《The Face of a God [completed]》2.21



We were waiting outside of the supervisor's door, waiting to move on to the next floor. The doors swing open and we walk in.

"Welcome regulars!" She waves at us. "You guys must be here to move on to the next floor."

Y/N takes a step closer. "Right. How are we going to move on?"

"About that..You'll have to wait a day."

"What?" Ara asks. "Why? Does it take that long?"

"That's right! It takes a while to get permission from the ruler. So you're going to have to wait a while."

Ara hangs her head low and sighs. She puts her hand onto her forhead. "Oh god. Alright then. I guess we're going to have to come back again tomorrow then..." She turns towards us and jerks her head to the door.

We all leave and part ways.


I walk to my room and swing the door open. The room was dark but it was very warming. I switch the lights on and close the door on my way in.

"I'm so tired..I can't believe we still have to wait here for another day.."

I sit on the edge of my bed and look at the wall.

Father...Don't worry father. I won't disappoint you!

I hear a small knock on the door and stand up. I open the door and see Urek.

"Ah! Y/N.."

I tilt my head. "Do you need any help?"

"N-no..Sorry. I-I knocked on the wrong door..!"

I shrug. "Oh okay."

I close the door on him and lay onto my bed.

Wrong door? My room is the only one that is different. Whatever, it's none of my business anyways..


The door slams shut and I break down. What situation am I in now? I'm currently down on my knees with my hands about to pull out my hair.


Why did I do that? Why did I knock on her door?

"Seriously..'I knocked on the wrong door'? Her door couldn't be more different!"

Come to think of it..Why is her door the only different one?

I let go of my hair and look up at the door. It was big and had red on it. I stare at it for a while, admiring the design. In red, it wrote, 'Jahad'. It was odd. Who was Jahad? What is Jahad? What did that have to do with her?

"What are you doing kneeling in-front of the Princess's door?"

I turn around and see a person with curly hair walking closer.

"Princess? Who are you?"

"My name is Stuah Arthur. I am a High Priest serving in the Altar for conveying King Jahad's orders. I have come to deliver an order to the Princess."

'King' Jahad? Princess?

I look back at the door and realize why things were they were.

"Y/N..Is a Princess?"

"You clearly don't get what I'm saying. Leave and nothing will happen."

He walks closer, holding some sort of scroll. I look into his eyes.


"I'm giving you one more chance to leave."

I quickly get up and run away. It was clear that I was unwanted here.

"Wise choice."

It all made sense now. Y/N was a princess and this King Jahad was her father. But those orders..What did he mean, 'orders'?


"These are orders from father?"

"Yes Princess. These orders have been delivered from King Jahad. He has asked me to pass these orders to you."

I take a look at the orders. "Let's see..What could these orders be?"

I take a good look at the orders. I read it once, twice. I read it over and over again, unable to believe father would give out such order.


I start to tear up a little. I drop the order onto the floor. Arthur, taken by surprise, looked up at me by accident.


"What? Are you raising your head at me? Did I tell you to rise?"

He bows down again. "I'm sorry Princess! Please forgive me!"

It doesn't matter anymore..These orders will not happen. No matter how much I hate mother, my brother will always be my brother.

"Arthur, I need you to deliver a message to my father for me."

"Yes Princess?"

"Tell him that I will not play along with these orders. Tell him that I will burn mother to the ground any day but I will not hurt my brother."

Arthur stays quiet, nervous about delivering this message.

"Yes..Princess. I will deliver your message.."

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