《His Doll ❤❤❤》Chapter 22


Holla Amigos!!! Your writer is back with a brand new chapter of HD. Please do vote n comment to let me know what you think....


Continuation of last part......

M: (narrowing his eyes on her)Did you just call me oldie?

N: (shrugging) Why that is the truth only….you’re oldie…. you know you’re 14 years older than me.

M: Yeah I get it now...I’m old n you’re young….that is why you don't know me….you know the guys of your age only….I should’ve known that….but sadly that doesn't change anything between us ….you go back to your work.

Nandini was about to say something...

M: (cutting her off) save it n now please get back to work for which we come here.

With that they got back to their respective works. The whole time Manik was ignoring Nandini….while she was feeling guilty of hurting Manik...soon it was lunch time….

N: Mani I’m hungry

M: (looking at the clock)Its lunch break….go n have your lunch with younger people.

N: Mani…

M: (cutting her off) Miss Murthy go have your lunch…..I’ve got piles of work here so don't waste my time n go.

Shrugging Nandini left. Manik broke down in tears after Nandini left. He was crying his heart out when his cabin door burst open he hurriedly composed himself. Nandini entered the room. Manik avoided her. Nandini went near him with food n offered him. Which Manik ignored.

N: White sauce pata...your fav…...

before you refuse to eat n say something harsh let me tell you….I didn't have my lunch also so eat otherwise I won't eat.

M: What childishness is it?

Nandini kept the food on table n suddenly sat on his lap…. which startled Manik...he was about to say something Nandini stuffed his mouth with food she kept feeding him….

then Manik took the spoon from Nandini n fed her….they ate by feeding each other. After they finish eating…

N: Mani I’m sorry….I never intend to hurt you….I don't like hurting people….I was just teasing you….sorry you felt bad.

M: (kissing her both cheeks)Its ok Angle...I know you’ve got a very kind n loving heart….that is why you’re called an angle….now now we should get back to work shall we?

With that Manik released Nandini n she got back to her seat the resumed work. Soon office time was over.

M: Angle get ready to leave I’m dropping you no arguments.

Nandini followed Manik. Suddenly the driver stopped the car in the midway….to which Nandini looked at Manik being confused….

M: Follow me.

Nandini followed Manik to an Ice Cream parlor….n ordered 2 white ferrero rocher ice creams (😋😋😍😍)

He handed her 1 which brought automatic smile on her face.

M: (smirking) You can thank me later...now let's drop you to Murthy Mansion.


They reached Murthy Mansion…..The driver left the car giving them privacy. Nandini was about to open the door when Manik stopped her to which she gave him confused looks. Manik came closer to her n pulled her on his lap.

M: (kissing her check)Well 2 things….1st is tell RJ Gudiya….that I’m liking it the way she’s broadcasting ours...I meant my love story on air….

To which Nandini’s eyes were about to come out of their sockets….

N: (stammering)How’d I tell her that I toh don't know her only.

M:(Kissing her other check) Well Angle you n I both know the truth...so just tell her that ok?

N: N the 2nd thing?

M: My reward.

With that he took her lips for a passionate kiss. He joined their foreheads after breaking the kiss. He kissed her forehead….then pecked her lips a few times.

M: Run before I change my mind….

Blushing Nandini ran towards the gates then she looked back….

N: Goodnight Mani….

With that She disappeared inside.

M: Without you in my arms there's going to be no goodnight ever still Goodnight Angle.

With that he left for Malhotra Mansion.

Inside Murthy Mansion:

Nandini was running fast thats when she banged into some1.

Ar: Chill Baby Pie….no1s going to eat you up I’m there to save you.

N: Shut up Arya...now let's get inside.

They got inside n Aryaman waited for Nandini to freshen up.

Ar: So what’s up Baby Pie?

N: The ceiling?

Ar: Woah...you’re funny I didn't know?

N: I’m happy to let you know then.

Ar: Oye...shut up n tell me why were you running like a maniac?

N: Well since morning all I wanted to do was put you on gun point n ask what’s going on with you? But got stuck with office work. Now come on tell me fast fast…

Ar: Woah...hold onto your horses baby pie...let this handsome man breathe….

N: Arta stop with your drama ok? Tell me did you get a new gf or what…hawww...is it soo easy for you to forget me?

Ar: Shut up ok? It's not like that...she is not my gf ok…

N: So there’s a she?woah

Aryaman was about say something thats when Nandini's phone flashed with text.


OLDIE MONSTER: I know you're shy to ask that's why I'm informing you myself that I reached safely.

mi muñeca: (meaning I'll let you all know later 😎😉)Who said I'm shying...n I didn't ask you anything

OLDIE MONSTER: Ohk I'm officially hurt….so you were saying you're the bold 1 huh 😎😉

mi muñeca: Shut up okay 😤 I didn't say such dirty things 😡

OLDIE MONSTER: What dirty things? I said you're confident n bold what is it to do with dirty 🤔 unless you were thinking something dirty 😎


mi muñeca: Shut up

OLDIE MONSTER: Oh...now that you're caught you ask me to shut up only huh...mean….btw what were you thinking? Should come over to fulfill your dirty fantasies 🙈🙈🙈

mi muñeca: I was thinking to strangling you….would you like to come n get strangled by me?

