《MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)》Chapter 20 - Indigo


"He's an idiot. As are most of the idiots over there." Cordelia says pointing to the clubhouse

"If he doesn't want me why is he fighting Socket?" I ask watching Cordelia rock baby Diesel

"Oh trust me he wants you, he's in love with you. He's just an idiot. As soon as he realises what an idiot he's being he'll be like a dog on heat after you." She replies

"I love him, I know I do, but if he can push me away so easily what if I forgave him and he did it again?"

"Well then you have to decide if he's worth risking your heart over. That decision is all yours." She says placing Diesel in his crib

"Can you watch him while I take a shower?" She asks and I nod. Sure enough as soon as she leaves the room he starts crying, but I do as I've seen her do, I hold him in my arms and gently bounce while I sing what she was singing to him

"Well she's walking through the clouds, with a circus mind, that's running wild, butterflies and zebras and moonbeams, and fairytales, that's all she ever thinks about, riding with the wind" I turn and see him watching me, I see that look in his eye, how can his eyes tell me he wants me so badly yet he still pushed me away? I hand Diesel to Killer and head outside.

Of course he followed me out to talk to me. When he touched my hand I felt the familiar sparks I still crave from his touch. I had to get away before I threw myself at him and begged him to kiss me.

"Ok, everyone is going to be in the bar but the guys will be leaving any minute, you can do this. Just walk straight behind the bar where Socket will be, ok?" Cordelia says as she carries Diesel into the clubhouse, Max following us. I nod, take a deep breath and step inside. Sure enough the bar is full of every member of the club, but I know more of them now. I quickly slip behind the bar and Socket turns to look at me


"Oh my god you have a black eye, I'm so sorry" I say looking up to him

"It's fine, we're all good now. How you doing being in here?" He asks as he cleans up

"I'm ok, I feel better behind here then out there with all those guys." I reply. I watch as the women say goodbye to their men, I wish I could be like that with Rowan but he doesn't want me. They head out and I listen as the rumble of engines disappears into the distance

"Better now they've all gone?" Socket says smiling

"Well I know most of the ones left over. Just those three I don't." I say pointing to three young looking guys sat together in the corner

"Ok, well they're the other prospects, like me, but I've been here a lot longer than they have. That one is Jack, the one in the middle is Avery and the third is Ace. Jack and Avery are normally on gate duty and Ace is an apprentice at the tattoo shop. They wouldn't be part of the club if we couldn't trust them so don't worry." He says as he hands me a beer, we move from behind the bar and over to one of the booths, Izzy and Sarah come and sit with us

"Where's Cordelia?" I ask looking around

"She and Doc are setting up the infirmary just in case. She just put Diesel down in Killers office." Izzy says before finishing off her beer. We spend the next few hours talking and I feel ok, I'm not scared, just a little bit uncomfortable, but I made it without any panic. Doc and Cordelia have joined us when Docs cellphone rings

"Yeah?.... fuck, ok here's what you gotta do." He says into the phone as he runs into the infirmary, he runs out with a bag


"I gotta go. There's three wounded coming in the van now but one can't be moved until I get there. It's an arterial bleed caused by a compound fracture, it's unstable, if they move him he'll bleed out." Doc says looking to Cordelia

"Who is it Doc, who's hurt?" Cordelia asks standing up

"Killer" he hesitates but quickly blurts out

"Oh hell no I'm fucking going" she says taking the bag from him

"No you have Diesel, I can't send you into the line of fire, when Killer survives he'll kill my ass. No" he says taking the bag back

"You need an assist, it's a two man job." She says

"What about me? You taught me that stitch technique and I can follow instructions?" Did I just volunteer to go outside? Did Doc say line of fire?

"You can't go outside Indigo and never mind you still have that boot on your foot. I need to go" Cordelia says firmly

"We've got three wounded coming here, you need to stay here" Doc says

"Ok I'm going. I can totally do this. I haven't needed crutches and I can walk with the boot or I can hop. All you've done for me I want to help save your husband." I say trying to believe it myself.

"Ok let's go" Doc says as I follow him out to the black truck parked by the door. I take a deep breath and climb in. He starts the engine and floors it out of the compound. I close my eyes and grip onto the dash as a whimper escapes my lips

"I'm sorry Indigo, but I need to get there." He says as the car throws me around speeding down the road

"You do what you need to do and ignore me if I panic." I say trying to control my breathing.

"Have you ever fired a gun before?" He asks and that makes me open my eyes

"No, I haven't even held one" I reply looking at him

"There's one in the glove, get it out, I'll show you what to do, we might need it." I take the gun from the glove box and Doc talks me through what to do. I know I probably won't hit anything if I have to fire but maybe my screaming when I fire it will scare them away? I swallow hard as the truck screeches to a halt. I look through the window and I see Killer on the floor behind a wall with Bullet over him

"Come on Indigo we gotta help." Doc says shaking me from my daze as I run from the truck with the gun in my hand. I crouch down next to Doc and he hands me a pair of gloves

"Bullet, guard us while we work." Doc says, I look over to Bullet as he stares at me, his eyes full of shock. Trust me I'm shocked I'm out here too.

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