《The Face of a God [completed]》2.10



After the last test we moved right away to our next test. Yellowy, our guide, had barely explained to us what our test even was. I noticed Urek was looking around, very weary.

"Urek, you okay? You look like you're so nervous."

Urek turns around and scratches his head.

"It's just, this place is huge and massive. It's also very bright like our second test."

What's so interesting about that? Has he never been in a place like this. Plus this room wasn't even that big. But I guess I don't know where he came from.

"AHHHHH!" Suddenly we hear screaming coming from inside the test room.

Everyone starts whispering worried.

"What...Was that!" Ara worriedly said. "Is this test perhaps, super dangerous?"

"I think it might be."

Damn. Who would've thought! The guide still won't even say anything!

We walk forward and the guide tells us to wait until it is our turn.

This test..It's dangerous. I should be aware. Wait, no! It's fine. I'm Jahad's daughter. I can't be scared of some stupid test!

"Come on Y/N. Let's go take the test."

"Right. Let's go."

The door opens and reveals a very strange room. I feel like if it weren't for the doors I would have thought that this room was infinite. Inside the room were 12 red doors, perfectly lined up. A man sat in the middle of the room with his stuff.

"Welcome. Nice to meet you regulars. My name is Hansung Yu, your test administrator." He puts down his cup of coffee. "This test is simple. Do you see all these doors behind me? Within ten minutes, find the real door and open it."

"The real door? Amongst all of these doors?"

"Yes. Isn't it really simple?" He sips his cup and continues. "Here are twelve doors in total. Among them, find the 'Real Door' that will take you outside."


"Easier said than done...Gee"

He ignores me. "If you find the real door and open it, you will pass this test. However if you don't find the door in ten minutes and give up, you'll fail. And if you open the wrong door within ten minutes, you die."

We all shout. "What? Die? No. Ridiculous!"

Hansung smiles and says nothing.

Clearly frustrated, Ara screams. "Then, what is the secret to finding the real door? Those can't be the only hints! Show it to us! Now!"

He smiles and calmly says, "There aren't anymore hints."

"What? Then how are we ever going to find the real door? Just say something!"

"Welp, the test starts now!"

Ara stomps her feet, angry. "No. This is unacceptable! There needs to be more hints! Say something!"

I look around trying to find hints. I look over at Urek and he has already gone over to a door. He puts his hand on the handle.

I shout and both Ara and Hansung turns around. "No! Urek don't open it!"

But it was too late. Urek had opened the door.

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