OLDIE MONSTER: Nah….I'm good...

don't worry we'll do dirty things tomorrow for now you'll have to manage with your imagination as I'm having family time here.

mi muñeca: Good for you enjoy with them why are you eating my brain 😡

OLDIE MONSTER: I know you're missing but Babe....dont get jealous of our family...I'm all yours 😉

mi muñeca: you 😡 don't Babe me otherwise it won't be good for you only 😡😡

OLDIE MONSTER: ooohhhh...I'm scared anyways….I'll text you afterwards don't miss me much 😉😘😘


Shaking her head in disbelief then smiling Nandini was brought back to trance by throat clearing

Ar: So?

N: So?

Ar: Who was it?

N: Just a colleague before you ask it's girls talk I cant tell you. Now out with your love story.

Ar: Love story?

N: It's a story about a she n I'm damned excited so continue without further tantrums please….

Ar: Yeah...she...little girl...I met her 1 rainy day…

Then he started narrating their story. (Aryaman took permission from Sanjana to share their story)

N: So….you’re after her mystery...

huh...btw...whats her name?

Ar: Sanjana….Sanjana Malhotra…

N: (she was taken aback knowing the name) ohk….Sanjana Malhotra as in The Malhotra family’s daughter?

Ar: Yes...she’s the 1...she did come to your house warming party remember?

N: So...now that explains your disappearance on that day….so you’re falling for her no?

Ar: Nope...what nonsense she is much younger than me.

N: See you're considering this thing otherwise you wouldn't count the age difference….but let me tell you...age doesn't matter in case of love. (Ofcourse Nandu 😎😎)

Ar: It's not love ok? But yeah I do feel connected to her...it's like I can feel her pain….whatever it is….I want to help her.

N: So detective Khurana did you find anything?

Ar: Yeah actually I found that Jerkshad I mean that Harshad guy….is Soha Dii’s bf….n looks like this guy has a hold on something by which he is blackmailing Sanjana’s brother….but I’m not sure what n how do I get an access to it.

N: Blackmailing Sanjana’s brother for what?

Ar: Reh...that pathetic excuse of a human wants his slutty sister to get married to Sanjana’s brother….they’ll get married next year as there’s some legal restriction on that

N:What legal restriction?

Ar: If that slut gets pregnant or gets married before a certain age she’d lose all the inheritance from her Grandmother….btw why are you interested in that slut.

N: (muttering to herself) Why won't I be? That slut is all set to rape Mani.

Ar: Huh?

N: Nothing Arya….come lets have dinner….btw tell me if I can help you in any manner with your little girls case.

Ar: Stop teasing Baby Pie...there’s nothing to tease about.. wait are you jealous? Do I see any hope?

Nandini smacked his arm.

N: Lets go Arya I’m hungry.

Ar: Of course there never will be any hope for no?

N: Arya…

Ar: Reh chill….I don't understand why you always talk so much…..lets go Baby Pie I'm hungry.

Ar: So am I so let's go then...

They had dinner together….Nandini asked Aryaman to stay to which he denied saying he is after Harshad so he cant stay. They hugged each other bye.

Ar: (turning back) Baby Pie?

N: Yeah?

Ar: Are you sure there’s nothing you need to tell me?

N: (stammering) Why would you ask that?

Ar: I don't know why I feel like you’re hiding something from me...is it?

N: Look Arya we don't hide things from each other….like you didn't hide anything from me...it's just that you were busy...like that I don't want to hide things from you... if I’m hiding things then I’d tell you as soon as the right time comes….ok?

Ar: Its ok Baby Pie I understand….take your time...but tell me 1 thing...are you in any kind of danger?

N: Arya don't worry about me….look I’m safe all in 1 piece, so chill dude.

Ar: Stay safe Baby Pie I don't want to lose you.

N: You won't lose me Arya.

With that they bid each other goodnight. After Aryaman left Nandini was in deep thoughts….her chain of thoughts got broken by text.


OLDIE MONSTER: Had dinner?

mi muñeca: Why do you ask?

OLDIE MONSTER: Can't you answer simply without making any chaos?

mi muñeca: If I make so much chaos then you shouldn't talk to me n yeah I've had my dinner.

OLDIE MONSTER: me too….so? What are you doing?

mi muñeca: Trying to sleep if my phone stops buzzing with text from you.

OLDIE MONSTER: Wow...how polite 🙄

mi muñeca: Yeah I know I'm very polite 😎 now stop bugging me n sleep.

OLDIE MONSTER: Yeah...ok….sweet dreamz or should I say wet dreamz 😉 about me.

mi muñeca: Shut up 🤬

OLDIE MONSTER: Sleep now n meet me in our dreamz 😘😘


That text made Nandini smile unknowingly even though she didn't want to smile. Suddenly she remembered about Aryaman's talks then she decided something n slept not before reading MANAN text n smiling….same with Manik he also read their texts over n over then slept with a smile on his face.

Till then stay_Blessed 💙💙💙

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