《His Doll ❤❤❤》Chapter 23


Hello Amigos!!! I'm back with a brand new chapter of HD. Though I'm keeping busy these days but I'm updating coz today is my birthday so I wanted to update for my readers.....I hope you'll like it. Do vote n comment to let me know what you think....



RJ GUDIYA: You know sometimes truth is not what we see with open eyes but it is what people are hiding from you…. You never know what is hidden behind faces….a smilling face is not always a happy 1, the strogest personality may have fragile heart, most crooked person may be the genuine 1….but it is our habbit of veliving in what we see but sometimes we need to see beyond it…..


What is up with this girl? Yesterday she was all in fighting mood now she is being philosophic…..why do I feel that this philosophical speech is also related to me….well everything about her is related to me only….I just hope I don't land in soup…(sighing) get going Manik you need to maintain your physique to match your girl…..what perfect shape she has….ummmm….

gosh I've become such a pervert since I met her…..n for this she is the 1 to be blamed….uffu Manik stop daydreaming n run….


With that he continued his jogging while listening to his fav RJ GUDIYA….

½ hour later:

OLDIE MONSTER: buenos dias (goodmorning)mi muñeca ….slept well with my dreams 😎😎

mi muñeca: buenos dias viejo monstruo (Goodmorning Oldie Monster)….oh please I don't do nightmares 😎😎

OLDIE MONSTER: Nightmares 🤔

mi muñeca: Well….well watching you in my dreams is no less than nightmares 😎

OLDIE MONSTER: Enrich your vocabs My Angle…watching me in your dreams is actually called wet dreams 😉🙈

mi muñeca: You pervert 🤬

OLDIE MONSTER: Only yours pervert

….now stop flirting with me n get ready for breakfast I'm coming in 15

mi muñeca: Please...I got better things to do then flirting with you 🙄

OLDIE MONSTER: I can see that….

wear something blue as I'm wearing blue today.

mi muñeca: I won't

OLDIE MONSTER: You know you will

….I'm driving now…. call you 1ce I reach till then 😘😘

A blush along with a genuine smile crept on Nandini's face.


N: What is happening to me? Oh...no again I got into thinking when I've decided to go with the flow for a while…..ohk universe I'm following your trail let me see where you're taking me….but 1 thing is for sure I won't wear blue today….I'll wear royal blue.

After getting ready Nandini was waiting for Manik. Her phone buzzed after 5 mins.

OLDIE MONSTER: princesa tu príncipe te está esperando afuera 😉 (Princess your prince is waiting outside for you)

mi muñeca: 🙄

N: This Cocky Oldie Monster I tell you

Nandini went outside see Manik leaning on his car wearing same shirt she is wearing…..both were amused as it was purely coincidental (yeah every time the hero doesn't have to act smart)

******** NANDINI's ATTIRE********


********** MANIK's ATTIRE**********

Manik opened the door for Nandini n she rolled her eyes in Manik's gentleman act.

N: I can open the door by myself.

M: Yeah I know that but the door told me she likes my touch…

They got in the car

N: Lame

M: Who you? That I know

N: Arrrggg...why do I open my mouth?

M: To let me kiss you deeply

N: Shut up

M: Make me

Nandini came closer to Manik….who was shocked….their lips were dangerously close to each other…..

Manik closed his eyes in anticipation…..

N: Shut up

Nandini went near his ear n screamed

….to which Manik made a cringed face…

M: What is wrong with you woman?

N: You….what else can go wrong with me man?

M: Of Course...why am I even shocked? how can I get lucky…..I mean you'd kiss me that easy...nah

….the universe will file case against you no?

Nandini brusted into laughter….

Manik made a bad face… They drove to the office.


(MANAN's Cabin coz remember Manik asked Nandini to work from his cabin so yeah)

N: Are you even serious Mani? Who eats oats for breakfast?

M: A lot of people (😭😭) We will today.

N: No way

M: (sternly) Angle...be a good girl n eat

N: (gritting her teeths)I don't want to be a good girl

M: ohk then I'll eat sweet corn (😍😍) all by myself.

