《The Face of a God [completed]》2.25



It felt strange to be on the floor of tests again. How long has it been? 100 years or so? It felt so new, so different. I walk past tens of rooms until I reach Ara's.

I swing the door open and greet her. "Hello Ara."

I look around the room to see that she wasn't actually there.

Well, this is awkward.

I silently close the doors and lean on the wall.

Where could she have gone? The training room perhaps?

I start walking to the training room to find Ara there. With the real Urek.

Ah crap. I'll have to find another way then.

I stare at the duo for a while, thinking. Then it dawned on me.

I could just use one Arlene's spell!

To be honest, Arlene was never someone I wanted to mention again. But her sometimes her spells were handy, and she had lots of spells. I take a few steps back and raise my hand.

Please let this work. Otherwise, I'll just look like some idiot..

I murmur a few words. Wind started to form around me, making me rise.

Please work!


It was odd. Everything about this situation was odd. I couldn't understand what those orders meant. Not only that, but the training room had suddenly felt weird. I could feel some sort of power in this room. Power like Jahad.

It can't be Jahad. Why would the king be here?

"Hey, Earth to Ara?"

I snap back into reality.

"Oh..Sorry. I guess I just, zoned out."

"It's fine. Are you okay? You're a little pale."

No..I'm not okay. I felt very pressed. It was like some power was pressing down on me without even trying. Could it be..Urek?

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