《Poems of Love》The River of Tears


the river of tears

with all my fears

have brought a whisper to my ears

that I should forgive

what's done is done

and away into the past I shall not run

I should be happy

they say, it's true

but I can't forget what it did to you

it tore you apart

into shreds, into dust

it left you as soon as it came in a gust

into my broken heart

this river flows

and defeats me from my head to my toes

I wish to stay in this dark place forever

because to love you will never be clever

I hope you have the best

I hope you'll be glad

that you're the one making me so sad

but part me thinks that

I must thank you

for you have made me humble, grateful and true

suffering will lead to the greatest of joys

much more rewarding than the love of some boys

I love you with all my hate

I hate you with all my love

so you will be

forever loved

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