over the next two months trying to get in touch with Ashley, but my people constantly asked around. I had even asked other celebrities like Eddie Murphy and many others if they had met her. I was going to meet Ashley; one way or another. I was on a mission that I was going to fulfill.

I'm a wreck. I am SO nervous. Tonight was going to be my first live TV appearance on the Arsenio Hall Show. Every celebrity has gone on this show and now, I'm sitting here getting ready to make my debut on the talk show.

As I was sitting in my dressing room with my hairstylist, Marina, curling my hair with curlers for a blowout effect and Kevyn Aucoin, who had become my great friend, doing my makeup, I was snacking on some popcorn to try and calm my nerves.

"Girl, relax, they're going to love you," Alisha said. "Yeah, you have nothing to be worried about, Ash," Kevyn concluded. I took a deep breath and said, "You guys are right. I'm just over exaggerating." I had already talked to Arsenio and he told me that everything was going to go smoothly and that he wouldn't do anything to put me in an uncomfortable situation.

There was a knock on the door and my manager, Cameron, opened the door. "Hi, Ms. Richmond, you're on in 30 minutes. I'll be back in 10 to mic you up," one of the workers said with a smile. "Okay, perfect! Thank you so much!" I said back with a smile. I got up to put lotion on, cause there's no way in hell, i'd go on TV looking ashy. I'm a model and arguably my legs are my most looked at feature.


I looked at my outfit in the vanity mirror and was satisfied with my look. Kevyn did a natural makeup look with falsies and winged eyeliner finished off with an outlined lip look. I chose a small silver nose stud instead of the hoop I had in earlier.

I wore a slim long sleeve turtleneck black bodysuit with a mini white skirt that had a slit on my right thigh. I paired it with some black, platform block boot heels. I had a simple silver diamond necklace on and a silver watch. I wore my grandpa's ring on my right hand that I never took off. He gave it to me before my career really started taking off. He said it symbolized him and my family always with me when I travel across the world for shoots. It made me cry. I love my family.

I also had my diamond band rings on several of my fingers as well. I'm a huge ring girl. I don't go anywhere without rings on.

Marina was undoing the curlers and brushing out my curls for the wave effect. The worker then came in and mic'd up me. I took a few sips of water, brushed down my outfit and followed the guy to the stage.

"And our next guest is breaking barriers and becoming one of the greatest top runway models the world has ever seen, ladies and gentlemen, the gorgeous ASHLEY RICHMOND!!!!" Arsenio yelled.

I turned the corner and the spotlight hit me. I was hit with rounds of applause and cheers. This kind of attention was still very new to me. I was stunned every time. I don't think I'd ever get used to it. I felt so loved everywhere I went.

I smiled so brightly and waved to the audience and blew a few kisses. I walked over to Arsenio who held out his hand to me and helped me over to the white couch. I waved once more before I sat down.

"Welcome, Ashley! I'm so glad to have you on the show!" Arsenio exclaimed enthusiastically. "Oh my gosh, thank you for having me! I am so excited to be here! I've calmed down now that I'm actually out here, but earlier I was a nervous wreck," I laughed.

"Well, that's good. I'm glad to hear! Man, you are pretty! I can't take my eyes off of you," Arsenio said jokingly. "Oh no," I laughed, covering my face in embarrassment.

"Oh my god, she's shy! I wouldn't have ever guessed!" Arsenio said as we both laughed. I shook my head playfully and responded, "Unfortunately. I'm shy but trust me once I'm opened up, oh I don't shut up. And don't even think about getting a few drinks in me." Arsenio laughed and continued through the interview.

During the interview Arsenio asked me, "So, you're in school right? USC, if I'm not mistaken?'" he questioned. "You are correct! I graduate in literally like four days! Bachelors in political science!" I said back excitedly. "Wow, so you're a smart cookie then huh?" Arsenio teased. "Yes," I responded back confidently, because I knew I was. I loved learning. Despite who you were around even if it was the richest person in the world, being the smartest person in the room was a flex. "Why political science?" Arsenio questioned.

"Political science because I love politics. I have a passion towards helping people benefit from all opportunities in America and all over. Specifically, I hate seeing the injustices people of color face everyday. It's not right and it really angers me," I said through gritted teeth. "I have a passion to fix it and I know it's going to take more than me, but I hope to start a chain reaction because so many things get pushed under the rug in America and it's just fueling the racial injustice fire that's already alive and burning right now because we're not doing enough to correct it. We let white America get away with too much wrongdoings and it has to end. For years, we've been told to "wait" and yet there's still so much change that has to take place. I'm done being told to "wait." I want change. And I want it now." Cheers and applause was heard through the auditorium and I looked to see Arsenio standing up applauding me.

"Let me just go ahead and write you in for President right now," Arsenio joked. I laughed.

"So, I heard through the grapevine, someone has a crush on you..." Arsenio teased me. I looked at him with a playful side eye and tight lipped smile. "Uh oh," I said, "I'm scared."

"No, no this is good because I heard you've been a huge fan of this person for a longgggg time and want to marry him."

"Ohhh, wait, is that actually true?" I asked with a raised brow, "I've heard that same rumor and that Mr. Jackson has been trying to get in touch with me, but I'm finding it so hard to believe! Me? Little ol' me? There's no way!" I exclaimed truthfully.

