《Gumtree Loneliness》★ Cutting-in ★


It has been about a week since the 'vintage' house incident. During the week, Felicia got caught off guard when the bunch of girls were pleading for forgiveness. She forgave them of course, but she still reported their actions, especially Sarah's to the police. Funnily enough the police just let Sarah of with a warning.

Getting this type of mere justice has been hard for Felicia, meaning most of her life people didn't believe the cruelty that she got from society. Thankfully, this time they did believe her due to James's help.

He confessed only his actions, but it proved that the girls did commit the incident. If the girls were to do something like that again, Felicia would be able to put a restraining order on them and for now, she has her eyes open, because she would be happy to put a restraining order on Sarah.

James's help made Felicia's confidence soar. She just felt like smiling most of the week from the mere 'justice', although the smile wasn't always spread onto her lips, as James barely talked to her.

Felicia didn't mind that James hasn't spoken to her, but in another sense she eagerly wants him to. When she was at the vintage house with him, she found it so easy to talk to him - which surprised her. And for one, this is a reason why she wants him to have another conversation with her.

Jaffa has been 'around' Felicia though. Always sitting fairly near her when they were in classes as well as sitting near her around supper time.

The reason that Jaffa hasn't been speaking to Felicia is that most of the time he was occupied by her thoughts. He did tell himself he would mainly only listen to her thoughts when she was at the gumtree, but he couldn't follow through with that command - he wanted to know every reason Felicia did the things she did. Even simple things, like why she would always stare at guys in different ways. Sometimes she looks at them with wonder and other times she looks at them in disgust.


Another reason why he hasn't been speaking to her was that he felt guilty for practically lying about why he took psychology at university. He hates himself. On Corba, Jaffa never lied - he feels he has lost one of the traits that screams out 'Jaffa' to people. Well, the Corbans wouldn't exactly know about this lie.

At the moment, Felicia is sitting in her room reading one of her favourite science fiction stories. A little voice inside her head is telling her to knock on James's door. She is trying her best not to follow through, but she gives in. Felicia puts her bookmark in her book and starts slowly walking to the door. As she closes the door behind her, she hears James on the phone.

Now normally Felicia wouldn't be so eager to pry, but she feels the need to. She walks to his door and slightly opens it.

"You are saying I'm only going to be here for 1 more month?"


"I thought it was a 1 year thing!"


"I don't believe this. Is it because you want my brother here instead of me?"


"Whatever you can't force me to come back anytime soon-"


"What? It should be my choice. I am an adult, so treat me like one."


"Whatever, bye."

Jaffa hangs up and sees his door slightly open. He marches his way to the door, walks out and sees Felicia's hand about to open her own door.

He clears his throat and Felicia immediately looks at him, while her cheeks start to feel warm.

"Were you-" Jaffa starts to say. "Did you need something from me?"

"No, I-I, wanted to umm-"

"What? Listen into my conversation, even though it's a private matter. Well you can anytime," Jaffa replies sarcastically.


"I just wanted to see how you were."

"That's nice."

Felicia stares at him.

"Well is that all?" Jaffa says rudely.

"I guess it is," Felicia spats back.


Supper time now and Felicia is brutally chopping the carrots and repeating the conversation that she had with James in her mind. She feels angry, but then again she feels okay. Angry because of the way he spoke, but okay because he 'actually' spoke to her.

"But why was he so rude?" Felicia says to herself.

All of a sudden Sandra the hostel manger walks in.

"Felicia, I need you to start cooking up a roast lamb as well as any type of pasta bake!?"

"I thought we are only having chicken curry tonight?"

"No, we have a special guest. He is a new student staying at our hostel."

"But-but James took the last room?"

"Yes, indeed. But this lad has a lot of money and he is willing to pay triple the original amount for rent."

"But where will he sleep?"

"In your room of course."


Sandra walks out, leaving Felicia in shock.

"Oh, no," Felicia whispers to herself.

© 2014 by stars_are_MAGIC. All Rights Reserved.

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