N: No...I love oats...se I'm eating

Manik chuckled at His Angles cute antics. After they were done eating oats (😭) Manik handed her sweetcorn…


while eating Nandini dug in Manik's cup to taste the flavor

N: (Munching sweetcorn) Mine tastes better.

M: Is that so?

Nandini forwarded a spoonful to Manik he took it it from her n fed her instead of eating it….

N: (Munching sweetcorn)Reh...taste nah..its….

She was sushed by Manik's lips he was kissing her deeply devouring the taste of sweet corn while exploring each n every corner of her mouth...

Nandini was drawn by the kiss

He broke the kiss when their oxygen supply started to revolt. Manik looked at Nandini who was panting hard while giving toughest competition to tomatoes. Manik went near her ears

…..his hot breath was making her shiver. Nandini closed her eyes due to their proximity.

M:(Huskily) You blush everytime I kiss you as it it is our 1st kiss….but tbh I kinda am loving it….I love it when your breaths get hitched everytime I'm near you.

( rubbing his jaw in her neck)

N: Manik...

M: Yes Manik's Angle? Tell me….do you feel what I'm feeling?

Before Nandini could answer him their trance was broken by Nandini's phone…..her parents vedio called her….she excused herself to talk to her parents….Manik jumped in between their conversation n introduced himself to her parents…..

needless to say her parents were charmed by him. After sometimes Manan resumed their works….soon it was lunch time.


SANYA were at their usual place having their lunch (the park remember?)

S: Ummm….Old Man?

Ar: What is it little girl?

S: Old Man don't you think you're keeping too busy these days?

Ar: Right...this is why we meet thrice every day right after jogging n breakfast meet this is our 2nd meeting of the day no?

S: So you're saying you don't like meeting me n you're doing favor on me?

Ar: Little Girl don't twist my words ok? You know I love meeting my friend then why are you saying all these?

S: Coz I'm finding you lost in thoughts most of the times…. what is bothering you….come on out with it.

Ar: I'll tell you but tell me something?

S: Yeah?

Ar: Your bhai got engaged to that Miss Crow (they call Alya that 🤣) after that incident or before that?

S: What are you talking about?

Ar: Little Girl you very well know what incident I'm talking about then why are you even asking? Look we talked about it right? Then why again this sadness?

S: It hurts...it bloody hurts to lose people it…

Ar:(cutting her off) I know you're wounded but it's time to heal….how'll you heal if you keep holding onto the bruises …..let go of it n heal.

S: Hmmm….

Ar: What hmmm?

S: Let's heal….ohk the answer to your previous question….. ummm...yeah I remember just a week after that Bhai came home with Alya saying she's the 1 for him n he wanted to throw a party the next day announcing their engagement… N before Chacha Chachi could say something Bhai took them to another room to talk about something leaving me n Miss crow in the living room n when they were back Chacha Chachi were happily accepting Miss Crow praising her what not. I found it abnormal coz we Malhotra's never really liked the Saxena's specialty Miss Crow….so how come all of a sudden all these was happening came a bit shocking for me….but I didn't pay that much attention as I was drown in my miseries.

Ar: Ummm….suspicious isnt it?

S: Yeah coz at times I think that Bhai is faking it….so are Chacha Chachi….

wait….What are you talking about?

Ar: I don't know Little Girl since I've heard your story I feel like there's something more to it...specially your encounter with that Harshad guy n that accident

S: Oh I see it now….that is what keeps you thinking right Old Man? You're going after Harshad aren't you?

(To which Aryaman kept quiet) Old Man please not you too….why are you wasting so much time in my misery?

Ar: Seriously? Little Girl? I thought we were friends.

S: Yes we are...in fact right now you're the only closest friend I have.

Ar: Then isn't it a friends right to watch a friends back without even asking?

S: Ohk...I wont say anything in this regard….but tell me did you find something?

Ar: I'm on it….I'll find out things soonish….then I'll tell you ok?

S: Ohk…(sternly)but that doesnt mean this James Bond thing of yours will interrupt our time ok?

Ar: Ohk as you say Mam

With that they continued their lunch with usual banters.

Till then stay_Blessed 💙💙💙

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