《》So We're All Clear


I update when I can.

I have a job.

I have school, which includes AP and Honor classes so my work load is heavy.

I have depression and anxiety, for which I see a therapist for.

I only have one parent at home that supports three other children and my mom isn't very nice somedays.

Just breathing takes energy out of me that I don't have.

I tried to do an update schedule in the beginning which was supposed to be Sundays but I couldn't stick to it so "Weekends" became my updating schedule. And it works for me.

Sometimes I update early.

Like I've said if the shit I do for this book doesn't work for you, just stop reading.

When people do horrible shit and get away with it, how often do they feel remorse or guilt? Even when they ruin someone's lives, it takes good and considerate people to feel guilt about wrongdoings.

Are Yasmin and Logan "good and considerate" people? So yes, , they'll continue to live in their little

happy-cheating-bubble because

Does that clear up the comments about my "justification of their cheating?" I'm not justifying shit.

I'm writing based off of how the real world works.

My father left me when I was 9 years old, he told me to my face that he didn't want to be my father anymore and that we'd never see him again. 8 years later, no call, no letter, nothing, do you think he feels remorse for fucking up my life? Or my moms? Or my little brother?



No one could stop him from leaving so he left. He did what he wanted because he wanted to.

Good people are selfless and considerate.

Selfish people don't give a shit about people's feelings— Therefore Yasmin and Logan got away with cheating

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