《MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)》Chapter 27 - Bullet


She's perfect. As I sit with Sonny I watch her laugh with Cordelia and Izzy, glancing my way every so often, but smiling the whole time.

"Man just claim her already, you haven't heard a damn word I've said for staring at her." Sonny says and I tear my gaze from her to him

"I'm going to, I just don't want to rush her now she trusts me again." I reply.

The smile hasn't left her face and she keeps playing with her hair. I got worried when she didn't answer me and seemed to zone out on the sidewalk but it wasn't her usual panic attack where she chants and can't breathe, she just zoned out. I wrap my arm around her and guide her to the bike when four motorcycles speed up to us and open fire, I throw Indigo to the ground and cover her with my body, I look around and find Cordelia hiding behind a car, pulling her gun from her jeans, I grab my gun and we return fire

"Rowan, I don't have my gun." Indigo says fighting to get from under me

"Get off me and let me help." She shouts hitting out at me

"There's a gun in my saddlebag." I say and cover her as she creeps forward to the bike to get it

"Mother fucking Coyotes, do they not see I just got my fucking hair done?" Cordelia growls as she takes one of them out

"Got it!" Indigo shouts as she grabs my spare gun, suddenly she's hit and flies back landing flat on her back on the ground

"Indigo" I shout and reach out for her

"I'm ok" she shouts and hides behind my bike before aiming and taking out the second Coyote. I take out the other two and suddenly the street falls silent


"Son of a fucking bitch I liked these jeans." Cordelia says looking at the bullet wound in her leg

"Hey Indigo, we're twins." She laughs as she helps Indigo to her feet and she fucking laughs, these women are fucking crazy.

"You've both been shot and you're laughing?" I ask as I pull Indigo to me

"I helped" she says wrapping one arm around me

"You did good." I say kissing her forehead

"You think you can hold onto me on the way back or want me to call Socket to bring the truck?" I ask looking at the wound on her shoulder

"I want to ride back with you." She says reaching up to kiss me softly

"Cordelia, you good?" I ask as she climbs onto her bike, she nods, puts on her helmet and starts the engine. I help Indigo onto the back of my bike before I climb on and she wraps her right arm around me, I squeeze her hand before starting the engine and heading back to the clubhouse.

"We need to end this now. I'm not having a repeat of The Sons. Help me out of this fucking chair." Killer bellows

"You get out of that chair and I'll have a third bullet hole to treat. Sit the fuck down it's a flesh wound." Cordelia says leaning over to Killer and placing her hand on his shoulder

"Killer you need to heal, I got this, our women were badass today." I say as I hold Indigo's hand

"Just do it Doc." Indigo groans as he pulls the bullet from her shoulder, she squeezes my hand hard as he digs it out and she whimpers

"I could've sedated you you know." He says putting the bullet on the tray and turning back to the wound


"No, I can take it." She says smiling to Cordelia who is treating her own bullet wound

"Us Broken Demon women aren't to be fucked with huh?" Cordelia says winking at Indigo. Damn right she's a Broken Demon, she's mine.

"Will you be alright while I'm in church?" I ask as she leans against me, she nods and I kiss her forehead. I let her go and wheel Killer through with me to church

"Ok, fuck this. They attacked in the middle of the goddamn town. Circuit, they still think we blame Avery as the rat?" I ask looking to him

"Yep, I laid a nice little trail of breadcrumbs for them so it looks like we put everything on him. He's staying at the safe house while this plays out. Anything else you want me to put out?" He asks with a smirk

"Here's my plan. We're gonna lay out a gun run, delivering to a new place, Circuit make it look like you're casing the place and lay out the route but what we'll actually do is lead them into a trap, so when they head there to ambush us we'll be ready and waiting." I say looking around the room

"We all good with that?" I ask and everyone nods

"Good plan, but with me in this fucking chair and Avery gone we're two members down." Killer says slamming his fist on the chair

"Simple, I called in Cordelia's favourite nomad and with you here I'll leave one less behind to guard the compound." I reply and he nods.

"You can tell Cordelia Reapers coming" he laughs. We run through our plan and then I end church and we head out to the bar, Cordelia is holding baby Diesel in the booth and Killer wheels over to join them. I look to the bar and find Indigo serving with one hand

"Beautiful, take a night off you just got shot." I say as I walk around behind the bar to her

"But I like it here." She says looking up at me with those innocent eyes

"Indigo, go, I can handle it." Socket says as she looks to him then back to me

"I thought you might like being naked in my bed more." I whisper in her ear and I feel her shudder, I take her hand and lead her upstairs to my room.

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