"I think it's true! I've heard he's been asking other celebrities if they met you and if they had, to tell your people about his people! No joke Ashley!"

I bit my lip and shook my head, "This is actually insane, if it's true. When I tell you, I have been in love with him since I could remember, I mean it. He is literally a dream to me. You guys have no idea! I used to get in trouble at school because I would write my name as 'Ashley Richmond Jackson' on my papers," the audience laughed. "I'm not kidding! Ask my old teachers!"

"Well I believe it," Arsenio said. "Fellas, I think we all lost considering we're all up against Michael Jackson!"

I laughed, "Hey! You never know! We may not even vibe well! I still have a hard time believing this! Michael always says don't listen to tabloids, only believe it if he says it. So, imma take his word for it." I smiled brightly at the camera.

I had just walked into the main house from my studio session that wasn't as successful as I wanted it to be. I headed straight to my bedroom to wash away all of my frustrations of the day. When I turned on the lamp and headed towards my bathroom, the calm silence in my bedroom was interrupted when the phone by my bed rang.

I groaned, heading over to the phone. I flopped down on my bed, "Who the hell is calling this late?" I questioned. I looked at my bedside alarm clock and the time read 2:11 AM. What the hell?

"Hello," I answered irritatedly, not wanting to be bothered. "Mike! Turn the TV on! Channel 2!" I rolled my eyes. "Dunk, I just wanna take a shower and get in bed. I don't have time for this."

"Michael Joseph, channel 2 NOW!" Janet screamed in my ear. I hated when she tried to be assertive. I was still older than her. She got me twisted.

"Okay, mom," I said as I turned on the TV and changed the channel to channel 2. I saw the Arsenio Hall show was on, "Dunk, why am I watching this?" I questioned. "Just wait! Be patient. Geez, were you always this impatient?" Janet said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and blew out a breath.

"After the break, we welcome guest Ashley Richmond on for a little chat," Arsenio smiled, "Stay tuned!" A clip of Ashley getting her hair brushed and talking to one of the stage guys was pictured before it turned to commercial. I slowly smiled to myself, "You're welcome," Janet sang in my ear, "Love you. Goodnight." "Goodnight Dunk," I responded cheekily.

I rolled my eyes playfully as we hung up the phone. That Janet, always up to something I tell ya. I now waited anxiously for the commercial break to be over, so I could see her. From the two second clip I saw of her backstage, she looked stunning.

I heard a familiar tune and looked towards the TV and saw that the show was back from its commercial break. I waited for Arsenio to announce her.

"And our next guest is breaking barriers and becoming one of the greatest top runway models the world has ever seen, ladies and gentlemen, the gorgeous ASHLEY RICHMOND!!!!" I heard clearly.

Once she stepped from behind the corner and the spotlight hit her, I was in a cloud of reverie watching her walk out smiling that smile I loved seeing her wear and watched in awe as she waved and blew kisses out to the audience.

I was entrapped by her natural beauty. I scanned her from head to toe. Lingering my eyes around her legs as she walked her famous walk. "Oh boy," I said lustfully, staring hard at my TV screen biting down on my lip.

I watched her as she talked with such eloquence. She was classy throughout the entire interview. She talked with such grace and her laughter was like music to my ears. It was contagious. Every time she smiled, I smiled. Every time she laughed, I laughed.

When I heard her talking about politics, I was stunned. A total loss for words. I wouldn't have expected anything less. I'd love to have a conversation with her about healing the planet. I think her and I would make a great team. In many more ways than one.

I found myself drifting off thinking about me and her conversing, when I heard Arsenio mentioned someone had a crush on her. Who was it? I needed to know, so maybe I could stop it.

I giggled lightly at her getting embarrassed at Arsenio's remark. "No, no this is good because I heard you've been a huge fan of this person for a longgggg time and want to marry him."

Were they talking about me? Is that what Janet said she and Ashley talked about? I started to get nervous, yet excitement rushed through me.

I heard Ashley softly speak with excitement, "Ohhh, wait, is that actually true? I've heard that same rumor and that Mr. Jackson has been trying to get in touch with me, but I'm finding it so hard to believe! Me? Little ol' me? There's no way!"

I smiled with excitement to know that she knew I was trying to get in touch with her. I laughed lightly watching her smirk with skepticism at the fact that she didn't think I was crushing on her. Boy, was she wrong. I wish she could see me now.

"This is actually insane, if it's true. When I tell you, I have been in love with him since I could remember, I mean it. He is literally a dream to me. You guys have no idea! I used to get in trouble at school because I would write my name as 'Ashley Richmond Jackson' on my papers, I'm not kidding! Ask my old teachers!" I laughed a deep chuckle hearing her say that. I could imagine a little Ashley in grade school.

"Hey! You never know! We may not even vibe well! I still have a hard time believing this! Michael always says don't listen to tabloids, only believe it if he says it. So, imma take his word for it."

"Well I'll be damned. The one time I want someone to believe the tabloids, she doesn't," I said exasperatedly. At least now, I was aware she had heard I was asking about her. I was on the right track and I wasn't going to stop now. I had to get her.

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