《MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)》Chapter 26 - Indigo


Well now I know why he's called Bullet. He is obsessed with guns, he's given me a lesson every day for the past week and I like it. I'm not scared like I was when I shot that man, Rowan is such a good teacher. We head back into the bar and I step behind the counter to Socket and grab a beer

"Having fun Indigo?" He asks

"I am, I've finally stopped screaming when I pull the trigger." I laugh as Rowan walks into the bar and waves me over to him. I grab a beer for him and head over to his booth and sit down

"I got you something." He says placing a box on the table in front of me. I open it and it's a gun, its stainless steel but with a purple frame

"You got me my own gun?" I ask looking up to him

"You like it?" He asks

"I love it" I say as I lean over the table to kiss him.

"Ok ok put him down." I hear Cordelia say as she walks up to us and sits next to me

"So, I have a proposition for you" she says looking to me

"What?" I ask confused

"So, lock down is over and I'm going to ride over to Izzys salon to get my hair done, I wondered if you wanted to come. You know Izzy and Sonny, I'll come with you and I'm sure Bullet would love to come too, wouldn't you?" She says looking over to him

"You want me to leave the compound and go to a salon?" I ask nervously, my mouth suddenly gone dry

"I do, treat yourself and get your hair or nails done, it'll be fun. You can ride on the back of my bike or in a truck with Bullet or on the back of Bullets bike, whichever you feel more comfortable with." She says placing her hand on mine.


"You wanna try beautiful? You've already come so far from never leaving your room to working the bar, why not take the next step?" Rowan asks

"I've never been on a motorcycle before, what would I have to do?" I ask

"You just hold on to me and lean when I lean, but I'll go slow." He replies

"Ok, I'll try, on your motorcycle Rowan, but if I freak out will you bring me back?"

"Straight away." He says as he and Cordelia stand up, he holds out his hand for me and I stand up and follow him outside. We stop by his motorcycle and he grabs a helmet, securing it on my head before he helps me climb onto the bike. He gets on in front of me and pulls my body against him

"Keep your arms around me and relax, we'll be fine." He says squeezing my hand. He rolls the bike back out of its parking spot and Cordelia rolls up next to us

"I'll ride alongside so you can look at me or shout me if you need to." She says before starting her engine, Rowan starts the engine and the noise makes me jump but then it settles into a low rumble and I feel it vibrate beneath me. I take a deep breath and we begin to roll forward to the gate, Jack opens the gate and we roll forward to the road

"You ready beautiful?" Rowan shouts and I nod my head. I hold him tightly feeling all of his muscles, if I wasn't terrified I'd be enjoying being wrapped around him like this. He pulls out onto the road and we're moving. I bury my head into his back and just concentrate on breathing as I hear cars and other vehicles around us.


"Open your eyes Indigo" Cordelia shouts and I look to her, she gives me a reassuring smile and I dare to look over Rowans shoulder at the road ahead. My hands grip Rowans cut but he places one hand over mine and I actually smile, I'm scared but feel good at the same time.

I had my eyes open for the rest of the ride to the salon and we didn't crash and die.

"You made it beautiful." Rowan says as he lifts me off the back of the bike

"We didn't crash" I smile wrapping my arms around him and he laughs

"Was that fun or what?" Cordelia says taking off her helmet

"It was scary and fun." I reply as we head to the salon.

"Indigo, I wasn't expecting you, what can we do hair? Nails?" Izzy asks as I walk in behind Rowan holding his hand. It's not too crowded and I know Izzy and her husband Sonny

"She'll have both." Cordelia answers for me and moves me over to a chair, Bullet leaves me and walks over to sit next to Sonny.

I feel like a girl again. I haven't had my hair done at a salon since before my Mom died and it feels so smooth and shiny. I've never had my nails done, just painted them myself, I still went with black but they look better than whenever I did them. I can't stop smiling

"You alright beautiful?" Rowan asks taking my hand in his as we leave the salon but I can't answer. Everything I thought I'm questioning. Everything Daddy drummed into my brain, its not safe outside, if I get in a car or on a motorcycle I'll crash and die and if I drive? Fuck I'll kill myself. But will I? Ok I'm not ready to go into a grocery store and remain calm but I'm standing on a sidewalk and I'm not panicking I'm in peoples way, I'm just standing.

"Beautiful? I think she's panicking, let's get back to the bikes." Hearing his voice snaps me from my thoughts and I look up to him

"I'm ok" I say as he wraps his arm around my shoulder

"You're ok, come on let's get back." He says as we continue walking to the bikes. Rowan hands me my helmet and just as I slip it on my head I hear the gunfire start.

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