《A Night Under A Thousand Stars》The Prologue


"Well this night has truly been one for the books," I laughed, "It's going to be hard to actually get people to believe that I spent an entire night talking to Michael Jackson."

Michael laughed. "Well, I hope there's many more nights like this," he said with a smile and a wink.

I smiled and shook my head to which he laughed. I raised from my seat by the waterfall we were sitting by, which happened to be right next to the candy table. Throughout the night, we kept sneaking skittles from the table and throwing them at other models and designers. Michael purposely threw them at the paparazzi present at the Chanel x Lagerfeld after party.

I looked around at all my friends who I walked the runway with and then looked back down smiling at Michael who was already staring up at me with his gorgeous white teeth showing through his lip bite.

"Smiles, the car is ready," my head of security and longtime friend who was like a second father figure to me, Wes, said. I couldn't ever imagine someone else protecting me from the crowds I drew in. During these overwhelming situations, Wes was always right next to me shielding me from any potential dangers.

At the same time, I heard, "Joker, we're ready when you are," from Bill, Michael's head of security, who I had known of from being a Michael Jackson fan since I could remember. I vividly remember going to a Jackson 5 concert when I was just 5 years old and Bill rushing the boys and Michael off the stage to their car.

Tonight though, I was properly introduced to Bill who was such a sweet, older man. From the stories Michael told me tonight about him dumping water on Bill and all of his other pranks, I don't know why Bill stuck around but the bond of the love and admiration they had for each other was so prominent when they were conversing with me, I see why he stuck around.


As Michael and I walked towards the front of the Paris chateau to our cars, we made more small talk trying to savor the few seconds of tonight we had left with each other.

As I approached my car and Wes opened the door to the black SUV, I turned to Michael and smiled. "I guess this is the end of tonight, huh?" I said. He sadly smirked and said, "Yeah, I guess so. I had a great time tonight. I haven't laughed that hard in a while."

"I did too," I responded with a lip bite and smile. A habit of mine because Michael began to stare adoringly at me. A nervous habit that was a curse sometimes because some men thought I was flirting when I was absolutely not. Guess it was better than nail biting though?

"Goodnight Michael." I said sentimentally once inside my vehicle with the window rolled down. "Goodnight." he responded with the same ardor.

I started to roll up my window and nodded to Wes and my driver, Calvin, to pull off. "Ashley, wait!" The SUV halted and I rolled my window down to reveal Michael's beautiful face. I had never laid my eyes upon someone more gorgeous than him. "I never got your number," he said breathlessly as he scratched his nose. I noticed that was his nervous habit.

I smirked and said, "Oh, I'm sure you'll get it from somewhere" with a wink and nodded at Calvin to take off.

Michael yelled, "How!?" I smirked once again and stuck my head out the window yelling back, "You're Michael Jackson! You'll figure it out!" I rolled up my window and looked at the back glass of the SUV to see Michael standing there with a smile and rubbing his bottom lip. I wasn't going to play that easy to get. Gotta keep em' on their toes is what my grandma always told me.


I smiled as if he could see me and readjusted in my seat properly. I closed my eyes and at the same time leaned my head against the headrest and reminisced on the conversations I had with Michael earlier that night. Before I knew it, I drifted off into a blissful sleep in the car on the way to the airport for my flight back home to LA.

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