《Poems of Love》Gifted


gifted with the mind but not the mouth

a silent genius

waits until the day comes

when someone talks to him

years pass with no answer

he trudges through life hating every passing minute

all he wanted was a friend

his parents didn't care, they were drug addicts

and soon he became one too

he dropped out of school

left everything he had

and forgot about everything in the world

he left his pregnant girlfriend with not a penny behind

then he went back to her and killed her

but he let the baby stay

not wanting to leave the baby alone

he took her with him

he had no money, but he tried to save her

soon to be called Katie, loved him

and he found what he was looking for

a friend

as Katie grew up, she adored him

he got a job

quit drugs

started again

a new man

people loved him

he got married

to a beautiful girl

who he wouln't leave until his death

Katie loved them

and he realized that love was what this world needed

and that was what he had

he lived a happy life and he helped everyone out

love is all you need

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