《The Face of a God [completed]》2.29



"One ham omelette please," I asked.

It was currently lunchtime. I looked around, looking for Ara. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to be met with a small, innocent face.

"Hello! You're Y/N, right?" He asked.

"Right...Can I help you?" I asked, brushing his hand off my shoulder.

I took my lunch tray, the mysterious man trailing behind me. I sat down next to Ara.

"June! My name is June!" He extended his hand out for me to shake.

June? Isn't he Lilial and Shilial's teammate?

I looked at his hand, at him, and back at him.

I defeatedly sighed, taking his hand. "Y/N, though it seems that you already knew that."

He took the seat next to me, not saying anything. He turned his head to me when I spoke.

"You're...Lilial and Shilial's teammate..Aren't you?"

"Well," He looked away and scratched his head, "I was. It's a little complicated, but I'm not their teammate anymore."

Typical. Find someone useless as bait and leave them after.

"Hm, I see. So what are you planning on doing now?" I took a bite of my lunch.

He leaned his head on his hand, pouting. He looks over at me.

"I was hoping I could join your team."

At that point, I had started choking on my food.

"Are you okay? Do you need water or something?" He asks, worried.

I grab the cup on the desk and quickly down it. I slam the cup down on the table, making June flinch.

"You want to..join my team?"

He cleared his throat, straightening his back, before answering. "R-Right! I promise it won't be a bad decision!"

I stare down at him, making him look away.


"Sorry, but no. My team is already full."

He turns around, looking at me with a questioned look.

"What? I thought teams needed 3 people?" He asks.

"Yeah, I have 3 people in my team. Me, Ara and Urek," I answer.

He turns away, sounding a "tch".

God no wonder they left him. He sounds like he would be an ass.

I pick up my tray and leave.

"I'm leaving. It was nice talking to you," I say.

He reaches his hand out, trying to grab mind, but I was faster and was out of reach.

"Wait! Please reconsider it!" I hear him yell out behind me.

Hah, as if.


Y/N had left and I was going to follow behind, but before I did I told June a little something.

"You're probably a little on her bad side. Just saying. I doubt she's going to think about it, she's not the type to," I say, standing up.

June turns around, glaring at me. "What do you know? Who are you even?"

I chuckle a little at his stupidity. "Me? Well, my name is Ara, Y/N's teammate. Nice talking to you, asshole."

"What? But you-"

I cut him off by dropping my tray all over him.

"Whoops, sorry."

I leave before he could say anything. All I know was what he was definitely angry as I could hear yelling in the background.

Gosh, how annoying. No wonder the girls left him.


I was currently in the middle of a wave controller class. That's right, I was a wave controller. Ara and Urek had gotten the fishermen position. The class was boring and nothing new. I am pretty sure I had almost fell asleep at one point.

It was finally the day where we get to escape the Floor of Tests. Our short classes were over and it was time to finally get into the real tower.

"You ready?" Ara asks, extending her hand out.

I smile at her, taking her hand.

"I am! Let's go!"

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