《MC's Indigo (Broken Demons MC #2)》Chapter 7 - Bullet


Cordelia invited her to eat with us, I don't know if she can do it, but it would be great if she could, that way I could see her without having to fight back from wanting to touch her. Killer and I closed up the garage and headed through to the kitchen, I sat down and watched as Killer went over to his woman. Suddenly the doors burst open and Knuckles came in covered in blood

"Shit let me get Doc and my kit." Cordelia said moving away from Killer

"No, it's not my blood, Killer we need church now, you won't fucking believe this." He says taking a towel from Cordelia and wiping the blood off his face. Killer roars and calls everyone into the meeting room.

"What the fuck is going on Knuckles?" Killer growls from the head of the table

"As you know I was heading to our warehouse to set up the next shipment, I was careful, making sure the law wasn't following but then I got ambushed by these two assholes in a pick up The Devils Coyotes. Looks like these Mother fuckers are picking up where The Sons left off and trying to move into our territory." Knuckles says as he throws their patches on the table

"I killed them both." He finishes.

"Circuit, get to researching this club, see what we're up against, I've barely even heard of these Mother fuckers and they're moving in on us? The Broken Demons? no fucking way." Killer roars as Circuit opens his laptop and starts working.

Church went on for a while, deciding to do recon on these assholes and learn more about them before we destroy them. I head out of church and into the kitchen to see her, she stood with her back against the wall, face hidden by her hair, it's too crowded for her. She makes it to the door and runs outside, I follow after her and she's leaning against the wall, bent over hyperventilating


"It's ok Indigo, slow your breathing, you're safe now it's just you and me." I say as I stroke her back gently. After a few minutes her breathing calms down and she stands up and looks at me

"It's ok Indigo, when they haven't eaten the guys are like a heard of elephants, anyone would be scared of them." I say trying to make her laugh

"They were like seagulls shouting mine, mine, mine." She says with a small smile. I light two cigarettes and give one to her

"Thank you." She whispers and suddenly she wraps her arms around my waist and holds me tightly. I freeze at first before wrapping my arms around her and resting my chin on her head. After a few minutes she pulls away, I don't want her to but I let her

"Sorry, I got mad at you for touching me and now I'm touching you." She says looking down

"It's fine Indigo, I'm willing to go at your pace, just so I can keep seeing you." I lift her head up to look at me and she smiles. Knuckles comes charging outside

"Cordelia just told me what happened today, what are you thinking Annie?" He says charging over to her. She jumps back away from him and looks at the floor

"I'm sorry." She whispers, never looking up from the floor

"Come on, let's get you up to your room and I'll give you your meds." He says wrapping his arm around her and walking her towards the clubhouse, she turns and looks back at me before they disappear inside. What the hell am I doing? She's panicking that she's a freak and needs support but once I let her in and she sees me she'll run away.


I head back inside to the bar to drown my thoughts, halfway through a bottle of whiskey Knuckles comes and joins me

"What's going on with you and Indigo?" He asks as the prospect puts a beer down in front of him

"Nothing, I just saw her upset earlier and you were out, Cordelia was busy so I just kept an eye on her." I reply lying, what I should've said was I've known her less than two days but already I care for her deeply and wish I was upstairs with her now, but I won't admit that.

"Good because she has enough going on without getting involved with one of the club." He says picking up his beer and walking off over to his usual club whore. I turn back to my whiskey and soon the bar is quieting down as the guys pass out or go off with their whores. I play with my whiskey rolling around the glass, I know I won't sleep, not when she's in my head. Soon 3am rolls around and I hear movement coming from the stairs, it's light footsteps, not heavy like the men, it's her. I watch the bottom of the stairs and she steps out in those pyjamas and her hoodie. When she's officially mine we'll have talk about her wearing such small shorts outside the bedroom.

"Hi" she says softly, she's smiling, she looks so beautiful when she smiles

"Hi, want some company while you smoke?" I ask standing up from my stool. She nods and walks over to me, she takes my hand in hers and we head outside. She only let's go of my hand to light her cigarette and we sit in that comfortable silence like we did last night

"Can I have your number? I mean I have Knuckles and Cordelias but I don't have yours. Then I could check if you're awake to come out with me at night." She says, blushing slightly

"I'll always be awake if you want me." I say as I take her phone from her and add in my number.

"Knuckles told me to stay away from you." She says putting her phone back in her pocket

"He pretty much said the same to me." I reply

"Well no one with a stupid name tells me what to do." She says as she stubs out her cigarette and stands up, she leans over and kisses me on the cheek before heading inside. I finish my cigarette and stand when I feel my phone buzz

Maybe I will sleep tonight after all, I think as I head to my room.

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